[](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxs95BdEMHY "BTCPay - One Click Setup")
This installation is convenient but will cost you around 60 USD per month.
After all your nodes are synched and you confirm things work fine, you can fine tune save additional money by following [this guide](https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver-doc/blob/master/PennyPinching.md), and drop to 30 or 40 USD per month.
*`changedomain.sh` change the domain of your BTCPayServer
*`btcpay-update.sh` update BTCPay to the latest version
*`btcpay-setup.sh` change the settings of your server (run `. ./btcpay-setup.sh` to get more information about additional parameters, run `. ./btcpay-setup.sh -i` to setup again your btcpay server)
# Under the hood
## Prebuilt docker-compose
For your custom need, you will find some working example of `docker-compose` file which will setup everything for you.
The [Production](Production) `docker-compose` files are used for production environment. It adds NGinx as a reverse proxy and [Let's Encrypt and DockerGen](https://github.com/gilyes/docker-nginx-letsencrypt-sample) to automatically configure HTTPS.
The production `docker-compose` is used under the hood to deploy an instance of BTCPay on Microsoft Azure in one click:
The [Production-NoReverseProxy](Production-NoReverseProxy) `docker-compose` files are used for environment which are already behind a reverse proxy. It exposes BTCPayServer directly on port 80.
All `docker-compose` files in [Production](Production) and [Production-NoReverseProxy](Production-NoReverseProxy) are generated by running the [build-pregen.sh](build-pregen.sh) (or [build-pregen.ps1](build-pregen.ps1)) scripts from the fragments located in [docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments).
The pre-generated `docker-compose` files cover `btc`, `ltc`, `clightning` for configuration with or without `nginx `reverse proxy.
If you want any other configuration, you need to run [build.sh](build.sh) (or [build.ps1](build.ps1)) with environment variables correctly set.
To configure your custom docker-compose, the following environment variables are supported:
*`BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1` to `BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO9`: Specify support for a crypto currency. (Valid value: `btc`, `ltc`)
*`BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY`: Specify the reverse proxy to use (Valid value: `nginx`, `none`)
*`BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING`: Specify the lightning network implementation (Valid value: `clightning`, `none`)
*`BTCPAYGEN_SUBNAME`: The sub name of the generated docker-compose file, where the full name will be `Generated/docker-compose.SUBNAME.yml` (Default: `generated`)
Then, running [build.sh](build.sh) (or [build.ps1](build.ps1)) will then generate a `docker-compose.generated.yml` in the [Generated](Generated) folder of this repository.
1. Support for your crypto on [NBitcoin](https://github.com/MetacoSA/NBitcoin/tree/master/NBitcoin.Altcoins)/[NBxplorer](https://github.com/dgarage/NBXplorer)/[BTCPay Server](https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver). (Take example on other coins)
2. Create your own docker image ([Example for BTC](https://hub.docker.com/r/nicolasdorier/docker-bitcoin/))
3. Create a docker-compose fragment ([Example for BTC](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments/bitcoin.yml))
## Windows user error: Cannot create container for service docker: Mount denied
If you see this error:
`Cannot create container for service docker: b'Mount denied:\nThe source path "\\\\var\\\\run\\\\docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"\nis not a valid Windows path'`.
Run this command and run again `docker-compose -f <your.yml> up`.
This bug comes from Docker for Windows and is [tracked on github](https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/1829).