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Profiles were not loading from other clients because some fields were not strings Changelog-Fixed: Fixed profiles sometimes not loading from other clientstranslations_damus-localizations-en-us-xcloc-localized-contents-en-us-xliff--master_ar
5 changed files with 691 additions and 24 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ |
import Foundation |
/** |
A type-erased `Codable` value. |
The `AnyCodable` type forwards encoding and decoding responsibilities |
to an underlying value, hiding its specific underlying type. |
You can encode or decode mixed-type values in dictionaries |
and other collections that require `Encodable` or `Decodable` conformance |
by declaring their contained type to be `AnyCodable`. |
- SeeAlso: `AnyEncodable` |
- SeeAlso: `AnyDecodable` |
*/ |
@frozen public struct AnyCodable: Codable { |
public let value: Any |
public init<T>(_ value: T?) { |
self.value = value ?? () |
} |
} |
extension AnyCodable: _AnyEncodable, _AnyDecodable {} |
extension AnyCodable: Equatable { |
public static func == (lhs: AnyCodable, rhs: AnyCodable) -> Bool { |
switch (lhs.value, rhs.value) { |
case is (Void, Void): |
return true |
case let (lhs as Bool, rhs as Bool): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int, rhs as Int): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int8, rhs as Int8): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int16, rhs as Int16): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int32, rhs as Int32): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int64, rhs as Int64): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt, rhs as UInt): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt8, rhs as UInt8): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt16, rhs as UInt16): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt32, rhs as UInt32): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt64, rhs as UInt64): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Float, rhs as Float): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Double, rhs as Double): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as String, rhs as String): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as [String: AnyCodable], rhs as [String: AnyCodable]): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as [AnyCodable], rhs as [AnyCodable]): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as [String: Any], rhs as [String: Any]): |
return NSDictionary(dictionary: lhs) == NSDictionary(dictionary: rhs) |
case let (lhs as [Any], rhs as [Any]): |
return NSArray(array: lhs) == NSArray(array: rhs) |
case is (NSNull, NSNull): |
return true |
default: |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
extension AnyCodable: CustomStringConvertible { |
public var description: String { |
switch value { |
case is Void: |
return String(describing: nil as Any?) |
case let value as CustomStringConvertible: |
return value.description |
default: |
return String(describing: value) |
} |
} |
} |
extension AnyCodable: CustomDebugStringConvertible { |
public var debugDescription: String { |
switch value { |
case let value as CustomDebugStringConvertible: |
return "AnyCodable(\(value.debugDescription))" |
default: |
return "AnyCodable(\(description))" |
} |
} |
} |
extension AnyCodable: ExpressibleByNilLiteral {} |
extension AnyCodable: ExpressibleByBooleanLiteral {} |
extension AnyCodable: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {} |
extension AnyCodable: ExpressibleByFloatLiteral {} |
extension AnyCodable: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {} |
extension AnyCodable: ExpressibleByStringInterpolation {} |
extension AnyCodable: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {} |
extension AnyCodable: ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral {} |
extension AnyCodable: Hashable { |
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { |
switch value { |
case let value as Bool: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int8: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int16: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int32: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int64: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt8: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt16: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt32: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt64: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Float: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Double: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as String: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as [String: AnyCodable]: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as [AnyCodable]: |
hasher.combine(value) |
default: |
break |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ |
#if canImport(Foundation) |
import Foundation |
#endif |
/** |
A type-erased `Decodable` value. |
The `AnyDecodable` type forwards decoding responsibilities |
to an underlying value, hiding its specific underlying type. |
You can decode mixed-type values in dictionaries |
and other collections that require `Decodable` conformance |
by declaring their contained type to be `AnyDecodable`: |
let json = """ |
{ |
"boolean": true, |
"integer": 42, |
"double": 3.141592653589793, |
"string": "string", |
"array": [1, 2, 3], |
"nested": { |
"a": "alpha", |
"b": "bravo", |
"c": "charlie" |
}, |
"null": null |
} |
""".data(using: .utf8)! |
let decoder = JSONDecoder() |
let dictionary = try! decoder.decode([String: AnyDecodable].self, from: json) |
*/ |
@frozen public struct AnyDecodable: Decodable { |
public let value: Any |
public init<T>(_ value: T?) { |
self.value = value ?? () |
} |
} |
@usableFromInline |
protocol _AnyDecodable { |
var value: Any { get } |
init<T>(_ value: T?) |
} |
extension AnyDecodable: _AnyDecodable {} |
extension _AnyDecodable { |
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { |
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer() |
if container.decodeNil() { |
