#### Start accepting Bitcoin today with BTCPayServer! This guide will walk you through the installation. # One-click deployment For the easiest and fastest setup, host BTCPayServer on Microsoft Azure: [![Deploy to Azure](https://azuredeploy.net/deploybutton.svg)](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fbtcpayserver%2Fbtcpayserver-azure%2Fmaster%2Fazuredeploy.json) You can log into [Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/account/) with your Microsoft account. Final installation steps: * Fill in the options: Resource Group * Click 'Purchase' to confirm * (Wait for deployment) * View the deployment (in Notifications or Resource Groups) * Verify you can connect to your instance with a browser: `https://SERVER-AZURE-DNS/` * At your domain registrar, make sure you have [DNS](https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver-doc/blob/master/ChangeDomain.md#setting-up-your-dns-record) pointing your domain at your Azure deployment's IP. * Browse to `https://SERVER-AZURE-DNS/` * Register a new account (this account will be granted server administrator rights) * Go to `https://SERVER-AZURE-DNS/server/maintenance` * Enter your domain name and click on confirm * (Wait 1 to 5 minutes) That's it, you can now browse to `https://btcpay.YOUR-DOMAIN/` to create your store! For advanced users, you can connect via SSH with information on `https://btcpay.YOUR-DOMAIN/server/services/ssh`, then you can: * Run `docker ps` and `docker logs xxx` to view running processes * Run `btcpay-down.sh` and `btcpay-up.sh` to stop and start the BTCPayServer This video by Nicolas also demonstrates the above steps: [![BTCPay - One Click Setup](http://img.youtube.com/vi/Bxs95BdEMHY/mqdefault.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxs95BdEMHY "BTCPay - One Click Setup") Approximate Cost (unpruned, Bitcoin-only): **60 USD per month** After all your nodes have synced and you've confirmed everything works, follow [this guide](https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver-doc/blob/master/PennyPinching.md) to fine-tune for savings; costs should drop to **30 or 40 USD per month**. # Architecture ![Architecture](https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver-doc/raw/master/img/Architecture.png) As you can see, BTCPay depends on several pieces of infrastructure, mainly: * A lightweight block explorer (NBXplorer), * A database (PostgreSQL or SQLite), * A full node (eg. Bitcoin Core) There can be more dependencies if you support more than just standard Bitcoin transactions, including: * [C-Lightning](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning) * [LitecoinD](https://github.com/litecoin-project/litecoin) and other coin daemons * And more... Note: The setup process can be time consuming, but is heavily automated to make it a fun and easy experience. # Full installation (for technical users) You can also install BTCPayServer on your own machine or VPS instance. The officially supported setup is driven by Docker (and Docker-Compose). First, make sure you have a domain name pointing to your host (CNAME), with ports `443` and `80` externally accessible (and perhaps additional ports like `9735` and `9736` for Bitcoin and Litecoin lightning). Otherwise, you will have to set it manually by running `changedomain.sh`. Let's assume it is `btcpay.EXAMPLE.com`. If you want to support Litecoin, Bitcoin, and C-Lightning, and want HTTPS automatically configured by Nginx: ```bash # Login as root sudo su - # Create a folder for BTCPay mkdir BTCPayServer cd BTCPayServer # Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver-docker cd btcpayserver-docker # Run btcpay-setup.sh with the right parameters export BTCPAY_HOST="btcpay.EXAMPLE.com" export NBITCOIN_NETWORK="mainnet" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1="btc" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO2="ltc" export BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY="nginx" export BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING="clightning" . ./btcpay-setup.sh -i exit ``` `btcpay-setup.sh` will then: * Install Docker * Install Docker-Compose * Make sure BTCPay starts at reboot via upstart or systemd * Setup environment variables to use BTCPay utilities * Add BTCPay utilities in /usr/bin * Start BTCPay You can read [the article](https://medium.com/@BtcpayServer/hosting-btcpay-server-for-cheap-2b27761fdb9d) for step by step instructions. [![Docker automated build](https://img.shields.io/docker/automated/nicolasdorier/btcpayserver.