DamusDamusBundle display namedamusdamusBundle nameGranting Damus access to your photos allows you to save images.Granting Damus access to your photos allows you to save images.Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage DescriptionBlank space to separate profile picture from profile editor form.%@%@Amount of time that has passed since reply quote event occurred.
Abbreviated version of a nostr public key.%@ %@%@ %@Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many reposts. In source English, the first variable is the number of reposts, and the second variable is 'Repost' or 'Reposts'.
Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many profiles a user is following. In source English, the first variable is the number of profiles being followed, and the second variable is 'Following'.%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction.%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction.Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMsExplanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet.%@. Tip your friend's posts and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet.Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.%lld%lldNumber of reposts.
Number of profiles a user is following.%lld/%lld%lld/%lldFraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational.'%@' at '%@' will be used for verification'%@' at '%@' will be used for verificationDescription of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification.'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email.'%@' is an invalid nip05 identifier. It should look like an email.Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid.(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s Followers(Profile.displayName(profile: profile, pubkey: whos))'s FollowersNavigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user.(who) following(who) followingNavigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following.< e >< e >Placeholder for event mention.@@Prefix character to username.AboutAboutLabel to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself.About MeAbout MeLabel for About Me section of user profile form.Absolute BossAbsolute BossPlaceholder text for About Me description.Account IDAccount IDLabel to indicate the public ID of the account.AddAddButton to add recommended relay server.
Button to confirm adding user inputted relay.Add RelayAdd RelayLabel for section for adding a relay server.AnyAnyAny amount of satsAre you sure you want to repost this?Are you sure you want to repost this?Alert message to ask if user wants to repost a post.Banner ImageBanner ImageLabel for Banner Image section of user profile form.Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus.Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus.Reminder to user that they should save their account information.Bitcoin BeachBitcoin BeachDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Bitcoin Beach.Bitcoin Lightning TipsBitcoin Lightning TipsLabel for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form.Blixt WalletBlixt WalletDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blixt WalletBlue WalletBlue WalletDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blue Wallet.BreezBreezDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Breez.BroadcastBroadcastContext menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers.CancelCancelButton to cancel out of posting a note.
Button to cancel out of reposting a post.
Button to cancel out of view adding user inputted relay.
Cancel out of logging out the user.Cash AppCash AppDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Cash App.ChatChatNavigation bar title for Chatroom view.ClearClearButton for clearing cached data.Clear CacheClear CacheSection title for clearing cached data.CopiedCopiedLabel indicating that a user's key was copied.CopyCopyButton to copy a relay server address.Copy Account IDCopy Account IDContext menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note.Copy ImageCopy ImageContext menu option to copy an image into clipboard.
Context menu option to copy an image to clipboard.Copy Image URLCopy Image URLContext menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard.Copy LNURLCopy LNURLContext menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL.Copy Note IDCopy Note IDContext menu option for copying the ID of the note.Copy Note JSONCopy Note JSONContext menu option for copying the JSON text from the note.Copy TextCopy TextContext menu option for copying the text from an note.Copy User IDCopy User IDContext menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note.Copy invoiceCopy invoiceTitle of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier.CreateCreateButton to create account.Create AccountCreate AccountButton to create an account.Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend.Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend.Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.DMDMNavigation title for DM view, which is the English abbreviation for Direct Message.DM TypeDM TypeDM selector for seeing either DMs or message requests, which are messages that have not been responded to yet.DMsDMsNo comment provided by engineer.DamusDamusName of the app, shown on the first screen when user is not logged in.Default WalletDefault WalletButton to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet.DeleteDeleteButton to delete a relay server that the user connects to.DismissDismissButton to dismiss a text field alert.Display NameDisplay NameLabel to prompt display name entry.DoneDoneButton to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice.Earn MoneyEarn MoneyHeading indicating that this application allows users to earn money.EditEditButton to edit user's profile.EncryptedEncryptedHeading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted.Encrypted DMsEncrypted DMsNavigation title for view of encrypted DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message.Enter your account key to login:Enter your account key to login:Prompt for user to enter an account key to login.Error: %@Error: %@Error message indicating why saving keys failed.Filter StateFilter StateFilter state for seeing either only posts, or posts & replies.FollowFollowButton to follow a user.FollowersFollowersLabel describing followers of a user.FollowingFollowingText to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of following a profile.
Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.Following...Following...Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user.FollowsFollowsText to indicate that button next to it is in a state that will follow a profile when tapped.GlobalGlobalNavigation bar title for Global view where posts from all connected relay servers appear.Goto post %@Goto post %@Navigation link to go to post referenced by hex code.Goto profile %@Goto profile %@Navigation link to go to profile.HomeHomeNavigation bar title for Home view where posts and replies appear from those who the user is following.Invalid keyInvalid keyError message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login.LNLinkLNLinkDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, LNLink.Left HandedLeft HandedMoves the post button to the left side of the screenLet's go!Let's go!Button to complete account creation and start using the app.Lightning Address or LNURLLightning Address or LNURLPlaceholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL.Lightning InvoiceLightning InvoiceIndicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice.Local defaultLocal defaultDropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet.LoginLoginButton to log into account.
Button to log into an account.LogoutLogoutAlert for logging out the user.
Button for logging out the user.
Button to logout the user.Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this accountMake sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this accountReminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out.MuunMuunDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Muun.NIP-05 VerificationNIP-05 VerificationLabel for NIP-05 Verification section of user profile form.Nothing to see here. Check back later!Nothing to see here. Check back later!Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view.NotificationsNotificationsNavigation title for notifications.PayPayButton to pay a Lightning invoice.Pay the Lightning invoicePay the Lightning invoiceNavigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice.PhoenixPhoenixDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Phoenix.PostPostButton to post a note.PostsPostsLabel for filter for seeing only posts (instead of posts and replies).Posts & RepliesPosts & RepliesLabel for filter for seeing posts and replies (instead of only posts).PrivatePrivateHeading indicating that this application keeps personally identifiable information private. A sentence describing what is done to keep data private comes after this heading.Private KeyPrivate KeyTitle of the secure field that holds the user's private key.ProfileProfileSidebar menu label for Profile view.Profile PictureProfile PictureLabel for Profile Picture section of user profile form.Public Account IDPublic Account IDSection title for the user's public account ID.Public KeyPublic KeyLabel indicating that the text is a user's public account key.Public Key?Public Key?Prompt to ask user if the key they entered is a public key.Public keyPublic keyLabel indicating that the text is a user's public account key.ReactionsReactionsNavigation bar title for Reactions view.Recommended RelaysRecommended RelaysSection title for recommend relay servers that could be added as part of configurationRelayRelayText field for relay server. Used for testing purposes.RelaysRelaysSidebar menu label for Relay servers viewReply to selfReply to selfLabel to indicate that the user is replying to themself.Replying to %1$@ & %2$@Replying to %1$@ & %2$@Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users.Replying to:Replying to:Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people.RepostRepostButton to confirm reposting a post.
Title of alert for confirming to repost a post.RepostedRepostedText indicating that the post was reposted (i.e. re-shared).RequestsRequestsNo comment provided by engineer.ResetResetSection title for resetting the userRetryRetryButton to retry completing account creation after an error occurred.RiverRiverDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, RiverSatoshi NakamotoSatoshi NakamotoName of Bitcoin creator(s).SaveSaveButton for saving profile.Save ImageSave ImageContext menu option to save an image.Search hashtag: #%@Search hashtag: #%@Navigation link to search hashtag.Search...Search...Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query.Secret Account Login KeySecret Account Login KeySection title for user's secret account login key.Select a Lightning walletSelect a Lightning walletTitle of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice.Select default walletSelect default walletPrompt selection of user's default walletSend a message to start the conversation...Send a message to start the conversation...Text prompt for user to send a message to the other user.SettingsSettingsNavigation title for Settings view.
