/* Licensed under BSD-MIT - see LICENSE file for details */
#ifndef CCAN_LIST_H
#define CCAN_LIST_H
//#define CCAN_LIST_DEBUG 1
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "str.h"
#include "container_of.h"
#include "check_type.h"

 * struct list_node - an entry in a doubly-linked list
 * @next: next entry (self if empty)
 * @prev: previous entry (self if empty)
 * This is used as an entry in a linked list.
 * Example:
 *    struct child {
 *        const char *name;
 *        // Linked list of all us children.
 *        struct list_node list;
 *    };
struct list_node
    struct list_node *next, *prev;

 * struct list_head - the head of a doubly-linked list
 * @h: the list_head (containing next and prev pointers)
 * This is used as the head of a linked list.
 * Example:
 *    struct parent {
 *        const char *name;
 *        struct list_head children;
 *        unsigned int num_children;
 *    };
struct list_head
    struct list_node n;

 * list_check - check head of a list for consistency
 * @h: the list_head
 * @abortstr: the location to print on aborting, or NULL.
 * Because list_nodes have redundant information, consistency checking between
 * the back and forward links can be done.  This is useful as a debugging check.
 * If @abortstr is non-NULL, that will be printed in a diagnostic if the list
 * is inconsistent, and the function will abort.
 * Returns the list head if the list is consistent, NULL if not (it
 * can never return NULL if @abortstr is set).
 * See also: list_check_node()
 * Example:
 *    static void dump_parent(struct parent *p)
 *    {
 *        struct child *c;
 *        printf("%s (%u children):\n", p->name, p->num_children);
 *        list_check(&p->children, "bad child list");
 *        list_for_each(&p->children, c, list)
 *            printf(" -> %s\n", c->name);
 *    }
struct list_head *list_check(const struct list_head *h, const char *abortstr);

 * list_check_node - check node of a list for consistency
 * @n: the list_node
 * @abortstr: the location to print on aborting, or NULL.
 * Check consistency of the list node is in (it must be in one).
 * See also: list_check()
 * Example:
 *    static void dump_child(const struct child *c)
 *    {
 *        list_check_node(&c->list, "bad child list");
 *        printf("%s\n", c->name);
 *    }
struct list_node *list_check_node(const struct list_node *n,
                  const char *abortstr);

#define LIST_LOC __FILE__  ":" stringify(__LINE__)
#define list_debug(h, loc) list_check((h), loc)
#define list_debug_node(n, loc) list_check_node((n), loc)
#define list_debug(h, loc) ((void)loc, h)
#define list_debug_node(n, loc) ((void)loc, n)

 * LIST_HEAD_INIT - initializer for an empty list_head
 * @name: the name of the list.
 * Explicit initializer for an empty list.
 * See also:
 *    LIST_HEAD, list_head_init()
 * Example:
 *    static struct list_head my_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(my_list);
#define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { { &(name).n, &(name).n } }

 * LIST_HEAD - define and initialize an empty list_head
 * @name: the name of the list.
 * The LIST_HEAD macro defines a list_head and initializes it to an empty
 * list.  It can be prepended by "static" to define a static list_head.
 * See also:
 *    LIST_HEAD_INIT, list_head_init()
 * Example:
 *    static LIST_HEAD(my_global_list);
#define LIST_HEAD(name) \
    struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)

 * list_head_init - initialize a list_head
 * @h: the list_head to set to the empty list
 * Example:
 *    ...
 *    struct parent *parent = malloc(sizeof(*parent));
 *    list_head_init(&parent->children);
 *    parent->num_children = 0;
static inline void list_head_init(struct list_head *h)
    h->n.next = h->n.prev = &h->n;

 * list_node_init - initialize a list_node
 * @n: the list_node to link to itself.
 * You don't need to use this normally!  But it lets you list_del(@n)
 * safely.
static inline void list_node_init(struct list_node *n)
    n->next = n->prev = n;