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/nicolasdorier/btcpayserver/) # Environment variables `btcpay-setup.sh` will use the following environment variables: * `BTCPAY_HOST`: The hostname of your website (eg. `btcpay.example.com`) * `NBITCOIN_NETWORK`: The type of network to use (eg. `mainnet`, `testnet`, or `regtest`. Default: `mainnet`) * `LIGHTNING_ALIAS`: An alias for your lightning network node, if used * `BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1`: First supported crypto currency (eg. `btc`, `ltc`. Default: `btc`) * `BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO2`: Second supported crypto currency (eg. `btc`, `ltc`. Default: `(empty)`) * `BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTON`: N'th supported crypto currency where N is 9 at maximum. (eg. `btc`, `ltc`. Default: `(empty)`) * `BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY`: Specify reverse proxy to use; NGinx has HTTPS support. (eg. `nginx`, `traefik`, `(empty)`. Default: `nginx`) * `BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING`: Lightning network implementation to use (eg. `clightning`, `(empty)`) * `BTCPAYGEN_SUBNAME`: The subname of the generated docker-compose file, where the full name is `Generated/docker-compose.SUBNAME.yml` (Default: `generated`) * `BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS`: Semicolon-separated list of additional fragments you want to use (eg. `opt-save-storage`) * `LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL`: An email will be sent to this address if certificate expires and fails to renew automatically (eg. `me@example.com`) * `ACME_CA_URI`: The API endpoint to ask for HTTPS certificate (Default: `https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory`) * `BTCPAY_HOST_SSHKEYFILE`: Optional, SSH private key that BTCPay can use to connect to this VM's SSH server. This key will be copied to BTCPay's data directory * `BTCPAY_SSHTRUSTEDFINGERPRINTS`: Optional, BTCPay will ensure that it is connecting to the expected SSH server by checking the host's public key against these fingerprints * `BTCPAYGEN_DOCKER_IMAGE`: Optional, Specify which generator image to use if you have customized the C# generator. Set to `btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator:local` to build the generator locally at runtime. * `BTCPAY_IMAGE`: Optional, Specify which btcpayserver image to use if you have a customized btcpayserver. # Tooling A wide variety of useful scripts are available once BTCPay is installed: * `bitcoin-cli.sh`: Access your Bitcoin node instance (for RPC) * `bitcoin-lightning-cli.sh`: Access your C-Lightning node instance (for RPC) * `changedomain.sh`: Change the domain of your BTCPayServer * `btcpay-update.sh`: Update BTCPayServer to the latest version * `btcpay-up.sh`: Run `docker-compose up` * `btcpay-down.sh`: Run `docker-compose down` * `btcpay-setup.sh`: Change the settings of your server * `. ./btcpay-setup.sh`: Information about additional parameters * `. ./btcpay-setup.sh -i`: Set up your BTCPayServer # Under the hood ## Generated docker-compose When you run `btcpay-setup.sh`, your environment variables are used by [build.sh](build.sh) (or [build.ps1](build.ps1)) to generate a docker-compose adapted for your needs. For the full list of options, see: [Environment variables](#environment-variables) By default, the generated file is `Generated/docker-compose.generated.yml`, constructed from the relevant [Docker fragments](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments) for your setup. Available `BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS` currently are: * [opt-save-storage](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments/opt-save-storage.yml) will keep around 1 year of blocks (prune BTC for 100 GB) * [opt-save-storage-s](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments/opt-save-storage-s.yml) will keep around 6 months of blocks (prune BTC for 50 GB) * [opt-save-storage-xs](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments/opt-save-storage-xs.yml) will keep around 3 months of blocks (prune BTC for 25 GB) * [opt-save-storage-xxs](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments/opt-save-storage-xxs.yml) will keep around 2 weeks of blocks (prune BTC for 5 GB) (lightning not supported) * [opt-lnd-autopilot](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments/opt-lnd-autopilot.yml) will activate auto pilot on LND. (5 channels, 60% of allocation) * [opt-save-memory](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments/opt-save-memory.yml) will decrease the default dbcache at the expense of longer synchronization time (Useful if your machine is less than 2GB) * [opt-add-btcqbo](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments/opt-add-btcqbo.yml) will allow you to create an invoice