@ -71,3 +71,56 @@ Wait a little bit, then you can now browse `https://btcpay.example.com/`.
The files in `Production` and `Production-NoReverseProxy` are generated by a dotnet program located in `docker-compose-generator`.
It is meant to generate a wide range a configuration from `docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments` without repeating myself.
# No docker-compose suit my need, what should I do?
All `docker-compose` files in [Production](Production) and [Production-NoReverseProxy](Production-NoReverseProxy) are generated by running the [build-pregen.sh](build-pregen.sh) (or [build-pregen.ps1](build-pregen.ps1)) scripts from the fragments located in [docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments).
The pre-generated `docker-compose` files cover `btc`, `ltc`, `clightning` for configuration with or without `nginx `reverse proxy.
If you want any other configuration, you need to run [build.sh](build.sh) (or [build.ps1](build.ps1)) with environment variables correctly set.
To configure your custom docker-compose, the following environment variables are supported:
* `BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1` to `BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO9`: Specify support for a crypto currency. (Valid value: `btc`, `ltc`)
* `BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY`: Specify the reverse proxy to use (Valid value: `nginx`, `none`)
* `BTCPAYGEN_SUBNAME`: The sub name of the generated docker-compose file, where the full name will be `Generated/docker-compose.SUBNAME.yml` (Default: `generated`)
Then, running [build.sh](build.sh) (or [build.ps1](build.ps1)) will then generate a `docker-compose.generated.yml` in the root folder of this repository.
For example, if you want `btc` and `ltc` support with `nginx` and `clightning` inside `Generate/docker-compose.custom.yml`:
Note: The first run might take a while, but next run are instantaneous.
On Windows:
Invoke-Command {
. .\build.ps1
On Linux:
# How to extend with my own crypto?
1. Support for your crypto on [NBitcoin](https://github.com/MetacoSA/NBitcoin/tree/master/NBitcoin.Altcoins)/[NBxplorer](https://github.com/dgarage/NBXplorer)/[BTCPay Server](https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver). (Take example on other coins)
2. Create your own docker image ([Example for BTC](https://hub.docker.com/r/nicolasdorier/docker-bitcoin/))
3. Create a docker-compose fragment ([Example for BTC](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments/bitcoin.yml))
4. Add your Crypto Definition ([Example for BTC](docker-compose-generator/CryptoDefinition.cs))