#if canImport(Foundation) |
self.init(NSNull()) |
#else |
self.init(Optional<Self>.none) |
#endif |
} else if let bool = try? container.decode(Bool.self) { |
self.init(bool) |
} else if let int = try? container.decode(Int.self) { |
self.init(int) |
} else if let uint = try? container.decode(UInt.self) { |
self.init(uint) |
} else if let double = try? container.decode(Double.self) { |
self.init(double) |
} else if let string = try? container.decode(String.self) { |
self.init(string) |
} else if let array = try? container.decode([AnyDecodable].self) { |
self.init(array.map { $0.value }) |
} else if let dictionary = try? container.decode([String: AnyDecodable].self) { |
self.init(dictionary.mapValues { $0.value }) |
} else { |
throw DecodingError.dataCorruptedError(in: container, debugDescription: "AnyDecodable value cannot be decoded") |
} |
} |
} |
extension AnyDecodable: Equatable { |
public static func == (lhs: AnyDecodable, rhs: AnyDecodable) -> Bool { |
switch (lhs.value, rhs.value) { |
#if canImport(Foundation) |
case is (NSNull, NSNull), is (Void, Void): |
return true |
#endif |
case let (lhs as Bool, rhs as Bool): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int, rhs as Int): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int8, rhs as Int8): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int16, rhs as Int16): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int32, rhs as Int32): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int64, rhs as Int64): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt, rhs as UInt): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt8, rhs as UInt8): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt16, rhs as UInt16): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt32, rhs as UInt32): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt64, rhs as UInt64): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Float, rhs as Float): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Double, rhs as Double): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as String, rhs as String): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as [String: AnyDecodable], rhs as [String: AnyDecodable]): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as [AnyDecodable], rhs as [AnyDecodable]): |
return lhs == rhs |
default: |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
extension AnyDecodable: CustomStringConvertible { |
public var description: String { |
switch value { |
case is Void: |
return String(describing: nil as Any?) |
case let value as CustomStringConvertible: |
return value.description |
default: |
return String(describing: value) |
} |
} |
} |
extension AnyDecodable: CustomDebugStringConvertible { |
public var debugDescription: String { |
switch value { |
case let value as CustomDebugStringConvertible: |
return "AnyDecodable(\(value.debugDescription))" |
default: |
return "AnyDecodable(\(description))" |
} |
} |
} |
extension AnyDecodable: Hashable { |
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { |
switch value { |
case let value as Bool: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int8: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int16: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int32: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int64: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt8: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt16: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt32: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt64: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Float: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Double: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as String: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as [String: AnyDecodable]: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as [AnyDecodable]: |
hasher.combine(value) |
default: |
break |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ |
#if canImport(Foundation) |
import Foundation |
#endif |
/** |
A type-erased `Encodable` value. |
The `AnyEncodable` type forwards encoding responsibilities |
to an underlying value, hiding its specific underlying type. |
You can encode mixed-type values in dictionaries |
and other collections that require `Encodable` conformance |
by declaring their contained type to be `AnyEncodable`: |
let dictionary: [String: AnyEncodable] = [ |
"boolean": true, |
"integer": 42, |
"double": 3.141592653589793, |
"string": "string", |
"array": [1, 2, 3], |
"nested": [ |
"a": "alpha", |
"b": "bravo", |
"c": "charlie" |
], |
"null": nil |
] |
let encoder = JSONEncoder() |
let json = try! encoder.encode(dictionary) |
*/ |
@frozen public struct AnyEncodable: Encodable { |
public let value: Any |
public init<T>(_ value: T?) { |
self.value = value ?? () |
} |
} |
@usableFromInline |
protocol _AnyEncodable { |
var value: Any { get } |
init<T>(_ value: T?) |
} |
extension AnyEncodable: _AnyEncodable {} |
// MARK: - Encodable |
extension _AnyEncodable { |
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { |
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer() |
switch value { |
#if canImport(Foundation) |
case is NSNull: |
try container.encodeNil() |
#endif |
case is Void: |
try container.encodeNil() |
case let bool as Bool: |
try container.encode(bool) |
case let int as Int: |
try container.encode(int) |
case let int8 as Int8: |
try container.encode(int8) |
case let int16 as Int16: |
try container.encode(int16) |
case let int32 as Int32: |
try container.encode(int32) |
case let int64 as Int64: |
try container.encode(int64) |
case let uint as UInt: |
try container.encode(uint) |
case let uint8 as UInt8: |
try container.encode(uint8) |
case let uint16 as UInt16: |
try container.encode(uint16) |
case let uint32 as UInt32: |
try container.encode(uint32) |
case let uint64 as UInt64: |
try container.encode(uint64) |
case let float as Float: |
try container.encode(float) |
case let double as Double: |
try container.encode(double) |
case let string as String: |
try container.encode(string) |
