* `BTCPAYGEN_SUBNAME`: The subname of the generated docker-compose file, where the full name is `Generated/docker-compose.SUBNAME.yml` (Default: `generated`)
* `BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS`: Semicolon-separated list of additional fragments you want to use (eg. `opt-save-storage`)
* `LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL`: An email will be sent to this address if certificate expires and fails to renew automatically (eg. `me@example.com`)
BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTON: N th supported crypto currency where N is maximum at maximum 9. (Default: none)
BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY: Whether to use or not a reverse proxy. NGinx setup HTTPS for you. (eg. nginx, traefik, none. Default: nginx)
BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING: Lightning network implementation to use (eg. clightning, lnd, none)
BTCPAYGEN_DATABASE: Database Engine to use(eg. postgres, mysql, sqlite. Default: postgres)
BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS: Semi colon separated list of additional fragments you want to use (eg. opt-save-storage)
ACME_CA_URI: The API endpoint to ask for HTTPS certificate (default: https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory)
BTCPAY_HOST_SSHKEYFILE: Optional, SSH private key that BTCPay can use to connect to this VM's SSH server. This key will be copied on BTCPay's data directory
@ -70,6 +71,15 @@ if [ "$1" != "-i" ]; then
if[ -z "$BTCPAY_HOST"];then
if[ -f "/etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh"];then
echo"This script must be run as root after running \"sudo su -\""
echo"BTCPAY_HOST should not be empty"
######### Migration: old pregen environment to new environment ############
echo"Your deployment is too old, you need to migrate by following instructions on this link https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver-docker/tree/master#i-deployed-before-btcpay-setupsh-existed-before-may-17-can-i-migrate-to-this-new-system"