 * list_add_after - add an entry after an existing node in a linked list
 * @h: the list_head to add the node to (for debugging)
 * @p: the existing list_node to add the node after
 * @n: the new list_node to add to the list.
 * The existing list_node must already be a member of the list.
 * The new list_node does not need to be initialized; it will be overwritten.
 * Example:
 *    struct child c1, c2, c3;
 *    LIST_HEAD(h);
 *    list_add_tail(&h, &c1.list);
 *    list_add_tail(&h, &c3.list);
 *    list_add_after(&h, &c1.list, &c2.list);
#define list_add_after(h, p, n) list_add_after_(h, p, n, LIST_LOC)
static inline void list_add_after_(struct list_head *h,
                   struct list_node *p,
                   struct list_node *n,
                   const char *abortstr)
    n->next = p->next;
    n->prev = p;
    p->next->prev = n;
    p->next = n;
    (void)list_debug(h, abortstr);

 * list_add - add an entry at the start of a linked list.
 * @h: the list_head to add the node to
 * @n: the list_node to add to the list.
 * The list_node does not need to be initialized; it will be overwritten.
 * Example:
 *    struct child *child = malloc(sizeof(*child));
 *    child->name = "marvin";
 *    list_add(&parent->children, &child->list);
 *    parent->num_children++;
#define list_add(h, n) list_add_(h, n, LIST_LOC)
static inline void list_add_(struct list_head *h,
                 struct list_node *n,
                 const char *abortstr)
    list_add_after_(h, &h->n, n, abortstr);

 * list_add_before - add an entry before an existing node in a linked list
 * @h: the list_head to add the node to (for debugging)
 * @p: the existing list_node to add the node before
 * @n: the new list_node to add to the list.
 * The existing list_node must already be a member of the list.
 * The new list_node does not need to be initialized; it will be overwritten.
 * Example:
 *    list_head_init(&h);
 *    list_add_tail(&h, &c1.list);
 *    list_add_tail(&h, &c3.list);
 *    list_add_before(&h, &c3.list, &c2.list);
#define list_add_before(h, p, n) list_add_before_(h, p, n, LIST_LOC)
static inline void list_add_before_(struct list_head *h,
                    struct list_node *p,
                    struct list_node *n,
                    const char *abortstr)
    n->next = p;
    n->prev = p->prev;
    p->prev->next = n;
    p->prev = n;
    (void)list_debug(h, abortstr);

 * list_add_tail - add an entry at the end of a linked list.
 * @h: the list_head to add the node to
 * @n: the list_node to add to the list.
 * The list_node does not need to be initialized; it will be overwritten.
 * Example:
 *    list_add_tail(&parent->children, &child->list);
 *    parent->num_children++;
#define list_add_tail(h, n) list_add_tail_(h, n, LIST_LOC)
static inline void list_add_tail_(struct list_head *h,
                  struct list_node *n,
                  const char *abortstr)
    list_add_before_(h, &h->n, n, abortstr);

 * list_empty - is a list empty?
 * @h: the list_head
 * If the list is empty, returns true.
 * Example:
 *    assert(list_empty(&parent->children) == (parent->num_children == 0));
#define list_empty(h) list_empty_(h, LIST_LOC)
static inline bool list_empty_(const struct list_head *h, const char* abortstr)
    (void)list_debug(h, abortstr);
    return h->n.next == &h->n;

 * list_empty_nodebug - is a list empty (and don't perform debug checks)?
 * @h: the list_head
 * If the list is empty, returns true.
 * This differs from list_empty() in that if CCAN_LIST_DEBUG is set it
 * will NOT perform debug checks. Only use this function if you REALLY
 * know what you're doing.
 * Example:
 *    assert(list_empty_nodebug(&parent->children) == (parent->num_children == 0));
#define list_empty_nodebug(h) list_empty(h)
static inline bool list_empty_nodebug(const struct list_head *h)
    return h->n.next == &h->n;

