6 years ago
36 changed files with 1345 additions and 15 deletions
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
docker exec -ti btcpayserver_bitcored bitcore-cli -datadir="/data" $args |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
docker exec -ti btcpayserver_bitcored bitcore-cli -datadir="/data" "$@" |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Text; |
namespace DockerFileBuildHelper |
{ |
public class DockerFile |
{ |
public string DockerFileName { get; private set; } |
public string DockerDirectoryPath { get; private set; } |
public string DockerFullPath |
{ |
get |
{ |
if (DockerDirectoryPath == ".") |
return $"{DockerFileName}"; |
else |
return $"{DockerDirectoryPath}/{DockerFileName}"; |
} |
} |
public static DockerFile Parse(string str) |
{ |
var file = new DockerFile(); |
var lastPart = str.LastIndexOf('/'); |
file.DockerFileName = str.Substring(lastPart + 1); |
if (lastPart == -1) |
{ |
file.DockerDirectoryPath = "."; |
} |
else |
{ |
file.DockerDirectoryPath = str.Substring(0, lastPart); |
} |
return file; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> |
<PropertyGroup> |
<OutputType>Exe</OutputType> |
<TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.1</TargetFramework> |
</PropertyGroup> |
<ItemGroup> |
<PackageReference Include="YamlDotNet" Version="5.2.1" /> |
</ItemGroup> |
</Project> |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Text; |
namespace DockerFileBuildHelper |
{ |
public class DockerInfo |
{ |
public string DockerFilePath { get; set; } |
public string DockerFilePathARM32v7 { get; set; } |
public string DockerFilePathARM64v8 { get; set; } |
public string DockerHubLink { get; set; } |
public string GitLink { get; set; } |
public string GitRef { get; set; } |
public Image Image { get; internal set; } |
public string GetGithubLinkOf(string path) |
{ |
return $"{GitLink.Substring("".Length)}/{GitRef}/{path}";
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Text; |
using YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel; |
namespace DockerFileBuildHelper |
{ |
public static class Extensions |
{ |
public static YamlNode TryGet(this YamlNode node, string key) |
{ |
try |
{ |
return node[key]; |
} |
catch (KeyNotFoundException) { return null; } |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Text; |
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; |
namespace DockerFileBuildHelper |
{ |
public class Image |
{ |
public string User { get; private set; } |
public string Name { get; private set; } |
public string Tag { get; private set; } |
public string DockerHubLink |
{ |
get |
{ |
return User == string.Empty ? |
$"{Name}" : |
$"{User}/{Name}"; |
} |
} |
public static Image Parse(string str) |
{ |
//${BTCPAY_IMAGE: -btcpayserver / btcpayserver:}
var variableMatch = Regex.Match(str, @"\$\{[^-]+-([^\}]+)\}"); |
if(variableMatch.Success) |
{ |
str = variableMatch.Groups[1].Value; |
} |
Image img = new Image(); |
var match = Regex.Match(str, "([^/]*/)?([^:]+):?(.*)"); |
if (!match.Success) |
throw new FormatException(); |
img.User = match.Groups[1].Length == 0 ? string.Empty : match.Groups[1].Value.Substring(0, match.Groups[1].Value.Length - 1); |
img.Name = match.Groups[2].Value; |
img.Tag = match.Groups[3].Value; |
if (img.Tag == string.Empty) |
img.Tag = "latest"; |
return img; |
} |
public override string ToString() |
{ |
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); |
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(User)) |
builder.Append($"{User}/"); |
builder.Append($"{Name}"); |
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Tag)) |
builder.Append($":{Tag}"); |
return builder.ToString(); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ |
using System; |
using YamlDotNet; |
using YamlDotNet.Helpers; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.IO; |
using YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel; |
using YamlDotNet.Serialization; |
using System.Net.Http; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using System.Text; |
namespace DockerFileBuildHelper |
{ |
class Program |
{ |
static int Main(string[] args) |
{ |
string outputFile = null; |
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) |
{ |
if (args[i] == "-o") |
outputFile = args[i + 1]; |
} |
return new Program().Run(outputFile) ? 0 : 1; |
} |
private bool Run(string outputFile) |
{ |
var fragmentDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(FindRoot("contrib"), "..", "docker-compose-generator", "docker-fragments")); |
List<Task<bool>> downloading = new List<Task<bool>>(); |
List<DockerInfo> dockerInfos = new List<DockerInfo>(); |
foreach(var image in new[] |
{ |
Image.Parse("btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator"), |
Image.Parse("btcpayserver/docker-compose-builder:1.23.2"), |
}.Concat(GetImages(fragmentDirectory))) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine($"Image: {image.ToString()}"); |
var info = GetDockerInfo(image); |
if (info == null) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine($"Missing image info: {image}"); |
return false; |
} |
dockerInfos.Add(info); |
downloading.Add(CheckLink(info, info.DockerFilePath)); |
downloading.Add(CheckLink(info, info.DockerFilePathARM32v7)); |
