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53 lines
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extends layout
block headContent
title Home
block content
h1(class="h2") #{coinConfig.siteTitle}
if (env.demoSite)
div(class="alert alert-primary", role="alert")
strong #{coinConfig.siteTitle}
span is
a(href="") open-source
span . If you run your own
a(href=coinConfig.nodeUrl) #{} Full Node
span ,
strong #{coinConfig.siteTitle}
span can easily run alongside it, communicating via RPC calls.
span See the
a(href="") project description
span for a list of features and instructions for running.
div(style="height: 34px;")
a(class="github-button", href="", data-icon="octicon-star", data-size="large", data-show-count="true", aria-label="Star janoside/btc-rpc-explorer on GitHub", style="padding-right: 10px;") Star
a(class="github-button", href="", data-icon="octicon-repo-forked", data-size="large", data-show-count="true", aria-label="Fork janoside/btc-rpc-explorer on GitHub") Fork
if (latestBlocks)
div(class="row mt-4")
h2(class="h3") Latest Blocks
if (getblockchaininfo.initialblockdownload)
small (#{(getblockchaininfo.headers - getblockchaininfo.blocks).toLocaleString()} behind)
span(style="float: right;")
a(href="/blocks", class="btn btn-primary") Browse Blocks »
- var blocks = latestBlocks;
- var blockOffset = 0;
include includes/blocks-list.pug
block endOfBody
script(async, defer, src="")