 * list_empty_nocheck - is a list empty?
 * @h: the list_head
 * If the list is empty, returns true. This doesn't perform any
 * debug check for list consistency, so it can be called without
 * locks, racing with the list being modified. This is ok for
 * checks where an incorrect result is not an issue (optimized
 * bail out path for example).
static inline bool list_empty_nocheck(const struct list_head *h)
    return h->n.next == &h->n;

 * list_del - delete an entry from an (unknown) linked list.
 * @n: the list_node to delete from the list.
 * Note that this leaves @n in an undefined state; it can be added to
 * another list, but not deleted again.
 * See also:
 *    list_del_from(), list_del_init()
 * Example:
 *    list_del(&child->list);
 *    parent->num_children--;
#define list_del(n) list_del_(n, LIST_LOC)
static inline void list_del_(struct list_node *n, const char* abortstr)
    (void)list_debug_node(n, abortstr);
    n->next->prev = n->prev;
    n->prev->next = n->next;
    /* Catch use-after-del. */
    n->next = n->prev = NULL;

 * list_del_init - delete a node, and reset it so it can be deleted again.
 * @n: the list_node to be deleted.
 * list_del(@n) or list_del_init() again after this will be safe,
 * which can be useful in some cases.
 * See also:
 *    list_del_from(), list_del()
 * Example:
 *    list_del_init(&child->list);
 *    parent->num_children--;
#define list_del_init(n) list_del_init_(n, LIST_LOC)
static inline void list_del_init_(struct list_node *n, const char *abortstr)
    list_del_(n, abortstr);

 * list_del_from - delete an entry from a known linked list.
 * @h: the list_head the node is in.
 * @n: the list_node to delete from the list.
 * This explicitly indicates which list a node is expected to be in,
 * which is better documentation and can catch more bugs.
 * See also: list_del()
 * Example:
 *    list_del_from(&parent->children, &child->list);
 *    parent->num_children--;
static inline void list_del_from(struct list_head *h, struct list_node *n)
        /* Thorough check: make sure it was in list! */
        struct list_node *i;
        for (i = h->n.next; i != n; i = i->next)
            assert(i != &h->n);
#endif /* CCAN_LIST_DEBUG */

    /* Quick test that catches a surprising number of bugs. */

 * list_swap - swap out an entry from an (unknown) linked list for a new one.
 * @o: the list_node to replace from the list.
 * @n: the list_node to insert in place of the old one.
 * Note that this leaves @o in an undefined state; it can be added to
 * another list, but not deleted/swapped again.
 * See also:
 *    list_del()
 * Example:
 *    struct child x1, x2;
 *    LIST_HEAD(xh);
 *    list_add(&xh, &x1.list);
 *    list_swap(&x1.list, &x2.list);
#define list_swap(o, n) list_swap_(o, n, LIST_LOC)
static inline void list_swap_(struct list_node *o,
                  struct list_node *n,
                  const char* abortstr)
    (void)list_debug_node(o, abortstr);
    *n = *o;
    n->next->prev = n;
    n->prev->next = n;
    /* Catch use-after-del. */
    o->next = o->prev = NULL;

 * list_entry - convert a list_node back into the structure containing it.
 * @n: the list_node
 * @type: the type of the entry
 * @member: the list_node member of the type
 * Example:
 *    // First list entry is children.next; convert back to child.
 *    child = list_entry(parent->children.n.next, struct child, list);
 * See Also:
 *    list_top(), list_for_each()
#define list_entry(n, type, member) container_of(n, type, member)

 * list_top - get the first entry in a list
 * @h: the list_head
 * @type: the type of the entry
 * @member: the list_node member of the type
 * If the list is empty, returns NULL.
 * Example:
 *    struct child *first;
 *    first = list_top(&parent->children, struct child, list);
 *    if (!first)
 *        printf("Empty list!\n");
#define list_top(h, type, member)                    \
    ((type *)list_top_((h), list_off_(type, member)))

static inline const void *list_top_(const struct list_head *h, size_t off)
    if (list_empty(h))
        return NULL;
    return (const char *)h->n.next - off;