downloading.Add(CheckLink(info, info.DockerFilePathARM64v8)); |
} |
Task.WaitAll(downloading.ToArray()); |
var canDownloadEverything = downloading.All(o => o.Result); |
if (!canDownloadEverything) |
return false; |
var builder = new StringBuilderEx(); |
builder.AppendLine("#!/bin/bash"); |
builder.AppendLine(); |
builder.AppendLine("# This file is automatically generated by the DockerFileBuildHelper tool, run DockerFileBuildHelper/ to update it"); |
builder.AppendLine("set -e"); |
builder.AppendLine("DOCKERFILE=\"\""); |
builder.AppendLine(); |
builder.AppendLine(); |
foreach (var info in dockerInfos) |
{ |
builder.AppendLine($"# Build {info.Image.Name}"); |
bool mightBeUnavailable = false; |
if (info.DockerFilePath != null) |
{ |
var dockerFile = DockerFile.Parse(info.DockerFilePath); |
builder.AppendLine($"# {info.GetGithubLinkOf(dockerFile.DockerFullPath)}"); |
builder.AppendLine($"DOCKERFILE=\"{dockerFile.DockerFullPath}\""); |
} |
else |
{ |
builder.AppendLine($"DOCKERFILE=\"\""); |
mightBeUnavailable = true; |
} |
if (info.DockerFilePathARM32v7 != null) |
{ |
var dockerFile = DockerFile.Parse(info.DockerFilePathARM32v7); |
builder.AppendLine($"# {info.GetGithubLinkOf(dockerFile.DockerFullPath)}"); |
builder.AppendLine($"[[ \"$(uname -m)\" == \"armv7l\" ]] && DOCKERFILE=\"{dockerFile.DockerFullPath}\""); |
} |
if (info.DockerFilePathARM64v8 != null) |
{ |
var dockerFile = DockerFile.Parse(info.DockerFilePathARM64v8); |
builder.AppendLine($"# {info.GetGithubLinkOf(dockerFile.DockerFullPath)}"); |
builder.AppendLine($"[[ \"$(uname -m)\" == \"aarch64\" ]] && DOCKERFILE=\"{dockerFile.DockerFullPath}\""); |
} |
if(mightBeUnavailable) |
{ |
builder.AppendLine($"if [[ \"$DOCKERFILE\" ]]; then"); |
builder.Indent++; |
} |
builder.AppendLine($"echo \"Building {info.Image.ToString()}\""); |
builder.AppendLine($"git clone {info.GitLink} {info.Image.Name}"); |
builder.AppendLine($"cd {info.Image.Name}"); |
builder.AppendLine($"git checkout {info.GitRef}"); |
builder.AppendLine($"cd \"$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)\""); |
builder.AppendLine($"docker build -f \"$DOCKERFILE\" -t \"{info.Image}\" ."); |
builder.AppendLine($"cd - && cd .."); |
if (mightBeUnavailable) |
{ |
builder.Indent--; |
builder.AppendLine($"fi"); |
} |
builder.AppendLine(); |
builder.AppendLine(); |
} |
var script = builder.ToString().Replace("\r\n", "\n"); |
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFile)) |
outputFile = ""; |
File.WriteAllText(outputFile, script); |
Console.WriteLine($"Generated file \"{Path.GetFullPath(outputFile)}\""); |
return true; |
} |
HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); |
private async Task<bool> CheckLink(DockerInfo info, string path) |
{ |
if (path == null) |
return true; |
var link = info.GetGithubLinkOf(path); |
var resp = await client.GetAsync(link); |
if(!resp.IsSuccessStatusCode) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine($"\tBroken link detected for image {info.Image} ({link})"); |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
private IEnumerable<Image> GetImages(string fragmentDirectory) |
{ |
var deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().Build(); |
var serializer = new SerializerBuilder().Build(); |
foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(fragmentDirectory, "*.yml")) |
{ |
var root = ParseDocument(file); |
if (root.TryGet("services") == null) |
continue; |
foreach (var service in ((YamlMappingNode)root["services"]).Children) |
{ |
var imageStr = service.Value.TryGet("image"); |
if (imageStr == null) |
continue; |
var image = Image.Parse(imageStr.ToString()); |
yield return image; |
} |
} |
} |
private DockerInfo GetDockerInfo(Image image) |
{ |
DockerInfo dockerInfo = new DockerInfo(); |
switch (image.Name) |
{ |
case "btglnd": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = "BTCPayServer.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = "master"; |
break; |
case "docker-compose-builder": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM32v7 = "linuxarm32v7.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"v{image.Tag}"; |
break; |
case "docker-compose-generator": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = "docker-compose-generator/linuxamd64.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM32v7 = "docker-compose-generator/linuxarm32v7.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"dcg-latest"; |
break; |
case "docker-bitcoingold": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"bitcoingold/{image.Tag}/Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = "master"; |
break; |
case "clightning": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"basedon-{image.Tag}"; |
break; |
case "lnd": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = "BTCPayServer.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"basedon-v{image.Tag}"; |
break; |
case "bitcoin": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"Bitcoin/{image.Tag}/linuxamd64.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM32v7 = $"Bitcoin/{image.Tag}/linuxarm32v7.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM64v8 = $"Bitcoin/{image.Tag}/linuxarm64v8.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"Bitcoin/{image.Tag}"; |
