@ -6,6 +6,20 @@ This repository is the coins database which is accssed by graphical applications
When submitting a pull request to add coin to BarterDEX make sure you have completed this checklist:
### 0. The coin must be tested with BarterDEX atomic swaps
When submitting your coin add request please submit the three transctions (`bobdeposit`, `alicepayment` and `bobpayment`) URL which are produced by the atomic swap performed by `marketmaker` API. This means that before sumitting the further steps information to this coins database repo, you would have performaed an atomic swap, and the further steps explains the expected files/values to be submitted to this database repo.
You can learn about performing an atomic swap from our documentation link https://docs.komodoplatform.com
Or you can contact the team at coinintegration@komodoplatform.com to get help if required.