Bundle display nameBundle namePrivacy - Photo Library Additions Usage DescriptionBlank space to separate profile picture from profile editor form.Number of people following a user.Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many profiles a user is following. In source English, the first variable is the number of profiles being followed, and the second variable is 'Following'.Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.Explanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.Number of profiles a user is following.Fraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational.No comment provided by engineer.Description of how the nip05 identifier would be used for verification.Description of why the nip05 identifier is invalid.Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user.Amount of 1 sat.Amount of sats.Navigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following.Placeholder for event mention.Prefix character to username.Label to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself.Label for About Me section of user profile form.Placeholder text for About Me description.Label to indicate the public ID of the account.Button to add recommended relay server.
Button to confirm adding user inputted relay.Label for section for adding a relay server.Any amount of satsAlert message to ask if user wants to boost a post.Reminder to user that they should save their account information.Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Bitcoin Beach.Label for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form.Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blixt WalletDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Blue Wallet.Button to confirm boosting a post.
Title of alert for confirming to boost a post.Text indicating that the post was boosted (i.e. re-shared).Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Breez.Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers.Button to cancel out of posting a note.
Button to cancel out of view adding user inputted relay.
Cancel out of logging out the user.Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Cash App.Navigation bar title for Chatroom view.Button for clearing cached data.Section title for clearing cached data.Label indicating that a user's key was copied.Button to copy a relay server address.Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note.Context menu option to copy an image into clipboard.
Context menu option to copy an image to clipboard.Context menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard.Context menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL.Context menu option for copying the ID of the note.Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note.Context menu option for copying the text from an note.Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note.Title of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier.Button to create account.Button to create an account.Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.Navigation title for DM view, which is the English abbreviation for Direct Message.Name of the app, shown on the first screen when user is not logged in.Button to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet.Button to delete a relay server that the user connects to.Button to dismiss a text field alert.Label to prompt display name entry.Button to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice.Heading indicating that this application allows users to earn money.Button to edit user's profile.Title of navigation view for Edit Profile.Heading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted.Navigation title for view of encrypted DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message.Prompt for user to enter an account key to login.Error message indicating why saving keys failed.Filter state for seeing either only posts, or posts & replies.Button to follow a user.Label describing followers of a user.Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of following a profile.
Part of a larger sentence to describe how many profiles a user is following.Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user.Text to indicate that button next to it is in a state that will follow a profile when tapped.Navigation bar title for Global view where posts from all connected relay servers appear.Navigation link to go to post referenced by hex code.Navigation link to go to profile.Navigation bar title for Home view where posts and replies appear from those who the user is following.Error message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login.Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, LNLink.Button to complete account creation and start using the app.Placeholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL.Indicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice.Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet.Button to log into account.Alert for logging out the user.
Button for logging out the user.
Button to logout the user.Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out.Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Muun.Label for NIP-05 Verification section of user profile form.Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view.Navigation title for notifications.Button to pay a Lightning invoice.Navigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice.Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Phoenix.Button to post a note.Label for filter for seeing only posts (instead of posts and replies).Label for filter for seeing posts and replies (instead of only posts).Heading indicating that this application keeps personally identifiable information private. A sentence describing what is done to keep data private comes after this heading.Label to indicate that the text below is the user's private key used by only the user themself as a secret to login to access their account.Title of the secure field that holds the user's private key.Label for Profile Picture section of user profile form.Section title for the user's public account ID.Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.Prompt to ask user if the key they entered is a public key.Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.Section title for recommend relay servers that could be added as part of configurationText field for relay server. Used for testing purposes.Header text for relay server list for configuration.
Part of a larger sentence to describe how many relay servers a user is connected.Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself.Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users.Indicating that the user is replying to the following listed people.Section title for resetting the userDropdown option label for Lightning wallet, RiverName of Bitcoin creator(s).Button for saving profile.Context menu option to save an image.Navigation link to search hashtag.Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query.Section title for user's secret account login key.Title of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice.Prompt selection of user's default walletText prompt for user to send a message to the other user.Navigation title for Settings view.Button to share an image.Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key.Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet.Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Strike.Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it.Warning that the inputted account key for login is an old-style and asking user to verify if it is a public key.Label to describe that a public key is the user's account ID and what they can do with it.Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it.Navigation bar title for note thread.
Navigation bar title for threaded event detail view.Text box prompt to ask user to type their post.Button to unfollow a user.Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that indicates that it is in the process of unfollowing a profile.Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user.Text to indicate that the button next to it is in a state that will unfollow a profile when tapped.Label for Username section of user profile form.
Label to prompt username entry.Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Wallet Of Satoshi.Section title for selection of wallet.Label for Website section of user profile form.Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader.Text to welcome user.Label for Your Name section of user profile form.Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zebedee.Dropdown option label for Lightning wallet, Zeus LN.Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped. (Key in .stringsdict)Placeholder example text for profile picture URL.Placeholder example text for website URL for user profile.Placeholder example text for identifier used for NIP-05 verification.No search results.String indicating that a given timestamp just occurredPrompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key.Label indicating that a form input is optional.Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others. (Key in .stringsdict)Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others. (Key in .stringsdict)Example username of Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.Placeholder example for relay server address.You, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself.Button with emoji to like an event.1 other noteText to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.%d other notesText to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.0 other notesText to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.路路路 %#@NOTES@ 路路路Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped.Replying to %@%#@OTHERS@Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others. & 1 otherLabel to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others. & %d othersLabel to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others.Replying to %@, %@%#@OTHERS@Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others. & 1 otherLabel to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others. & %d othersLabel to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others.