break; |
case "dash": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"Dash/{image.Tag}/linuxamd64.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM32v7 = $"Dash/{image.Tag}/linuxarm32v7.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM64v8 = $"Dash/{image.Tag}/linuxarm64v8.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"Dash/{image.Tag}"; |
break; |
case "btcpayserver": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = "Dockerfile.linuxamd64"; |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM32v7 = "Dockerfile.linuxarm32v7"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"v{image.Tag}"; |
break; |
case "nbxplorer": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = "Dockerfile.linuxamd64"; |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM32v7 = "Dockerfile.linuxarm32v7"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"v{image.Tag}"; |
break; |
case "dogecoin": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"dogecoin/{image.Tag}/Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = "feature/dogecoin"; |
break; |
case "docker-feathercoin": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"feathercoin/{image.Tag}/Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = "master"; |
break; |
case "docker-groestlcoin": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"groestlcoin/{image.Tag}/Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = "master"; |
break; |
case "docker-viacoin": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"viacoin/{image.Tag}/docker-viacoin"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = "master"; |
break; |
case "docker-litecoin": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"litecoin/{image.Tag}/Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = "master"; |
break; |
case "docker-monacoin": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"monacoin/{image.Tag}/Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = "master"; |
break; |
case "nginx": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"stable/stretch/Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"master"; |
break; |
case "docker-gen": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"linuxamd64.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM32v7 = $"linuxarm32v7.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"v{image.Tag}"; |
break; |
case "letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"linuxamd64.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM32v7 = $"linuxarm32v7.Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"v{image.Tag}"; |
break; |
case "postgres": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"9.6/Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM32v7 = $"9.6/Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"b7cb3c6eacea93be2259381033be3cc435649369"; |
break; |
case "traefik": |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePath = $"scratch/amd64/Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.DockerFilePathARM32v7 = $"scratch/arm/Dockerfile"; |
dockerInfo.GitLink = ""; |
dockerInfo.GitRef = $"master"; |
break; |
default: |
return null; |
} |
dockerInfo.DockerHubLink = image.DockerHubLink; |
dockerInfo.Image = image; |
return dockerInfo; |
} |
private YamlMappingNode ParseDocument(string fragment) |
{ |
var input = new StringReader(File.ReadAllText(fragment)); |
YamlStream stream = new YamlStream(); |
stream.Load(input); |
return (YamlMappingNode)stream.Documents[0].RootNode; |
} |
private static void DeleteDirectory(string outputDirectory) |
{ |
try |
{ |
Directory.Delete(outputDirectory, true); |
} |
catch |
{ |
} |
} |
private static string FindRoot(string rootDirectory) |
{ |
string directory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); |
int i = 0; |
while (true) |
{ |
if (i > 10) |
throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(rootDirectory); |
if (directory.EndsWith(rootDirectory)) |
return directory; |
directory = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(directory, "..")); |
i++; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
# DockerFile build helper |
By default, when you use docker deployment, you are fetching pre-built docker images hosted on dockerhub. |
While this bring the advantage that deployment is fast and reliable, this also mean that you are ultimately trusting the owner of the docker images. |
This repository generate a script that you can use to build all images from the sources by yourself. |
## How to use? |
Install [.NET Core SDK]( and run: |
```bash |
./ |
``` |
This will build a `` file. |
Note that the |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
namespace DockerFileBuildHelper |
{ |
public class StringBuilderEx |
{ |
StringBuilder _Builder = new StringBuilder(); |
public StringBuilderEx() |
{ |
} |
public int Indent { get; set; } |
public void Append(string str) |
{ |
_Builder.Append(GetIndents()); |
_Builder.Append(str); |
} |
private string GetIndents() |
{ |
return new String(Enumerable.Range(0, Indent).Select(_ => '\t').ToArray()); |
} |
public void AppendLine(string str) |
{ |
_Builder.Append(GetIndents()); |
_Builder.AppendLine(str); |
} |
