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Apply translations in fr_FR

translation completed for the source file '/translations/en-US.xcloc/Localized Contents/en-US.xliff'
on the 'fr_FR' language.
transifex-integration[bot] 2 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
  1. 47


@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ Number of profiles a user is following.</note>
<note>Description of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification.</note>
<trans-unit id="'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email." xml:space="preserve">
<source>'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email.</source>
<target>'@' est un identifiant nip05 invalide. Cela devrait ressembler à une adresse e-mail.</target>
<trans-unit id="'%@' is an invalid NIP-05 identifier. It should look like an email." xml:space="preserve">
<source>'%@' is an invalid NIP-05 identifier. It should look like an email.</source>
<target>'%@' n'est pas un identifiant NIP-05 valide. Il doit avoir le format d'une adresse courriel.</target>
<note>Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid.</note>
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ Number of profiles a user is following.</note>
<trans-unit id="Any" xml:space="preserve">
<target>N'importe Lequel</target>
<target>Montant au choix</target>
<note>Any amount of sats</note>
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Number of profiles a user is following.</note>
<trans-unit id="Copy Report ID" xml:space="preserve">
<source>Copy Report ID</source>
<target>Copier l'ID de rapport</target>
<target>Copier l'ID du signalement</target>
<note>Button to copy report ID.</note>
@ -553,6 +553,12 @@ Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</no
<note>Navigation link to go to profile.</note>
<trans-unit id="Hide" xml:space="preserve">
<note>Button to hide a post from a user who has been blocked.</note>
<trans-unit id="Home" xml:space="preserve">
@ -694,6 +700,12 @@ Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</no
<note>Button to post a note.</note>
<trans-unit id="Post from a user you've blocked" xml:space="preserve">
<source>Post from a user you've blocked</source>
<target>Publication d'un utilisateur que vous avez bloqué</target>
<note>Text to indicate that what is being shown is a post from a user who has been blocked.</note>
<trans-unit id="Posts" xml:space="preserve">
@ -816,20 +828,20 @@ Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</no
<trans-unit id="Report" xml:space="preserve">
<note>Button to report a profile.
Context menu option for reporting content.</note>
<trans-unit id="Report ID:" xml:space="preserve">
<source>Report ID:</source>
<target>ID de rapport:</target>
<target>ID de signalement:</target>
<note>Label indicating that the text underneath is the identifier of the report that was sent to relay servers.</note>
<trans-unit id="Report sent!" xml:space="preserve">
<source>Report sent!</source>
<target>Rapport envoyé!</target>
<target>Signalement envoyé!</target>
<note>Message indicating that a report was successfully sent to relay servers.</note>
@ -948,7 +960,8 @@ Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</no
<note>Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key.</note>
<note>Button to show a post from a user who has been blocked.
Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key.</note>
<trans-unit id="Show wallet selector" xml:space="preserve">
<source>Show wallet selector</source>
@ -1066,18 +1079,18 @@ Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</no
<note>Sidebar menu label for Wallet view.</note>
<trans-unit id="Wallet Of Satoshi" xml:space="preserve">
<source>Wallet Of Satoshi</source>
<target>Wallet Of Satoshi</target>
<note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet Of Satoshi.</note>
<trans-unit id="Wallet Selector" xml:space="preserve">
<source>Wallet Selector</source>
<target>Sélecteur de portefeuille</target>
<note>Section title for selection of wallet.</note>
<trans-unit id="Wallet of Satoshi" xml:space="preserve">
<source>Wallet of Satoshi</source>
<target>Wallet of Satoshi</target>
<note>Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet of Satoshi.</note>
<trans-unit id="Website" xml:space="preserve">
<target>Site Internet</target>
@ -1098,7 +1111,7 @@ Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</no
<trans-unit id="What do you want to report?" xml:space="preserve">
<source>What do you want to report?</source>
<target>Que voulez-vous rapporter?</target>
<target>Que voulez-vous signaler?</target>
<note>Header text to prompt user what issue they want to report.</note>
@ -1116,7 +1129,7 @@ Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.</no
<trans-unit id="Your report will be sent to the relays you are connected to" xml:space="preserve">
<source>Your report will be sent to the relays you are connected to</source>
<target>Votre rapport sera envoyé aux relais auxquels vous êtes connectés</target>
<target>Votre signalement sera envoyé aux relais auxquels vous êtes connectés</target>
<note>Footer text to inform user what will happen when the report is submitted.</note>