 * list_pop - remove the first entry in a list
 * @h: the list_head
 * @type: the type of the entry
 * @member: the list_node member of the type
 * If the list is empty, returns NULL.
 * Example:
 *    struct child *one;
 *    one = list_pop(&parent->children, struct child, list);
 *    if (!one)
 *        printf("Empty list!\n");
#define list_pop(h, type, member)                    \
    ((type *)list_pop_((h), list_off_(type, member)))

static inline const void *list_pop_(const struct list_head *h, size_t off)
    struct list_node *n;

    if (list_empty(h))
        return NULL;
    n = h->n.next;
    return (const char *)n - off;

 * list_tail - get the last entry in a list
 * @h: the list_head
 * @type: the type of the entry
 * @member: the list_node member of the type
 * If the list is empty, returns NULL.
 * Example:
 *    struct child *last;
 *    last = list_tail(&parent->children, struct child, list);
 *    if (!last)
 *        printf("Empty list!\n");
#define list_tail(h, type, member) \
    ((type *)list_tail_((h), list_off_(type, member)))

static inline const void *list_tail_(const struct list_head *h, size_t off)
    if (list_empty(h))
        return NULL;
    return (const char *)h->n.prev - off;

 * list_for_each - iterate through a list.
 * @h: the list_head (warning: evaluated multiple times!)
 * @i: the structure containing the list_node
 * @member: the list_node member of the structure
 * This is a convenient wrapper to iterate @i over the entire list.  It's
 * a for loop, so you can break and continue as normal.
 * Example:
 *    list_for_each(&parent->children, child, list)
 *        printf("Name: %s\n", child->name);
#define list_for_each(h, i, member)                    \
    list_for_each_off(h, i, list_off_var_(i, member))

 * list_for_each_rev - iterate through a list backwards.
 * @h: the list_head
 * @i: the structure containing the list_node
 * @member: the list_node member of the structure
 * This is a convenient wrapper to iterate @i over the entire list.  It's
 * a for loop, so you can break and continue as normal.
 * Example:
 *    list_for_each_rev(&parent->children, child, list)
 *        printf("Name: %s\n", child->name);
#define list_for_each_rev(h, i, member)                    \
    list_for_each_rev_off(h, i, list_off_var_(i, member))

 * list_for_each_rev_safe - iterate through a list backwards,
 * maybe during deletion
 * @h: the list_head
 * @i: the structure containing the list_node
 * @nxt: the structure containing the list_node
 * @member: the list_node member of the structure
 * This is a convenient wrapper to iterate @i over the entire list backwards.
 * It's a for loop, so you can break and continue as normal.  The extra
 * variable * @nxt is used to hold the next element, so you can delete @i
 * from the list.
 * Example:
 *    struct child *next;
 *    list_for_each_rev_safe(&parent->children, child, next, list) {
 *        printf("Name: %s\n", child->name);
 *    }
#define list_for_each_rev_safe(h, i, nxt, member)            \
    list_for_each_rev_safe_off(h, i, nxt, list_off_var_(i, member))

 * list_for_each_safe - iterate through a list, maybe during deletion
 * @h: the list_head
 * @i: the structure containing the list_node
 * @nxt: the structure containing the list_node
 * @member: the list_node member of the structure
 * This is a convenient wrapper to iterate @i over the entire list.  It's
 * a for loop, so you can break and continue as normal.  The extra variable
 * @nxt is used to hold the next element, so you can delete @i from the list.
 * Example:
 *    list_for_each_safe(&parent->children, child, next, list) {
 *        list_del(&child->list);
 *        parent->num_children--;
 *    }
#define list_for_each_safe(h, i, nxt, member)                \
    list_for_each_safe_off(h, i, nxt, list_off_var_(i, member))

 * list_next - get the next entry in a list
 * @h: the list_head
 * @i: a pointer to an entry in the list.
 * @member: the list_node member of the structure
 * If @i was the last entry in the list, returns NULL.
 * Example:
 *    struct child *second;
 *    second = list_next(&parent->children, first, list);
 *    if (!second)
 *        printf("No second child!\n");
#define list_next(h, i, member)                        \
    ((list_typeof(i))list_entry_or_null(list_debug(h,        \
                        __FILE__ ":" stringify(__LINE__)), \
                        (i)->member.next,        \
                        list_off_var_((i), member)))