public override string ToString() |
{ |
return _Builder.ToString(); |
} |
internal void AppendLine() |
{ |
_Builder.AppendLine(); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
dotnet run --no-launch-profile -c Release -- $@ |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
dotnet run --no-launch-profile -c Release -- -o "../" |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
dotnet run --no-launch-profile -c Release -- -o "../" |
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ |
# Fast sync for Bitcoin |
## What problem does Fast Sync solve? |
When you start a new BTCPay Server, you need to synchronize your Bitcoin node from the genesis block. |
Validating from the genesis blocks takes in general 1 or 2 days on affordable servers. (around 10$ per months) |
However, on some low powered devices like raspberry PI, synchronization time will take around 2 weeks nowadays. (and it will linearly increase with time) |
Fast sync provides a solution to decrease dramatically the synchronization time to minutes or few hours. |
## How does Fast Sync solve it? |
In order for Bitcoin software to operate, you do not need all the history of blocks from the genesis. |
What you need is the state of Bitcoin up to a certain block (this state is called `UTXO Set`), and around 300 blocks before this point. |
Fast Sync downloads the UTXO Set at a specific block on an external server, and deploy it on your node. We call this file a `UTXO Set snapshot`. |
When your node start up again, it will only need to synchronize from the snapshot, to the latest blocks. |
## What are the downsides of Fast Sync? |
### Malicious UTXO Set |
Fast Sync can be potentially abused: |
1. The attacker gives you an `UTXO Set snapshot` which does not follow Bitcoin consensus |
2. The attacker makes a purchase to your store. |
3. Nodes following the consensus would not recognize the payment as valid, but your node will. |
4. The coins the attacker sent you are just worthless |
Other attacks can completely bring down your node. |
### Lightning Network routing issues |
As a merchant, you generally do not care about this issue. Merchants are mainly receiving payment, so they don't need to do any routing. |
However, if you plan to send payments from your lightning node, you may have issues: |
Because you do not have old blocks, then your lightning node won't see any channels which have been created prior to the snapshot. |
If this is a problem for you, just use an older snapshot. |
## How to verify that the UTXO Set snapshot follows the consensus? |
### If you trust the owner of this repository.... |
The snapshots recognized as valid by the `btcpayserver-docker` repository you cloned can be found on [utxo-sets](utxo-sets). |
The script []( will download the utxo-set from the environment variable `UTXO_DOWNLOAD_LINK`. |
If `UTXO_DOWNLOAD_LINK` is empty, `NBITCOIN_NETWORK` (with value set to `mainnet` or `testnet`) will be used to take a default `UTXO_DOWNLOAD_LINK` that we hard coded inside []( |
Once the files are downloaded, the hash will be checked against those in [utxo-sets](utxo-sets). |
However: This only prove that `if the owner of this git repository is honest`, then the utxo-set are correct. |
NOTE: **Completing those steps does not mean that the UTXO set snapshot is legit**. It only mean that you trust the owner of this git repositoy to have verified that it is legit. |
### If you trust someone else... |
This repository contains the signatures of some developers, for example [sigs/NicolasDorier.utxo-sets.asc](sigs/NicolasDorier.utxo-sets.asc) contains the hashes that `NicolasDorier` verified himself. |
You need to verify with [KeyBase command line]( that the signature is legit: |
```bash |
keybase pgp verify -i sigs/NicolasDorier.utxo-sets.asc |
``` |
If you don't like command line, you can verify against [keybase verify page]( by just copying and pasting the content of [sigs/NicolasDorier.utxo-sets.asc](sigs/NicolasDorier.utxo-sets.asc). |
You can verify that the handle `NicolasDorier` refers to the person who controls `NicolasDorier` twitter, github and reddit handle on [the keybase profile page]( |
NOTE: **Completing those steps does not mean that the UTXO set snapshot is legit**. It only mean that you trust the owner of a Keybase account who has proved access to some social media accounts in the past. |
### Don't trust, verify!<a name="donttrust"></a> |
If you don't trust anybody, which should be the case as much as possible, then here are the steps to verify that the UTXO set is not malicious. |
1. You need another node that you own, `under your control`, that `you synchronized from the genesis block`. Let's call this node `Trusty`. |
2. You need to create a new node which use `Fast Sync` with the UTXO snapshot you want to verify. Let's call this node, `Synchy`. |
3. Wait that `Synchy` is fully synched. |
4. Now on `Synchy` and `Trusty` run at the same time: |
```bash |
bitcoin-cli gettxoutsetinfo |
``` |
If `Synchy` or `Trusty` are using BTCPay Server use: |
```bash |
||| gettxoutsetinfo |
``` |
5. Verify that the output of `Synchy` and `Trusty` are **exactly** identical. |
NOTE: Completing those steps, under the assumption the software you are running is not malicious, **correctly prove that the UTXO set snapshot is legit**. |
