#!/bin/bash if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" return fi if [[ ! -d "Production-NoReverseProxy" ]]; then echo "You must run this script from inside the btcpayserver-docker folder" return fi if ! git -C . rev-parse; then echo "You must run this script inside the git repository of btcpayserver-docker" return fi function display_help () { cat <<-END Usage: ------ Install BTCPay on this server This script must be run as root -i : Run install This script will: * Install Docker * Install Docker-Compose * Setup BTCPay settings * Make sure it starts at reboot via upstart or systemd * Add BTCPay utilities in /usr/bin * Start BTCPay You can run again this script if you desire to change your configuration. Make sure you own a domain with DNS record pointing to your website and that port 80 is accessible before running this script. This will be used to properly setup HTTPS via let's encrypt. Environment variables: BTCPAY_HOST: The hostname of your website (eg. btcpay.example.com) LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL: A mail will be sent to this address if certificate expires and fail to renew automatically (eg. me@example.com, Default:me@example.com) NBITCOIN_NETWORK: The type of network to use (eg. mainnet, testnet or regtest. Default: mainnet) LIGHTNING_ALIAS: An alias for your lightning network node if used BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1: First supported crypto currency (eg. btc, ltc, none. Default: btc) BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO2: Second supported crypto currency (eg. btc, ltc, none. Default: empty) BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTON: N th supported crypto currency where N is maximum at maximum 9. (eg. btc, ltc. Default: none) BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY: Whether to use or not a reverse proxy. NGinx setup HTTPS for you. (eg. nginx, none. Default: nginx) BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING: Lightning network implementation to use (eg. clightning, none) ACME_CA_URI: The API endpoint to ask for HTTPS certificate (default: https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory) END } if [ "$1" != "-i" ]; then display_help return fi : "${LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL:=me@example.com}" : "${NBITCOIN_NETWORK:=mainnet}" : "${BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1:=btc}" : "${BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY:=nginx}" : "${BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING:=none}" : "${ACME_CA_URI:=https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory}" ORIGINAL_DIRECTORY=$(pwd) BTCPAY_BASE_DIRECTORY="$(dirname $(pwd))" BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE="$(pwd)/Generated/docker-compose.generated.yml" BTCPAY_ENV_FILE="$BTCPAY_BASE_DIRECTORY/.env" echo " -------SETUP----------- Parameters passed: BTCPAY_HOST:$BTCPAY_HOST LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL:$LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL NBITCOIN_NETWORK:$NBITCOIN_NETWORK LIGHTNING_ALIAS:$LIGHTNING_ALIAS BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1:$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1 BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO2:$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO2 BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO3:$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO3 BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO4:$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO4 BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO5:$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO5 BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO6:$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO6 BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO7:$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO7 BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO8:$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO8 BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO9:$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO9 BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY:$BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING:$BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING ACME_CA_URI:$ACME_CA_URI ---------------------- Additional exported variables: BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE=$BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE BTCPAY_BASE_DIRECTORY=$BTCPAY_BASE_DIRECTORY BTCPAY_ENV_FILE=$BTCPAY_ENV_FILE ---------------------- " if [ -z "$BTCPAY_HOST" ]; then echo "BTCPAY_HOST should not be empty" return fi if [ -z "$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1" ]; then echo "BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1 should not be empty" return fi if [ "$NBITCOIN_NETWORK" != "mainnet" ] && [ "$NBITCOIN_NETWORK" != "testnet" ] && [ "$NBITCOIN_NETWORK" != "regtest" ]; then echo "NBITCOIN_NETWORK should be equal to mainnet, testnet or regtest" fi export BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE export BTCPAY_BASE_DIRECTORY export BTCPAY_ENV_FILE # Put the variables in /etc/profile.d when a user log interactively touch "/etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh" echo " export BTCPAY_HOST=\"$BTCPAY_HOST\" export LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=\"$LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL\" export NBITCOIN_NETWORK=\"$NBITCOIN_NETWORK\" export