 * list_prev - get the previous entry in a list
 * @h: the list_head
 * @i: a pointer to an entry in the list.
 * @member: the list_node member of the structure
 * If @i was the first entry in the list, returns NULL.
 * Example:
 *    first = list_prev(&parent->children, second, list);
 *    if (!first)
 *        printf("Can't go back to first child?!\n");
#define list_prev(h, i, member)                        \
    ((list_typeof(i))list_entry_or_null(list_debug(h,        \
                        __FILE__ ":" stringify(__LINE__)), \
                        (i)->member.prev,        \
                        list_off_var_((i), member)))

 * list_append_list - empty one list onto the end of another.
 * @to: the list to append into
 * @from: the list to empty.
 * This takes the entire contents of @from and moves it to the end of
 * @to.  After this @from will be empty.
 * Example:
 *    struct list_head adopter;
 *    list_append_list(&adopter, &parent->children);
 *    assert(list_empty(&parent->children));
 *    parent->num_children = 0;
#define list_append_list(t, f) list_append_list_(t, f,            \
                   __FILE__ ":" stringify(__LINE__))
static inline void list_append_list_(struct list_head *to,
                     struct list_head *from,
                     const char *abortstr)
    struct list_node *from_tail = list_debug(from, abortstr)->n.prev;
    struct list_node *to_tail = list_debug(to, abortstr)->n.prev;

    /* Sew in head and entire list. */
    to->n.prev = from_tail;
    from_tail->next = &to->n;
    to_tail->next = &from->n;
    from->n.prev = to_tail;

    /* Now remove head. */

 * list_prepend_list - empty one list into the start of another.
 * @to: the list to prepend into
 * @from: the list to empty.
 * This takes the entire contents of @from and moves it to the start
 * of @to.  After this @from will be empty.
 * Example:
 *    list_prepend_list(&adopter, &parent->children);
 *    assert(list_empty(&parent->children));
 *    parent->num_children = 0;
#define list_prepend_list(t, f) list_prepend_list_(t, f, LIST_LOC)
static inline void list_prepend_list_(struct list_head *to,
                      struct list_head *from,
                      const char *abortstr)
    struct list_node *from_tail = list_debug(from, abortstr)->n.prev;
    struct list_node *to_head = list_debug(to, abortstr)->n.next;

    /* Sew in head and entire list. */
    to->n.next = &from->n;
    from->n.prev = &to->n;
    to_head->prev = from_tail;
    from_tail->next = to_head;

    /* Now remove head. */

/* internal macros, do not use directly */
#define list_for_each_off_dir_(h, i, off, dir)                \
    for (i = list_node_to_off_(list_debug(h, LIST_LOC)->n.dir,    \
                   (off));                \
    list_node_from_off_((void *)i, (off)) != &(h)->n;        \
    i = list_node_to_off_(list_node_from_off_((void *)i, (off))->dir, \

#define list_for_each_safe_off_dir_(h, i, nxt, off, dir)        \
    for (i = list_node_to_off_(list_debug(h, LIST_LOC)->n.dir,    \
                   (off)),                \
    nxt = list_node_to_off_(list_node_from_off_(i, (off))->dir,    \
                (off));                    \
    list_node_from_off_(i, (off)) != &(h)->n;            \
    i = nxt,                            \
    nxt = list_node_to_off_(list_node_from_off_(i, (off))->dir,    \