## FAQ |
### Can I add my signature to this repository? |
If you are a bitcoin developer or public figure, feel free to add your signature. For this you need: |
1. A [keybase account]( linked to your social media accounts. |
2. Follow the steps described in the [Don't trust, verify!](#donttrust) section each snapshots you want to sign. |
3. Create a file with same format as [utxo-sets](utxo-sets) with the snapshots you validated. (Let's call this file `YOU.utxo-sets`) |
4. Run the following command line |
```bash |
# Assuming your are inside the FastSync directory |
keybase pgp sign -i YOU.utxo-sets -c -t -o sigs/YOU.utxo-sets.asc |
rm YOU.utxo-sets |
git add sigs/YOU.utxo-sets.asc |
git commit -m "Add YOU utxo-set signature" -all |
``` |
And make a pull request to `btcpayserver-docker` repository. |
### Where can I download UTXO set snapshots |
You should not need to do this, because []( do the hard work for you. |
But if you really want, just browse on [this listing]( |
Select the snapshot you want, and download it by querying `{blobName}`. |
### How can I create my own snapshot? |
Assuming you have a node running on a docker deployment of BTCPay Server, you just need to run []( |
This script shows the steps to create an archive of the current UTXO Set |
It will: |
1. Shutdown BTCPay Server |
2. Start bitcoind |
3. Prune it to up to 289 blocks from the tip |
4. Stop bitcoind |
5. Archive in a tarball the blocks and chainstate directories |
6. Restart BTCPay |
7. If `AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING` is set, then upload to azure storage and make the blob public, else print hash and tarball |
### How can I do this for my altcoin? |
Your altcoin does not need it, almost nobody use it compared to bitcoin. |
However, if you insist, follow what we did for Bitcoin, we can't hand hold you on this. |
### Do you plan to destroy Bitcoin? |
This feature may be controversial, because of the risk that almost nobody will follow the [Don't trust, verify!](#donttrust) step. |
What if somebody start spreading a corrupted snapshot on wild scale? |
I think this issue can be mitigated at the social layer. If several person start using social media for spreading their `bitcoin-cli getutxosetinfo` every 10 000 blocks, any corrupt snapshot would be soon detected. We plan to make expose the hash via `BTCPayServer` and make it easy for people to share. |
### Why you don't just: Make BTCPayServer rely on SPV |
All SPV solution brings a systemic risk to Bitcoin. If everybody relies on SPV to accept payment and miners want to change consensus rules, then you will have no leverage as individual, nor as a community to decide against. |
Even with `UTXO Set snapshots` you continue to validate consensus rules from the block of the snapshot. |
### Why you don't just: Make BTCPayServer rely on an external trusted node |
Why not just hosting BTCPayServer on the raspberry pi, but the bitcoin full node on another machine? |
For two reasons: |
First, `BTCPayServer` is trying to bring down the technical barriers to operate payments on your own. Running on an external node means that the user need the technical skills to set it up. |
`BTCPayServer` also relies on Bitcoin's RPC which is not meant to be exposed on internet. We can't see any simple enough solution which would allow normal people to run an external node somewhere else. |
The second reason is about reliability: You want your service to be self contained. If you host a node on another server, and for some reason this server goes down, then your `BTCPayServer` hosted on the raspberry PI will also cease to function. |
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# This script shows the steps to download and deploy an archive of the current UTXO Set |
# It will: |
# 1. Download the UTXO Set from UTXO_DOWNLOAD_LINK, if UTXO_DOWNLOAD_LINK is empty, use NBITCOIN_NETWORK to find a default |
# 2. Check the tarball against trusted hashes |
# 3. Create the container's folders for blocks and chainstate, or empty them if they exists |
# 4. Unzip the tarball |
if ! [ "$0" = "$BASH_SOURCE" ]; then |
echo "This script must not be sourced" |
exit 1 |
fi |
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then |
echo "This script must be run as root after running \"sudo su -\"" |
exit 1 |
fi |
if ! [[ "$NBITCOIN_NETWORK" ]]; then |
echo "NBITCOIN_NETWORK should be set to mainnet, testnet or regtest" |
exit 1 |
fi |
if ! [[ "$UTXO_DOWNLOAD_LINK" ]]; then |
[[ $NBITCOIN_NETWORK == "mainnet" ]] && UTXO_DOWNLOAD_LINK="" |
[[ $NBITCOIN_NETWORK == "testnet" ]] && UTXO_DOWNLOAD_LINK="" |
fi |
if ! [[ "$UTXO_DOWNLOAD_LINK" ]]; then |
exit 1 |
fi |
BITCOIN_DATA_DIR="/var/lib/docker/volumes/generated_bitcoin_datadir/_data" |
[ ! -d "$BITCOIN_DATA_DIR" ] && mkdir -p "$BITCOIN_DATA_DIR" |
cp "utxo-sets" "$BITCOIN_DATA_DIR/utxo-sets" |
if [ ! -f "$TAR_FILE" ]; then |
echo "Downloading $UTXO_DOWNLOAD_LINK to $TAR_FILE" |
wget "$UTXO_DOWNLOAD_LINK" -q --show-progress |
else |
echo "$TAR_FILE already exists" |
fi |
grep "$TAR_NAME" "utxo-sets" | tee "utxo-set" |
rm "utxo-sets" |
if ! sha256sum -c "utxo-set"; then |
echo "$TAR_FILE is not trusted" |