on Quickbooks which include a way for your customer to pay on BTCPay Server (More information on this [github repository](https://github.com/JeffVandrewJr/btcqbo/), this plugin is maintained by [JeffVandrewJr](https://github.com/JeffVandrewJr)) You can also create your own [custom fragments](#how-can-i-customize-the-generated-docker-compose-file). For example, if you want `btc` and `ltc` support with `nginx` and `clightning` inside `Generated/docker-compose.custom.yml`: Note: The first run might take a while, but following runs are instantaneous. On Windows (run in [powershell](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/setup/starting-windows-powershell?view=powershell-6)): ```powershell Invoke-Command { $BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1="btc" $BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO2="ltc" $BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY="nginx" $BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING="clightning" $BTCPAYGEN_SUBNAME="custom" . .\build.ps1 } ``` On Linux: ```bash BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1="btc" \ BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO2="ltc" \ BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY="nginx" \ BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING="clightning" \ BTCPAYGEN_SUBNAME="custom" \ ./build.sh ``` Next, you will need to configure the runtime environment variables for `Generated/docker-compose.custom.yml`: * If you are using NGinx, [read this](Production/README.md). * If you are not using NGinx, [read this instead](Production-NoReverseProxy/README.md). ## Again, what does `btcpay-setup.sh` do? `btcpay-setup.sh` is a utility which does the following: 1. Makes sure docker and docker-compose are installed on your system 2. Generates a docker-compose via `./build.sh` 3. Sets up an [Environment File](https://docs.docker.com/compose/env-file/) to configure your docker-compose 4. Sets up environment variables so the tools described in [Tooling](#tooling) can work 5. Adds symlinks of those tools into `/usr/bin` 6. Makes sure BTCPay restarts on reboot via upstart or systemd 7. Starts BTCPay via docker-compose ## Overview of files generated by `btcpay-setup.sh` `/etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh` ensures that your environment variables are correctly setup when you login, so you can use the tools: ```bash export BTCPAYGEN_OLD_PREGEN="false" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO1="btc" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO2="" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO3="" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO4="" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO5="" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO6="" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO7="" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO8="" export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO9="" export BTCPAYGEN_LIGHTNING="clightning" export BTCPAYGEN_REVERSEPROXY="nginx" export BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS="" export BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE="/var/lib/waagent/custom-script/download/0/btcpayserver-docker/Production/docker-compose.generated.yml" export BTCPAY_BASE_DIRECTORY="/var/lib/waagent/custom-script/download/0" export BTCPAY_ENV_FILE="/var/lib/waagent/custom-script/download/0/.env" export BTCPAY_HOST_SSHKEYFILE="/root/.ssh/id_rsa_btcpay" if cat $BTCPAY_ENV_FILE &> /dev/null; then export $(grep -v '^#' "$BTCPAY_ENV_FILE" | xargs) fi ``` `/etc/systemd/system/btcpayserver.service` ensures that you can control btcpay via `systemctl`, and that BTCPayServer starts on reboot: ```ini [Unit] Description=BTCPayServer service After=docker.service network-online.target Requires=docker.service network-online.target [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '. /etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh && cd "$(dirname $BTCPAY_ENV_FILE)" && docker-compose -f "$BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE" up -d' ExecStop=/bin/bash -c '. /etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh && cd "$(dirname $BTCPAY_ENV_FILE)" && docker-compose -f "$BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE" stop' ExecReload=/bin/bash -c '. /etc/profile.d/btcpay-env.sh && cd "$(dirname $BTCPAY_ENV_FILE)" && docker-compose -f "$BTCPAY_DOCKER_COMPOSE" restart' [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` `.env` (`$BTCPAY_ENV_FILE`) contains environment variables passed to the containers managed by your docker-compose: ```ini BTCPAY_HOST=btcpay.EXAMPLE.com ACME_CA_URI=https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory NBITCOIN_NETWORK=mainnet LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=me@EXAMPLE.com BTCPAY_SSHTRUSTEDFINGERPRINTS=SHA256:eSCD7NtQ/Q6IBl2iRB9caAQ3lDZd8s8iUL6SdeNnhpA BTCPAY_SSHKEYFILE=/datadir/id_rsa ``` # How can I add an altcoin to BTCPayServer? 