Sidebar menu label for accessing the app settingsShareShareButton to share an image.ShowShowToggle to show or hide user's secret account login key.Show wallet selectorShow wallet selectorToggle to show or hide selection of wallet.Sign outSign outSidebar menu label to sign out of the account.StrikeStrikeDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Strike.This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective.This is a public key, you will not be able to make posts or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective.Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it.This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key.This is an old-style nostr key. We're not sure if it's a pubkey or private key. Please toggle the button below if this a public key.Warning that the inputted account key for login is an old-style and asking user to verify if it is a public key.This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy.This is your account ID, you can give this to your friends so that they can follow you. Click to copy.Label to describe that a public key is the user's account ID and what they can do with it.This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it.ThreadThreadNavigation bar title for note thread.
Navigation bar title for threaded event detail view.Type your post here...Type your post here...Text box prompt to ask user to type their post.UnfollowUnfollowButton to unfollow a user.UnfollowingUnfollowingText to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of unfollowing a profile.Unfollowing...Unfollowing...Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user.UnfollowsUnfollowsText to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that will unfollow a profile when tapped.UsernameUsernameLabel for Username section of user profile form.
Label to prompt username entry.WalletWalletSidebar menu label for Wallet view.Wallet Of SatoshiWallet Of SatoshiDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet Of Satoshi.Wallet SelectorWallet SelectorSection title for selection of wallet.WebsiteWebsiteLabel for Website section of user profile form.Welcome to the social network %@ control.Welcome to the social network %@ control.Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader.Welcome, %@!Welcome, %@!Text to welcome user.Your NameYour NameLabel for Your Name section of user profile form.ZebedeeZebedeeDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zebedee.Zeus LNZeus LNDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zeus LN.collapsed_event_view_other_notescollapsed_event_view_other_notesText to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped. (Key in .stringsdict)followers_countfollowers_countPart of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user. (Key in .stringsdict)https://example.com/pic.jpghttps://example.com/pic.jpgPlaceholder example text for profile picture URL.https://jb55.comhttps://jb55.comPlaceholder example text for website URL for user profile.jb55@jb55.comjb55@jb55.comPlaceholder example text for identifier used for NIP-05 verification.nonenoneNo search results.nownowString indicating that a given timestamp just occurrednsec1...nsec1...Prompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key.optionaloptionalLabel indicating that a form input is optional.reactions_countreactions_countPart of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)relays_countrelays_countPart of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected. (Key in .stringsdict)replying_to_one_and_othersreplying_to_one_and_othersLabel to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others. (Key in .stringsdict)replying_to_two_and_othersreplying_to_two_and_othersLabel to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others. (Key in .stringsdict)reposts_countreposts_countPart of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are. (Key in .stringsdict)satoshisatoshiExample username of Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.sats_countsats_countAmount of sats. (Key in .stringsdict)tips_counttips_countPart of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post. (Key in .stringsdict)u{00A0}u{00A0}Non-breaking space character to fill in blank space next to event action button icons.wss://some.relay.comwss://some.relay.comPlaceholder example for relay server address.youyouYou, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself.%d other note%d other noteText to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.%d other notes%d other notesText to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.··· %#@NOTES@ ······ %#@NOTES@ ···Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.FollowerFollowerPart of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.FollowersFollowersPart of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.%#@FOLLOWERS@%#@FOLLOWERS@Part of a larger sentence to describe how many people are following a user.%#@REACTIONS@%#@REACTIONS@Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.ReactionReactionPart of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.ReactionsReactionsPart of a larger sentence to describe how many reactions there are on a post.%#@RELAYS@%#@RELAYS@Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.RelayRelayPart of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.RelaysRelaysPart of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.Replying to %@%#@OTHERS@Replying to %@%#@OTHERS@Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others. & %d other & %d otherLabel to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others. & %d others & %d othersLabel to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.Replying to %@, %@%#@OTHERS@Replying to %@, %@%#@OTHERS@Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others. & %d other & %d otherLabel to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others. & %d others & %d othersLabel to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.%#@REPOSTS@%#@REPOSTS@Part of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.RepostRepostPart of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.RepostsRepostsPart of a larger sentence to describe how many reposts there are.%1$#@SATS@%1$#@SATS@Amount of sats.%2$@ sat%2$@ satAmount of sats.%2$@ sats%2$@ satsAmount of sats.%#@TIPS@%#@TIPS@Part of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.TipTipPart of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.TipsTipsPart of a larger sentence to describe how many tip payments there are on a post.