rm "utxo-set" |
cd - |
exit 1 |
fi |
rm "utxo-set" |
cd - |
if [[ $NBITCOIN_NETWORK == "mainnet" ]]; then |
fi |
if [[ $NBITCOIN_NETWORK == "testnet" ]]; then |
fi |
[ -d "$NETWORK_DIRECTORY/blocks" ] && rm -rf "$NETWORK_DIRECTORY/blocks" |
[ -d "$NETWORK_DIRECTORY/chainstate" ] && rm -rf "$NETWORK_DIRECTORY/chainstate" |
echo "Extracting..." |
if ! tar -xf "$TAR_FILE" -C "$BITCOIN_DATA_DIR"; then |
echo "Failed extracting, did you turned bitcoin off? (" |
exit 1 |
fi |
rm "$TAR_FILE" |
BTCPAY_DATA_DIR="/var/lib/docker/volumes/generated_btcpay_datadir/_data" |
[ ! -d "$BTCPAY_DATA_DIR" ] && mkdir -p "$BTCPAY_DATA_DIR" |
echo "$TAR_NAME" > "$BTCPAY_DATA_DIR/FastSynced" |
echo "Successfully downloaded and extracted, you can run btcpay again (" |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
# This file is internal and meant to be run by |
BITCOIND="bitcoind -datadir=/data" |
BITCOIN_CLI="bitcoin-cli -datadir=/data" |
CURRENT_HEIGHT="$($BITCOIN_CLI -rpcwait getblockcount)" |
echo "Pruning to $PRUNED_HEIGHT" |
$BITCOIN_CLI pruneblockchain "$PRUNED_HEIGHT" |
echo "Waiting bitcoind to stop..." |
if [[ $NBITCOIN_NETWORK == "mainnet" ]]; then |
fi |
if [[ $NBITCOIN_NETWORK == "testnet" ]]; then |
fi |
cd /data |
TAR_NAME="utxo-snapshot-bitcoin-$NBITCOIN_NETWORK-$PRUNED_HEIGHT.tar" |
echo "Creating $TAR_NAME..." |
tar -cf "$TAR_NAME" "$NETWORK_DIRECTORY/blocks/" |
tar -rf "$TAR_NAME" "$NETWORK_DIRECTORY/chainstate/" |
exit |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# This script shows the steps to create an archive of the current UTXO Set |
# It will: |
# 1. Shutdown BTCPay Server |
# 2. Start bitcoind |
# 3. Prune it to up to 289 blocks from the tip |
# 4. Stop bitcoind |
# 5. Archive in a tarball the blocks and chainstate directories |
# 6. Restart BTCPay |
# 7. If AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING is set, then upload to azure storage and make the blob public, else print hash and tarball |
||| |
for i in /var/lib/docker/volumes/generated_bitcoin_datadir/_data/utxo-snapshot-*; do |
echo "Deleting $i" |
rm $i |
done |
rm /var/lib/docker/volumes/generated_bitcoin_datadir/_data/utxo-snapshot-* |
# Run only bitcoind and connect to it |
SCRIPT="$(cat" |
cd "`dirname $BTCPAY_ENV_FILE`" |
docker-compose -f $BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE run -e "NBITCOIN_NETWORK=$NBITCOIN_NETWORK" bitcoind bash -c "$SCRIPT" |
||| |
echo "Calculating the hash of the tar file..." |
TAR_FILE="$(echo /var/lib/docker/volumes/generated_bitcoin_datadir/_data/utxo-snapshot-*)" |
TAR_FILE_HASH="$(sha256sum "$TAR_FILE" | cut -d " " -f 1)" |
echo "Uploading to azure..." |
# Install az from |
BLOB_NAME="$(basename -- $TAR_FILE)" |
az storage container create --name "$AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER" --public-access "blob" |
az storage blob upload -f "$TAR_FILE" \ |
-n "$BLOB_NAME" \ |
--content-type "application/x-tar" |
az storage blob metadata update --container-name "$AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER" --name "$BLOB_NAME" --metadata "sha256=$TAR_FILE_HASH" |
# Print the sha256sum. Downloaders will need to verify this |
STORAGE_URL="$(az storage blob url --container-name "$AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER" --name "$BLOB_NAME" --protocol "http")" |
echo "You can now download the UTXO on $STORAGE_URL" |
echo "Please, after download, verify the sha256 with:" |
echo "echo "$TAR_FILE_HASH $BLOB_NAME" | sha256sum -c -" |
rm "$TAR_FILE" |
else |
echo "SHA256: $TAR_FILE_HASH" |
echo "File at: $TAR_FILE" |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
Hash: SHA256 |
fab994299273080bf7124c8c45c4ada867974ca747900178496a69e450cf713f utxo-snapshot-bitcoin-mainnet-551636.tar |
eabaaa717bb8eeaf603e383dd8642d9d34df8e767fccbd208b0c936b79c82742 utxo-snapshot-bitcoin-testnet-1445586.tar |
afs7KrDUpc5jM6c6jeaKaysWm/aQmWXYtTYMFeN2+vexVLvbMiYSVMl5ts2zRScl |
tY+HQ2aYlUP754S98gjFrWNner5wpREhu+UILtzB79ph/Baw2iOm0NJIsr3SA8B6 |
VJ/JRRiaG4PW6TNJumiYVRZ7RCx+DnWveq+ombPDrjp7sbABx2s8tyIxFf7IW2wb |
bOHA2FNjRu2+gd6PNVlNYVX+i0tx+q8f7yuCOxxSux5DvfK5p+TE2XqWoc3TbtqZ |
9SXKeoUVDvhWjY7nH8D0LehYobh0LzCIpdsm1wqDpR3DOMlNAY+5OHA0+4BAoY+K |
hPOyWA5TWLrlC6yMuz6ttVFvjOHGd7HwLqlU3NU4aj9oxLIjaHHHOcxvf+v0GrvL |
QTd7YfyFeEpMQjwK/ueYlswxRqMHMFVLg/F0sAcwJ4W3F9yakz8mS341IDSWPoUR |
Kc1KArFH4SqW2oc3ChzFwU/Om7rv5rZelJRRTzW8lJZFPysiLtUoEe1PeiYiikCL |
Am40XX62EF+MG+TKQkYkTGlSPjNEE+ko9cQcAzMWVz1BZCUjcJH+dI/7uNsMOtp3 |
y1ytX+Asv2KiLGAKzQvKBIrJzYuwuStVxUIZguJpb20bo8CkLOUKORjwsiQ4ktna |
gHoN2GLHvDzOq4cixubg |
=65Dw |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
Hash: SHA256 |
fab994299273080bf7124c8c45c4ada867974ca747900178496a69e450cf713f utxo-snapshot-bitcoin-mainnet-551636.tar |
eabaaa717bb8eeaf603e383dd8642d9d34df8e767fccbd208b0c936b79c82742 utxo-snapshot-bitcoin-testnet-1445586.tar |
VxoWCc+WshOu7vAH0qm/oUSjs99+FS0nP6eHSsBy+vO6h6cdI6CC8I062faAy/oH |
8eyH1WIxjLs8cXySImR60M804u7906Jmf9ouUu0jqlNJVHE34utIXfrzhlf3cZoj |
737Y9gRDLYZuiFK7h9H1hInD8h9CpkOachglbBKjErZ/E53q3EVxk6jjbOp1fvfk |
2KekrZThiUHa0aRD1OfyDiCA611TsAplfF/2OpXeBB8yQKm2qgkz+xLXW68noQnC |
0ErxAHycqgvgeYKGZr9JQNCBvrv9ArZY15TJiGkse2P/YmisEOpePzh16kQkJARU |
W5ew3cCOwDnhUtV1oZAoVLu75XlIdRn404EKjHr7JbwlT9RI1EsFb+ESG9wtiTur |