1. Add support for your crypto to [NBitcoin](https://github.com/MetacoSA/NBitcoin/tree/master/NBitcoin.Altcoins), [NBxplorer](https://github.com/dgarage/NBXplorer), and [BTCPayServer](https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver). (Use examples from other coins) 2. Create your own docker image ([Example for BTC](https://hub.docker.com/r/nicolasdorier/docker-bitcoin/)) 3. Create a docker-compose fragment ([Example for BTC](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments/bitcoin.yml)) 4. Add your `CryptoDefinition` ([Example for BTC](docker-compose-generator/src/CryptoDefinition.cs)) `build.sh` is using a pre-built image of the `docker-compose generator` on [docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator/). If you modify the code source of `docker-compose generator` (for example, the `CryptoDefinition` [Example for BTC](docker-compose-generator/src/CryptoDefinition.cs)), you need to configure `build.sh` to use your own image by setting the environment variable `BTCPAYGEN_DOCKER_IMAGE` to `btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator:local`. ```bash cd docker-compose-generator BTCPAYGEN_DOCKER_IMAGE="btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator:local" ``` Or on powershell: ```powershell cd docker-compose-generator $BTCPAYGEN_DOCKER_IMAGE="btcpayserver/docker-compose-generator:local" ``` Then run `./build.sh` or `. .\build.ps1`. This will generate your docker-compose in the `Generated` folder, which you can then run and test. Note that BTCPayServer developers will not spend excessive time testing your image, so make sure it works. # FAQ ## How can I modify my environment? As root, run `. btcpay-setup.sh`; this will show you the environment variable it is expecting. For example, if you support `btc` and `ltc` already, and want to add `btg`: ```bash export BTCPAYGEN_CRYPTO3='btg' . btcpay-setup.sh -i ``` ## I deployed before `btcpay-setup.sh` existed (before May 17), can I migrate to this new system? Yes, run the following commands to update: ```bash sudo su - cd $DOWNLOAD_ROOT/btcpayserver-docker git checkout master git pull git checkout 9acb5d8067cb5c46f59858137feb699b41ac9f19 btcpay-update.sh . ./btcpay-setup.sh -i git checkout master btcpay-update.sh exit ``` ## I'm getting an error on Windows: `Cannot create container for service docker: Mount denied`? If you see this error: `Cannot create container for service docker: b'Mount denied:\nThe source path "\\\\var\\\\run\\\\docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"\nis not a valid Windows path'`. Run this in [powershell](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/setup/starting-windows-powershell?view=powershell-6): ```powershell $Env:COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1 ``` Then, run `docker-compose -f EXAMPLE.yml up`. This bug comes from Docker for Windows and is [tracked on Github](https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/1829). ## How I can prune my node(s)? This will prune your Bitcoin full node to a maximum of 100GB (of blocks): ```bash export BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS="opt-save-storage" . ./btcpay-setup.sh -i ``` Other options are [documented here](#generated-docker-compose). ## How can I customize the generated docker-compose file? In some instances, you might want to customize your environment in more detail. While you could modify `Generated/docker-compose.generated.yml` manually, your changes would be overwritten the next time you run `btcpay-update.sh`. Luckily, you can leverage `BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS` for this! Let's enable **pruning to 60 GB**, for example: First, copy [opt-save-storage](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments/opt-save-storage.yml) into the [the docker fragment folder](docker-compose-generator/docker-fragments) as `opt-save-storage.custom.yml`. **Important:** the file must end with `.custom.yml`, or there will be git conflicts whenever you run `btcpay-update.sh`. Modify the new `opt-save-storage.custom.yml` file to your taste: ```diff @@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ version: "3" services: bitcoind: environment: - BITCOIN_EXTRA_ARGS: prune=100000 + BITCOIN_EXTRA_ARGS: prune=60000 ``` Then set it up: ```bash export BTCPAYGEN_ADDITIONAL_FRAGMENTS="opt-save-storage.custom" . ./btcpay-setup.sh -i ```