 * list_for_each_off - iterate through a list of memory regions.
 * @h: the list_head
 * @i: the pointer to a memory region which contains list node data.
 * @off: offset(relative to @i) at which list node data resides.
 * This is a low-level wrapper to iterate @i over the entire list, used to
 * implement all oher, more high-level, for-each constructs. It's a for loop,
 * so you can break and continue as normal.
 * WARNING! Being the low-level macro that it is, this wrapper doesn't know
 * nor care about the type of @i. The only assumption made is that @i points
 * to a chunk of memory that at some @offset, relative to @i, contains a
 * properly filled `struct list_node' which in turn contains pointers to
 * memory chunks and it's turtles all the way down. With all that in mind
 * remember that given the wrong pointer/offset couple this macro will
 * happily churn all you memory until SEGFAULT stops it, in other words
 * caveat emptor.
 * It is worth mentioning that one of legitimate use-cases for that wrapper
 * is operation on opaque types with known offset for `struct list_node'
 * member(preferably 0), because it allows you not to disclose the type of
 * @i.
 * Example:
 *    list_for_each_off(&parent->children, child,
 *                offsetof(struct child, list))
 *        printf("Name: %s\n", child->name);
#define list_for_each_off(h, i, off)                                    \

 * list_for_each_rev_off - iterate through a list of memory regions backwards
 * @h: the list_head
 * @i: the pointer to a memory region which contains list node data.
 * @off: offset(relative to @i) at which list node data resides.
 * See list_for_each_off for details
#define list_for_each_rev_off(h, i, off)                                    \

 * list_for_each_safe_off - iterate through a list of memory regions, maybe
 * during deletion
 * @h: the list_head
 * @i: the pointer to a memory region which contains list node data.
 * @nxt: the structure containing the list_node
 * @off: offset(relative to @i) at which list node data resides.
 * For details see `list_for_each_off' and `list_for_each_safe'
 * descriptions.
 * Example:
 *    list_for_each_safe_off(&parent->children, child,
 *        next, offsetof(struct child, list))
 *        printf("Name: %s\n", child->name);
#define list_for_each_safe_off(h, i, nxt, off)                          \

 * list_for_each_rev_safe_off - iterate backwards through a list of
 * memory regions, maybe during deletion
 * @h: the list_head
 * @i: the pointer to a memory region which contains list node data.
 * @nxt: the structure containing the list_node
 * @off: offset(relative to @i) at which list node data resides.
 * For details see `list_for_each_rev_off' and `list_for_each_rev_safe'
 * descriptions.
 * Example:
 *    list_for_each_rev_safe_off(&parent->children, child,
 *        next, offsetof(struct child, list))
 *        printf("Name: %s\n", child->name);
#define list_for_each_rev_safe_off(h, i, nxt, off)                      \

/* Other -off variants. */
#define list_entry_off(n, type, off)        \
    ((type *)list_node_from_off_((n), (off)))

#define list_head_off(h, type, off)        \
    ((type *)list_head_off((h), (off)))

#define list_tail_off(h, type, off)        \
    ((type *)list_tail_((h), (off)))

#define list_add_off(h, n, off)                 \
    list_add((h), list_node_from_off_((n), (off)))

#define list_del_off(n, off)                    \
    list_del(list_node_from_off_((n), (off)))

#define list_del_from_off(h, n, off)            \
    list_del_from(h, list_node_from_off_((n), (off)))

/* Offset helper functions so we only single-evaluate. */
static inline void *list_node_to_off_(struct list_node *node, size_t off)
    return (void *)((char *)node - off);
static inline struct list_node *list_node_from_off_(void *ptr, size_t off)
    return (struct list_node *)((char *)ptr + off);

/* Get the offset of the member, but make sure it's a list_node. */
#define list_off_(type, member)                    \
    (container_off(type, member) +                \
     check_type(((type *)0)->member, struct list_node))

#define list_off_var_(var, member)            \
    (container_off_var(var, member) +        \
     check_type(var->member, struct list_node))

#define list_typeof(var) typeof(var)
#define list_typeof(var) void *

/* Returns member, or NULL if at end of list. */
static inline void *list_entry_or_null(const struct list_head *h,
                       const struct list_node *n,
                       size_t off)
    if (n == &h->n)
        return NULL;
    return (char *)n - off;
#endif /* CCAN_LIST_H */