a743yczsNXePfD1yO/nm2n6O/CW4HeKMDbKakL0FT3hLaoo3Yc72YItJw93zVWdL |
QoelL0vkj79Hfx13jQCAY/z3gadZ12XNMlsWembPFUpSxGwGEDra41olsUkjedcm |
0ZAHzRjIXcY18HSxEHjqiOnU2lFaBZffXr8GlUgMmUepEV/MbKkgL9JOo+6JsizF |
tYLN91o5MaDkR4Tf2TCj |
=aSFC |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
fab994299273080bf7124c8c45c4ada867974ca747900178496a69e450cf713f utxo-snapshot-bitcoin-mainnet-551636.tar |
eabaaa717bb8eeaf603e383dd8642d9d34df8e767fccbd208b0c936b79c82742 utxo-snapshot-bitcoin-testnet-1445586.tar |
@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# This file is automatically generated by the DockerFileBuildHelper tool, run DockerFileBuildHelper/ to update it |
set -e |
# Build docker-compose-generator |
# |
DOCKERFILE="docker-compose-generator/linuxamd64.Dockerfile" |
# |
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "armv7l" ]] && DOCKERFILE="docker-compose-generator/linuxarm32v7.Dockerfile" |
echo "Building btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator:latest" |
git clone docker-compose-generator |
cd docker-compose-generator |
git checkout dcg-latest |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator:latest" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build docker-compose-builder |
# |
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "armv7l" ]] && DOCKERFILE="linuxarm32v7.Dockerfile" |
if [[ "$DOCKERFILE" ]]; then |
echo "Building btcpayserver/docker-compose-builder:1.23.2" |
git clone docker-compose-builder |
cd docker-compose-builder |
git checkout v1.23.2 |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "btcpayserver/docker-compose-builder:1.23.2" . |
cd - && cd .. |
fi |
# Build btglnd |
# |
DOCKERFILE="BTCPayServer.Dockerfile" |
echo "Building kamigawabul/btglnd:latest" |
git clone btglnd |
cd btglnd |
git checkout master |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "kamigawabul/btglnd:latest" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build docker-bitcoingold |
# |
DOCKERFILE="bitcoingold/0.15.2/Dockerfile" |
echo "Building kamigawabul/docker-bitcoingold:0.15.2" |
git clone docker-bitcoingold |
cd docker-bitcoingold |
git checkout master |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "kamigawabul/docker-bitcoingold:0.15.2" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build clightning |
# |
DOCKERFILE="Dockerfile" |
echo "Building nicolasdorier/clightning:v0.6.2-3" |
git clone clightning |
cd clightning |
git checkout basedon-v0.6.2-3 |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "nicolasdorier/clightning:v0.6.2-3" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build lnd |
# |
DOCKERFILE="BTCPayServer.Dockerfile" |
echo "Building btcpayserver/lnd:0.5-beta-2" |
git clone lnd |
cd lnd |
git checkout basedon-v0.5-beta-2 |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "btcpayserver/lnd:0.5-beta-2" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build bitcoin |
# |
DOCKERFILE="Bitcoin/0.17.0/linuxamd64.Dockerfile" |
# |
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "armv7l" ]] && DOCKERFILE="Bitcoin/0.17.0/linuxarm32v7.Dockerfile" |
# |
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "aarch64" ]] && DOCKERFILE="Bitcoin/0.17.0/linuxarm64v8.Dockerfile" |
echo "Building btcpayserver/bitcoin:0.17.0" |
git clone bitcoin |
cd bitcoin |
git checkout Bitcoin/0.17.0 |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "btcpayserver/bitcoin:0.17.0" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build btcpayserver |
# |
DOCKERFILE="Dockerfile.linuxamd64" |
# |
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "armv7l" ]] && DOCKERFILE="Dockerfile.linuxarm32v7" |
echo "Building btcpayserver/btcpayserver:" |
git clone btcpayserver |
cd btcpayserver |
git checkout v1.0.3.23 |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "btcpayserver/btcpayserver:" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build dogecoin |
# |
DOCKERFILE="dogecoin/1.10.0/Dockerfile" |
echo "Building rockstardev/dogecoin:1.10.0" |
git clone dogecoin |
cd dogecoin |
git checkout feature/dogecoin |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "rockstardev/dogecoin:1.10.0" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build docker-feathercoin |
# |
DOCKERFILE="feathercoin/0.16.3/Dockerfile" |
echo "Building chekaz/docker-feathercoin:0.16.3" |
git clone docker-feathercoin |
cd docker-feathercoin |
git checkout master |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "chekaz/docker-feathercoin:0.16.3" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build docker-groestlcoin |
# |
DOCKERFILE="groestlcoin/2.16.3/Dockerfile" |
echo "Building nicolasdorier/docker-groestlcoin:2.16.3" |
git clone docker-groestlcoin |
cd docker-groestlcoin |
git checkout master |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "nicolasdorier/docker-groestlcoin:2.16.3" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build clightning |
# |
DOCKERFILE="Dockerfile" |
echo "Building nicolasdorier/clightning:v0.6.2-3" |
git clone clightning |
cd clightning |
git checkout basedon-v0.6.2-3 |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "nicolasdorier/clightning:v0.6.2-3" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build lnd |
