@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ The relevant environment variables are:
* `BTCPAY_HOST`: The external url used to access the NGINX server from internet. This domain name must point to this machine for Let's Encrypt to create your certificate. (typically with a CNAME or A record)
* `BTCPAY_HOST`: The external url used to access the NGINX server from internet. This domain name must point to this machine for Let's Encrypt to create your certificate. (typically with a CNAME or A record)
* `BTCPAY_ROOTPATH`: The root path directory where BTCPay is accessed, more information below. (default: /)
* `BTCPAY_ROOTPATH`: The root path directory where BTCPay is accessed, more information below. (default: /)
* `LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL`: The email Let's Encrypt will use to notify you about certificate expiration.
* `LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL`: The email Let's Encrypt will use to notify you about certificate expiration.
* `ACME_CA_URI`: Let's encrypt API endpoint (`https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory` for a staging certificate, `https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory` for a production one)
* `ACME_CA_URI`: Let's encrypt API endpoint (`staging` for a staging certificate, `production` for a production one)
* `LIGHTNING_ALIAS`: Optional, if using the integrated lightning feature, customize the alias of your nodes
* `LIGHTNING_ALIAS`: Optional, if using the integrated lightning feature, customize the alias of your nodes
* `BTCPAY_SSHKEYFILE`: Optional, SSH private key that BTCPay can use to connect to this VM's SSH server (You need to copy the key file on BTCPay's datadir volume)
* `BTCPAY_SSHKEYFILE`: Optional, SSH private key that BTCPay can use to connect to this VM's SSH server (You need to copy the key file on BTCPay's datadir volume)
* `BTCPAY_SSHTRUSTEDFINGERPRINTS`: Optional, BTCPay will ensure that it is connecting to the expected SSH server by checking the host public's key against those fingerprints
* `BTCPAY_SSHTRUSTEDFINGERPRINTS`: Optional, BTCPay will ensure that it is connecting to the expected SSH server by checking the host public's key against those fingerprints
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ You can read [the article](https://medium.com/@BtcpayServer/hosting-btcpay-serve
* `BTCPAYGEN_SUBNAME`: The subname of the generated docker-compose file, where the full name is `Generated/docker-compose.SUBNAME.yml` (Default: `generated`)
* `BTCPAYGEN_SUBNAME`: The subname of the generated docker-compose file, where the full name is `Generated/docker-compose.SUBNAME.yml` (Default: `generated`)
* `BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS`: Semicolon-separated list of additional fragments you want to use (eg. `opt-save-storage`)
* `BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS`: Semicolon-separated list of additional fragments you want to use (eg. `opt-save-storage`)
* `LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL`: An email will be sent to this address if certificate expires and fails to renew automatically (eg. `me@example.com`)
* `LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL`: An email will be sent to this address if certificate expires and fails to renew automatically (eg. `me@example.com`)
* `ACME_CA_URI`: The API endpoint to ask for HTTPS certificate (Default: `https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory`)
* `ACME_CA_URI`: The API endpoint to ask for HTTPS certificate (Default: `production`)
* `BTCPAY_ENABLE_SSH`: Optional, gives BTCPay Server SSH access to the host by allowing it to edit authorized_keys of the host, it can be used for managing the authorized_keys or updating BTCPay Server directly through the website. (Default: false)
* `BTCPAY_ENABLE_SSH`: Optional, gives BTCPay Server SSH access to the host by allowing it to edit authorized_keys of the host, it can be used for managing the authorized_keys or updating BTCPay Server directly through the website. (Default: false)
* `BTCPAYGEN_DOCKER_IMAGE`: Optional, Specify which generator image to use if you have customized the C# generator. Set to `btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator:local` to build the generator locally at runtime.
* `BTCPAYGEN_DOCKER_IMAGE`: Optional, Specify which generator image to use if you have customized the C# generator. Set to `btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator:local` to build the generator locally at runtime.
* `BTCPAY_IMAGE`: Optional, Specify which btcpayserver image to use if you have a customized btcpayserver.
* `BTCPAY_IMAGE`: Optional, Specify which btcpayserver image to use if you have a customized btcpayserver.
BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY: Whether to use or not a reverse proxy. NGinx setup HTTPS for you. (eg. nginx, traefik, none. Default: nginx)
BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY: Whether to use or not a reverse proxy. NGinx setup HTTPS for you. (eg. nginx, traefik, none. Default: nginx)
BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING: Lightning network implementation to use (eg. clightning, lnd, none)
BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING: Lightning network implementation to use (eg. clightning, lnd, none)
BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS: Semi colon separated list of additional fragments you want to use (eg. opt-save-storage)
BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS: Semi colon separated list of additional fragments you want to use (eg. opt-save-storage)
ACME_CA_URI: The API endpoint to ask for HTTPS certificate (default: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory)
ACME_CA_URI: The API endpoint to ask for HTTPS certificate (default: production)
BTCPAY_ENABLE_SSH: Optional, gives BTCPay Server SSH access to the host by allowing it to edit authorized_keys of the host, it can be used for managing the authorized_keys or updating BTCPay Server directly through the website. (Default: false)
BTCPAY_ENABLE_SSH: Optional, gives BTCPay Server SSH access to the host by allowing it to edit authorized_keys of the host, it can be used for managing the authorized_keys or updating BTCPay Server directly through the website. (Default: false)
BTCPAYGEN_DOCKER_IMAGE: Allows you to specify a custom docker image for the generator (Default: btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator)
BTCPAYGEN_DOCKER_IMAGE: Allows you to specify a custom docker image for the generator (Default: btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator)
BTCPAY_IMAGE: Allows you to specify the btcpayserver docker image to use over the default version. (Default: current stable version of btcpayserver)
BTCPAY_IMAGE: Allows you to specify the btcpayserver docker image to use over the default version. (Default: current stable version of btcpayserver)