@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Environment variables:
BTCPAY_HOST: The hostname of your website ( eg. btcpay.example.com)
LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL: A mail will be sent to this address if certificate expires and fail to renew automatically ( eg. me@example.com)
NBITCOIN_NETWORK: The type of network to use ( eg. mainnet, testnet or regtest. Default: mainnet)
LIGHTNING_ALIAS: An alias for your lightning network node if used
LIGHTNING_ALIAS: An alias for your lightning network node if used
BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1: First supported crypto currency ( eg. btc, ltc, btg, grs, ftc, via, none. Default: btc)
BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO2: Second supported crypto currency ( Default: empty)
BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTON: N th supported crypto currency where N is maximum at maximum 9. ( Default: none)
@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ fi
######### Migration: old pregen environment to new environment ############
if [ ! -z $BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE ] && [ ! -z $DOWNLOAD_ROOT ] && [ -z $BTCPAYGEN_OLD_PREGEN ] ; then
if [ [ $( dirname $BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE ) = = *Production-NoReverseProxy ] ] ; then
echo "Your deployment is too old, you need to migrate by following instructions on this link https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver-docker/tree/master#i-deployed-before-btcpay-setupsh-existed-before-may-17-can-i-migrate-to-this-new-system"