#if canImport(Foundation) |
case let number as NSNumber: |
try encode(nsnumber: number, into: &container) |
case let date as Date: |
try container.encode(date) |
case let url as URL: |
try container.encode(url) |
#endif |
case let array as [Any?]: |
try container.encode(array.map { AnyEncodable($0) }) |
case let dictionary as [String: Any?]: |
try container.encode(dictionary.mapValues { AnyEncodable($0) }) |
case let encodable as Encodable: |
try encodable.encode(to: encoder) |
default: |
let context = EncodingError.Context(codingPath: container.codingPath, debugDescription: "AnyEncodable value cannot be encoded") |
throw EncodingError.invalidValue(value, context) |
} |
} |
#if canImport(Foundation) |
private func encode(nsnumber: NSNumber, into container: inout SingleValueEncodingContainer) throws { |
switch Character(Unicode.Scalar(UInt8(nsnumber.objCType.pointee))) { |
case "B": |
try container.encode(nsnumber.boolValue) |
case "c": |
try container.encode(nsnumber.int8Value) |
case "s": |
try container.encode(nsnumber.int16Value) |
case "i", "l": |
try container.encode(nsnumber.int32Value) |
case "q": |
try container.encode(nsnumber.int64Value) |
case "C": |
try container.encode(nsnumber.uint8Value) |
case "S": |
try container.encode(nsnumber.uint16Value) |
case "I", "L": |
try container.encode(nsnumber.uint32Value) |
case "Q": |
try container.encode(nsnumber.uint64Value) |
case "f": |
try container.encode(nsnumber.floatValue) |
case "d": |
try container.encode(nsnumber.doubleValue) |
default: |
let context = EncodingError.Context(codingPath: container.codingPath, debugDescription: "NSNumber cannot be encoded because its type is not handled") |
throw EncodingError.invalidValue(nsnumber, context) |
} |
} |
#endif |
} |
extension AnyEncodable: Equatable { |
public static func == (lhs: AnyEncodable, rhs: AnyEncodable) -> Bool { |
switch (lhs.value, rhs.value) { |
case is (Void, Void): |
return true |
case let (lhs as Bool, rhs as Bool): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int, rhs as Int): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int8, rhs as Int8): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int16, rhs as Int16): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int32, rhs as Int32): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Int64, rhs as Int64): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt, rhs as UInt): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt8, rhs as UInt8): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt16, rhs as UInt16): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt32, rhs as UInt32): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as UInt64, rhs as UInt64): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Float, rhs as Float): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as Double, rhs as Double): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as String, rhs as String): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as [String: AnyEncodable], rhs as [String: AnyEncodable]): |
return lhs == rhs |
case let (lhs as [AnyEncodable], rhs as [AnyEncodable]): |
return lhs == rhs |
default: |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
extension AnyEncodable: CustomStringConvertible { |
public var description: String { |
switch value { |
case is Void: |
return String(describing: nil as Any?) |
case let value as CustomStringConvertible: |
return value.description |
default: |
return String(describing: value) |
} |
} |
} |
extension AnyEncodable: CustomDebugStringConvertible { |
public var debugDescription: String { |
switch value { |
case let value as CustomDebugStringConvertible: |
return "AnyEncodable(\(value.debugDescription))" |
default: |
return "AnyEncodable(\(description))" |
} |
} |
} |
extension AnyEncodable: ExpressibleByNilLiteral {} |
extension AnyEncodable: ExpressibleByBooleanLiteral {} |
extension AnyEncodable: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {} |
extension AnyEncodable: ExpressibleByFloatLiteral {} |
extension AnyEncodable: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {} |
extension AnyEncodable: ExpressibleByStringInterpolation {} |
extension AnyEncodable: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {} |
extension AnyEncodable: ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral {} |
extension _AnyEncodable { |
public init(nilLiteral _: ()) { |
self.init(nil as Any?) |
} |
public init(booleanLiteral value: Bool) { |
self.init(value) |
} |
public init(integerLiteral value: Int) { |
self.init(value) |
} |
public init(floatLiteral value: Double) { |
self.init(value) |
} |
public init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String) { |
self.init(value) |
} |
public init(stringLiteral value: String) { |
self.init(value) |
} |
public init(arrayLiteral elements: Any...) { |
self.init(elements) |
} |
public init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (AnyHashable, Any)...) { |
self.init([AnyHashable: Any](elements, uniquingKeysWith: { first, _ in first })) |
} |
} |
extension AnyEncodable: Hashable { |
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { |
switch value { |
case let value as Bool: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int8: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int16: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int32: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Int64: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt8: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt16: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt32: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as UInt64: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Float: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as Double: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as String: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as [String: AnyEncodable]: |
hasher.combine(value) |
case let value as [AnyEncodable]: |
hasher.combine(value) |
default: |
break |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue