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446 lines
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// EventView.swift
// damus
// Created by William Casarin on 2022-04-11.
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
enum Highlight {
case none
case main
case reply
case custom(Color, Float)
var is_main: Bool {
if case .main = self {
return true
return false
var is_none: Bool {
if case .none = self {
return true
return false
var is_replied_to: Bool {
switch self {
case .reply: return true
default: return false
enum EventViewKind {
case small
case normal
case big
case selected
func eventviewsize_to_font(_ size: EventViewKind) -> Font {
switch size {
case .small:
return .body
case .normal:
return .body
case .big:
return .headline
case .selected:
return .custom("selected", size: 21.0)
struct BuilderEventView: View {
let damus: DamusState
let event_id: String
@State var event: NostrEvent?
@State var subscription_uuid: String = UUID().description
func unsubscribe() {
damus.pool.unsubscribe(sub_id: subscription_uuid)
func subscribe(filters: [NostrFilter]) {
damus.pool.register_handler(sub_id: subscription_uuid, handler: handle_event)
damus.pool.send(.subscribe(.init(filters: filters, sub_id: subscription_uuid)))
func handle_event(relay_id: String, ev: NostrConnectionEvent) {
guard case .nostr_event(let nostr_response) = ev else {
guard case .event(let id, let nostr_event) = nostr_response else {
// Is current event
if id == subscription_uuid {
if event != nil {
event = nostr_event
func load() {
subscribe(filters: [
ids: [self.event_id],
limit: 1
var body: some View {
VStack {
if let event = event {
let ev = event.inner_event ?? event
NavigationLink(destination: BuildThreadV2View(damus: damus, event_id: ev.id)) {
EventView(damus: damus, event: event, show_friend_icon: true, size: .small, embedded: true)
} else {
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.border(Color.gray.opacity(0.2), width: 1)
.onAppear {
struct EventView: View {
let event: NostrEvent
let highlight: Highlight
let has_action_bar: Bool
let damus: DamusState
let pubkey: String
let show_friend_icon: Bool
let size: EventViewKind
let embedded: Bool
@EnvironmentObject var action_bar: ActionBarModel
init(event: NostrEvent, highlight: Highlight, has_action_bar: Bool, damus: DamusState, show_friend_icon: Bool, size: EventViewKind = .normal, embedded: Bool = false) {
self.event = event
self.highlight = highlight
self.has_action_bar = has_action_bar
self.damus = damus
self.pubkey = event.pubkey
self.show_friend_icon = show_friend_icon
self.size = size
self.embedded = embedded
init(damus: DamusState, event: NostrEvent, show_friend_icon: Bool, size: EventViewKind = .normal, embedded: Bool = false) {
self.event = event
self.highlight = .none
self.has_action_bar = false
self.damus = damus
self.pubkey = event.pubkey
self.show_friend_icon = show_friend_icon
self.size = size
self.embedded = embedded
init(damus: DamusState, event: NostrEvent, pubkey: String, show_friend_icon: Bool, size: EventViewKind = .normal, embedded: Bool = false) {
self.event = event
self.highlight = .none
self.has_action_bar = false
self.damus = damus
self.pubkey = pubkey
self.show_friend_icon = show_friend_icon
self.size = size
self.embedded = embedded
var body: some View {
return Group {
if event.known_kind == .boost, let inner_ev = event.inner_event {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
let prof_model = ProfileModel(pubkey: event.pubkey, damus: damus)
let follow_model = FollowersModel(damus_state: damus, target: event.pubkey)
let prof = damus.profiles.lookup(id: event.pubkey)
let booster_profile = ProfileView(damus_state: damus, profile: prof_model, followers: follow_model)
NavigationLink(destination: booster_profile) {
Reposted(damus: damus, pubkey: event.pubkey, profile: prof)
TextEvent(inner_ev, pubkey: inner_ev.pubkey, booster_pubkey: event.pubkey)
.padding([.top], 1)
} else {
TextEvent(event, pubkey: pubkey)
.padding([.top], 6)
func TextEvent(_ event: NostrEvent, pubkey: String, booster_pubkey: String? = nil) -> some View {
let content = event.get_content(damus.keypair.privkey)
return HStack(alignment: .top) {
let profile = damus.profiles.lookup(id: pubkey)
if size != .selected {
VStack {
let pmodel = ProfileModel(pubkey: pubkey, damus: damus)
let pv = ProfileView(damus_state: damus, profile: pmodel, followers: FollowersModel(damus_state: damus, target: pubkey))
if !embedded {
NavigationLink(destination: pv) {
ProfilePicView(pubkey: pubkey, size: PFP_SIZE, highlight: highlight, profiles: damus.profiles)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
HStack(alignment: .center) {
if size == .selected {
VStack {
let pmodel = ProfileModel(pubkey: pubkey, damus: damus)
let pv = ProfileView(damus_state: damus, profile: pmodel, followers: FollowersModel(damus_state: damus, target: pubkey))
NavigationLink(destination: pv) {
ProfilePicView(pubkey: pubkey, size: PFP_SIZE, highlight: highlight, profiles: damus.profiles)
EventProfileName(pubkey: pubkey, profile: profile, damus: damus, show_friend_confirmed: show_friend_icon, size: size)
if size != .selected {
if event.is_reply(damus.keypair.privkey) {
Text("\(reply_desc(profiles: damus.profiles, event: event))")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
let should_show_img = should_show_images(contacts: damus.contacts, ev: event, our_pubkey: damus.pubkey, booster_pubkey: booster_pubkey)
NoteContentView(privkey: damus.keypair.privkey, event: event, profiles: damus.profiles, previews: damus.previews, show_images: should_show_img, artifacts: .just_content(content), size: self.size)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
if !embedded {
if let mention = first_eref_mention(ev: event, privkey: damus.keypair.privkey) {
BuilderEventView(damus: damus, event_id: mention.ref.id)
if has_action_bar {
if size == .selected {
.padding(.top, 10)
.padding([.bottom], 4)
} else {
Rectangle().frame(height: 2).opacity(0)
let bar = make_actionbar_model(ev: event, damus: damus)
if size == .selected && !bar.is_empty {
EventDetailBar(state: damus, target: event.id, bar: bar)
EventActionBar(damus_state: damus, event: event, bar: bar)
.padding([.top], 4)
.padding([.top], 4)
.padding([.leading], 2)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: PFP_SIZE)
.padding([.bottom], 2)
.event_context_menu(event, pubkey: pubkey, privkey: damus.keypair.privkey)
// blame the porn bots for this code
func should_show_images(contacts: Contacts, ev: NostrEvent, our_pubkey: String, booster_pubkey: String? = nil) -> Bool {
if ev.pubkey == our_pubkey {
return true
if contacts.is_in_friendosphere(ev.pubkey) {
return true
if let boost_key = booster_pubkey, contacts.is_in_friendosphere(boost_key) {
return true
return false
func event_validity_color(_ validation: ValidationResult) -> some View {
Group {
switch validation {
case .ok:
case .bad_id:
case .bad_sig:
extension View {
func pubkey_context_menu(bech32_pubkey: String) -> some View {
return self.contextMenu {
Button {
UIPasteboard.general.string = bech32_pubkey
} label: {
Label(NSLocalizedString("Copy Account ID", comment: "Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note."), systemImage: "doc.on.doc")
func event_context_menu(_ event: NostrEvent, pubkey: String, privkey: String?) -> some View {
return self.contextMenu {
Button {
UIPasteboard.general.string = event.get_content(privkey)
} label: {
Label(NSLocalizedString("Copy Text", comment: "Context menu option for copying the text from an note."), systemImage: "doc.on.doc")
Button {
UIPasteboard.general.string = bech32_pubkey(pubkey) ?? pubkey
} label: {
Label(NSLocalizedString("Copy User ID", comment: "Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note."), systemImage: "person")
Button {
UIPasteboard.general.string = bech32_note_id(event.id) ?? event.id
} label: {
Label(NSLocalizedString("Copy Note ID", comment: "Context menu option for copying the ID of the note."), systemImage: "note.text")
Button {
UIPasteboard.general.string = event_to_json(ev: event)
} label: {
Label(NSLocalizedString("Copy Note JSON", comment: "Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note."), systemImage: "j.square.on.square")
Button {
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .broadcast_event, object: event)
} label: {
Label(NSLocalizedString("Broadcast", comment: "Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers."), systemImage: "globe")
func format_relative_time(_ created_at: Int64) -> String
return time_ago_since(Date(timeIntervalSince1970: Double(created_at)))
func format_date(_ created_at: Int64) -> String {
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(created_at))
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.timeStyle = .short
dateFormatter.dateStyle = .short
return dateFormatter.string(from: date)
func reply_desc(profiles: Profiles, event: NostrEvent) -> String {
let desc = make_reply_description(event.tags)
let pubkeys = desc.pubkeys
let n = desc.others
if desc.pubkeys.count == 0 {
return NSLocalizedString("Reply to self", comment: "Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself.")
let names: [String] = pubkeys.map {
let prof = profiles.lookup(id: $0)
return Profile.displayName(profile: prof, pubkey: $0)
if names.count == 2 {
if n > 2 {
let othersCount = n - pubkeys.count
return String(format: NSLocalizedString("replying_to_two_and_others", comment: "Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users and others."), names[0], names[1], othersCount)
return String(format: NSLocalizedString("Replying to %@ & %@", comment: "Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users."), names[0], names[1])
let othersCount = n - pubkeys.count
return String(format: NSLocalizedString("replying_to_one_and_others", comment: "Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user and others."), names[0], othersCount)
func make_actionbar_model(ev: NostrEvent, damus: DamusState) -> ActionBarModel {
let likes = damus.likes.counts[ev.id]
let boosts = damus.boosts.counts[ev.id]
let tips = damus.tips.tips[ev.id]
let our_like = damus.likes.our_events[ev.id]
let our_boost = damus.boosts.our_events[ev.id]
let our_tip = damus.tips.our_tips[ev.id]
return ActionBarModel(likes: likes ?? 0,
boosts: boosts ?? 0,
tips: tips ?? 0,
our_like: our_like,
our_boost: our_boost,
our_tip: our_tip
struct EventView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
VStack {
EventView(damus: test_damus_state(), event: NostrEvent(content: "hello there https://jb55.com/s/Oct12-150217.png https://jb55.com/red-me.jb55 cool", pubkey: "pk"), show_friend_icon: true, size: .small)
EventView(damus: test_damus_state(), event: NostrEvent(content: "hello there https://jb55.com/s/Oct12-150217.png https://jb55.com/red-me.jb55 cool", pubkey: "pk"), show_friend_icon: true, size: .normal)
EventView(damus: test_damus_state(), event: NostrEvent(content: "hello there https://jb55.com/s/Oct12-150217.png https://jb55.com/red-me.jb55 cool", pubkey: "pk"), show_friend_icon: true, size: .big)
event: NostrEvent(
content: "hello there https://jb55.com/s/Oct12-150217.png https://jb55.com/red-me.jb55 cool",
pubkey: "pk",
createdAt: Int64(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - 100)
highlight: .none,
has_action_bar: true,
damus: test_damus_state(),
show_friend_icon: true,
size: .selected