All `docker-compose` files in [Production](Production) and [Production-NoReverseProxy](Production-NoReverseProxy) are generated by running the []( (or [build-pregen.ps1](build-pregen.ps1)) script from the fragments located in [docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments).
The pre-generated `docker-compose` files only cover `btc`, `ltc`, `clightning` with `nginx`.
We strongly advise you to not use the pre-generated docker-compose of this folder, they are deprecated and kept only for backward compatibility.
Instead use the [](../ as documented in (README)(../ to generate a docker-compose which fit your needs.
[The Deploy on Azure Button]( is using this `docker-compose` under the hood on an Ubuntu machine. You can use it on any docker supporting host.
*`NBITCOIN_NETWORK`: The blockchain identifier used by NBitcoin (eg., `regtest`, `testnet`, `mainnet`)
*`BTCPAY_HOST`: The external url used to access the NGINX server from internet. This domain name must point to this machine for Let's Encrypt to create your certificate. (typically with a CNAME or A record)
*`BTCPAY_ROOTPATH`: The root path directory where BTCPay is accessed, more information below. (default: /)
*`LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL`: The email Let's Encrypt will use to notify you about certificate expiration.
*`ACME_CA_URI`: Let's encrypt API endpoint (`` for a staging certificate, `` for a production one)
*`BTCPAY_SSHKEYFILE`: Optional, SSH private key that BTCPay can use to connect to this VM's SSH server (You need to copy the key file on BTCPay's datadir volume)
*`BTCPAY_SSHTRUSTEDFINGERPRINTS`: Optional, BTCPay will ensure that it is connecting to the expected SSH server by checking the host public's key against those fingerprints