# |
DOCKERFILE="BTCPayServer.Dockerfile" |
echo "Building btcpayserver/lnd:0.5-beta-2" |
git clone lnd |
cd lnd |
git checkout basedon-v0.5-beta-2 |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "btcpayserver/lnd:0.5-beta-2" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build docker-litecoin |
# |
DOCKERFILE="litecoin/0.16.3/Dockerfile" |
echo "Building nicolasdorier/docker-litecoin:0.16.3" |
git clone docker-litecoin |
cd docker-litecoin |
git checkout master |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "nicolasdorier/docker-litecoin:0.16.3" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build docker-monacoin |
# |
DOCKERFILE="monacoin/0.16.3/Dockerfile" |
echo "Building wakiyamap/docker-monacoin:0.16.3" |
git clone docker-monacoin |
cd docker-monacoin |
git checkout master |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "wakiyamap/docker-monacoin:0.16.3" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build nbxplorer |
# |
DOCKERFILE="Dockerfile.linuxamd64" |
# |
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "armv7l" ]] && DOCKERFILE="Dockerfile.linuxarm32v7" |
echo "Building nicolasdorier/nbxplorer:" |
git clone nbxplorer |
cd nbxplorer |
git checkout v2.0.0.1 |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "nicolasdorier/nbxplorer:" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build nginx |
# |
DOCKERFILE="stable/stretch/Dockerfile" |
echo "Building nginx:stable" |
git clone nginx |
cd nginx |
git checkout master |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "nginx:stable" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build docker-gen |
# |
DOCKERFILE="linuxamd64.Dockerfile" |
# |
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "armv7l" ]] && DOCKERFILE="linuxarm32v7.Dockerfile" |
echo "Building btcpayserver/docker-gen:0.7.4" |
git clone docker-gen |
cd docker-gen |
git checkout v0.7.4 |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "btcpayserver/docker-gen:0.7.4" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion |
# |
DOCKERFILE="linuxamd64.Dockerfile" |
# |
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "armv7l" ]] && DOCKERFILE="linuxarm32v7.Dockerfile" |
echo "Building btcpayserver/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion:1.10.0" |
git clone letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion |
cd letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion |
git checkout v1.10.0 |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "btcpayserver/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion:1.10.0" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build postgres |
# |
DOCKERFILE="9.6/Dockerfile" |
# |
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "armv7l" ]] && DOCKERFILE="9.6/Dockerfile" |
echo "Building postgres:9.6.5" |
git clone postgres |
cd postgres |
git checkout b7cb3c6eacea93be2259381033be3cc435649369 |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "postgres:9.6.5" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build traefik |
# |
DOCKERFILE="scratch/amd64/Dockerfile" |
# |
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "armv7l" ]] && DOCKERFILE="scratch/arm/Dockerfile" |
echo "Building traefik:latest" |
git clone traefik |
cd traefik |
git checkout master |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "traefik:latest" . |
cd - && cd .. |
# Build docker-viacoin |
# |
DOCKERFILE="viacoin/0.15.2/docker-viacoin" |
echo "Building romanornr/docker-viacoin:0.15.2" |
git clone docker-viacoin |
cd docker-viacoin |
git checkout master |
cd "$(dirname $DOCKERFILE)" |
docker build -f "$DOCKERFILE" -t "romanornr/docker-viacoin:0.15.2" . |
cd - && cd .. |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
version: "3" |
services: |
bitcored: |
restart: unless-stopped |
container_name: btcpayserver_bitcored |
image: dalijolijo/docker-bitcore:0.15.2 |
environment: |
rpcport=43782 |
${NBITCOIN_NETWORK:-regtest}=1 |
port=39388 |
whitelist= |
expose: |
- "43782" |
- "39388" |
volumes: |
- "bitcore_datadir:/data" |
nbxplorer: |
environment: |
NBXPLORER_BTXRPCURL: http://bitcored:43782/ |
links: |
- bitcored |
volumes: |
- "bitcore_datadir:/root/.bitcore" |
btcpayserver: |
environment: |
BTCPAY_BTXEXPLORERURL: http://nbxplorer:32838/ |
volumes: |
bitcore_datadir: |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
version: "3" |
services: |
monacoind: |
restart: unless-stopped |
container_name: btcpayserver_monacoind |
image: wakiyamap/docker-monacoin:0.16.3 |
environment: |
rpcport=43782 |
${NBITCOIN_NETWORK:-regtest}=1 |
port=39388 |
whitelist= |
expose: |
- "43782" |
- "39388" |
volumes: |
- "monacoin_datadir:/data" |
nbxplorer: |
environment: |
NBXPLORER_MONARPCURL: http://monacoind:43782/ |
links: |
- monacoind |
volumes: |
- "monacoin_datadir:/root/.monacoin" |
btcpayserver: |
environment: |
BTCPAY_MONAEXPLORERURL: http://nbxplorer:32838/ |
volumes: |
monacoin_datadir: |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
docker exec -ti btcpayserver_monacoind monacoin-cli -datadir="/data" $args |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
docker exec -ti btcpayserver_monacoind monacoin-cli -datadir="/data" "$@" |
Reference in new issue