LIGHTNING_ALIAS=\"$LIGHTNING_ALIAS\" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1=\"$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1\" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO2=\"$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO2\" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO3=\"$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO3\" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO4=\"$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO4\" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO5=\"$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO5\" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO6=\"$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO6\" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO7=\"$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO7\" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO8=\"$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO8\" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO9=\"$BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO9\" export BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING=\"$BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING\" export ACME_CA_URI=\"$ACME_CA_URI\" export BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE=\"$BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE\" export BTCPAY_BASE_DIRECTORY=\"$BTCPAY_BASE_DIRECTORY\" export BTCPAY_ENV_FILE=\"$BTCPAY_ENV_FILE\"" > /etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh chmod +x /etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh echo "BTCPay Server environment variables successfully saved in /etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh" if ! [ -x "$(command -v docker)" ]; then apt-get update 2>error apt-get install -y \ curl \ apt-transport-https \ ca-certificates \ software-properties-common \ 2>error curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | apt-key add - add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable" apt-get update if apt-get install -y docker-ce ; then echo "Docker installed" else if [ $(lsb_release -cs) == "bionic" ]; then # Bionic not in the repo yet, see https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-docker-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \ artful \ stable" apt-get update apt-get install -y docker-ce fi fi else echo "docker is already installed" fi # Install docker-compose if ! [ -x "$(command -v docker-compose)" ]; then apt-get update 2>error apt-get install -y \ curl \ apt-transport-https \ ca-certificates \ software-properties-common \ 2>error curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.17.1/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose else echo "docker-compose is already installed" fi # Set .env file touch $BTCPAY_ENV_FILE echo " BTCPAY_HOST=$BTCPAY_HOST ACME_CA_URI=$ACME_CA_URI NBITCOIN_NETWORK=$NBITCOIN_NETWORK LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=$LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL LIGHTNING_ALIAS=$LIGHTNING_ALIAS" > $BTCPAY_ENV_FILE echo "BTCPay Server docker-compose parameters saved in $BTCPAY_ENV_FILE" # Generate the docker compose in BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE . ./build.sh cd BTCPAY_BASE_DIRECTORY # Schedule for reboot if [ -d "/etc/systemd/system" ]; then # Use systemd echo "Adding btcpayserver.service to systemd" echo " [Unit] Description=BTCPayServer service After=docker.service network-online.target Requires=docker.service network-online.target [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '. /etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh && cd \"\$(dirname \$BTCPAY_ENV_FILE)\" && docker-compose -f \"\$BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE\" up -d' ExecStop=/bin/bash -c '. /etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh && cd \"\$(dirname \$BTCPAY_ENV_FILE)\" && docker-compose -f \"\$BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE\" stop' ExecReload=/bin/bash -c '. /etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh && cd \"\$(dirname \$BTCPAY_ENV_FILE)\" && docker-compose -f \"\$BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE\" restart' [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target" > /etc/systemd/system/btcpayserver.service echo "BTCPay Server systemd configured in /etc/systemd/system/btcpayserver.service" systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable btcpayserver systemctl start btcpayserver echo "BTCPay Server started" else # Use upstart echo "Using upstart" echo " # File is saved under /etc/init/start_containers.conf # After file is modified, update config with : $ initctl reload-configuration description \"Start containers (see http://askubuntu.com/a/22105 and http://askubuntu.com/questions/612928/how-to-run-docker-compose-at-bootup)\" start on filesystem and started docker stop on runlevel [!2345] # if you want it to automatically restart if it crashes, leave the next line in # respawn # might cause over charge script . /etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh cd \"`dirname \$BTCPAY_ENV_FILE`\" docker-compose -f \"\$BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE\" up -d end script" > /etc/init/start_containers.conf echo "BTCPay Server upstart configured in /etc/init/start_containers.conf" initctl reload-configuration docker-compose -f "$BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE" up -d echo "BTCPay Server started" fi find "$ORIGINAL_DIRECTORY" -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \; find "$ORIGINAL_DIRECTORY" -name "*.sh" -exec ln -s {} /usr/bin \;