mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/damus.git
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1.0.0-7 - 2023-01-20
- Drastically improved image viewer (OlegAba)
- Added pinch to zoom on images (Swift)
- Add Latin American Spanish translations (William Casarin)
- Added SVG profile picture support (OlegAba)
- Makes both name and username clickable in sidebar to go to profile (Zach Hendel)
- Clicking pfp in sidebar opens profile as well (radixrat)
- Don't blur images if your friend boosted it (ericholguin)
- Fix ... when too many likes/reposts (Joel Klabo)
- Don't show report alert if logged in as a pubkey (Swift)
- Fix padding issue at top of home timeline (Ben Weeks)
- Fix absurdly large sidebar on Mac/iPad (John Bethancourt)
- Fix tab views moving after selecting from search result (OlegAba)
- Make follow/unfollow button a consistent width (OlegAba)
- Don't add events to notifications from buggy relays (William Casarin)
- Fixed some crashes with large images (OlegAba)
- Fix DM sorting on incoming messages (William Casarin)
- Fix text getting truncated next to link previews (William Casarin)
1.0.0-6 - 2023-01-13
- Profile banner images (Jason Jōb)
- Added Reactions View (William Casarin)
- Left hand option for post button (Jonathan Milligan)
- Damus icon at the top (Ben Weeks)
- Make purple badges on profile page tappable (Joel Klabo)
- Make Shaka button purple when liked (Joel Klabo)
- Move counts to right side like Birdsite (Joel Klabo)
- Use custom icon for shaka button (Joel Klabo)
- Renamed boost to repost (William Casarin)
- Removed nip05 domain from boosts/reposts (William Casarin)
- Make DMs only take up 80% of screen width (Jonathan Milligan)
- Hide Recommended Relays Section if Empty (Joel Klabo)
- Fixed shaka moving when you press it (Joel Klabo)
- Fixed issue with relays not keeping in sync when adding (Fredrik Olofsson)
1.0.0-5 - 2023-01-06
- Added share button to profile (William Casarin)
- Added universal link sharing of notes (William Casarin)
- Added clear cache button to wipe pfp/image cache (OlegAba)
- Allow Adding Relay Without wss:// Prefix (Joel Klabo)
- Allow Saving Images to Library (Joel Klabo)
- Added damus gradient to post button (Ben Weeks)
- Center the Post Button (Thomas)
- Switch yellow nip05 check to gray (William Casarin)
- Switch from bluecheck to purplecheck (William Casarin)
- Add system background color to profile pics (OlegAba)
- High res color pubkey on profile page (William Casarin)
- Don't spin forever if we're temporarily disconnected (William Casarin)
- Fixed a few issues with avatars not animating (OlegAba)
- Scroll to bottom when new DM received (Aidan O'Loan)
- Make reply view scrollable (Joel Klabo)
- Hide profile edit button when logged in with pubkey (Swift)
1.0.0-4 - 2023-01-04
- Added NIP05 Verification (William Casarin)
- Downscale images if they are unreasonably large (OlegAba)
- Revert to old style ln/dm buttons (William Casarin)
- Fix ascii shrug guy (Lionello Lunesu)
- Fix navigation popping in threads (William Casarin)
1.0.0-2 - 2023-01-03
- Cache link previews (William Casarin)
- Added brb.io to recommended relay list (William Casarin)
- Add Blixt Wallet to Wallet Selector (Benjamin Hakes)
- Add River Wallet to Wallet Selector (Benjamin Hakes)
- Added muted shaka images instead of thumbs up (CutClout)
- Updated profile page look and feel (Ben Weeks)
- Filter replies from global feed (Nitesh Balusu)
- Show non-image links inline (William Casarin)
- Add swipe gesture to switch between tabs (Thomas Rademaker)
- Parse links in profiles (Lionello Lunesu) (Lio李歐)
- Fix detection of email addresses in profiles (Lionello Lunesu)
- Fix padding on search results view (OlegAba)
- Fix home view moving after selecting from search result (OlegAba)
- Fix bug where boost event is loaded in the thread instead of the boosted event (William Casarin)
- Hide edit button on profile page when no private key (Swift)
- Fixed follows and relays getting out of sync on profile pages (William Casarin)
1.0.0 - 2023-01-01
- Parse links in profiles (Lionello Lunesu)
- Added Breez wallet to wallet selector (Lee Salminen)
- Added Bitcoin Beach wallet to wallet selector (Lee Salminen)
- Added ability to copy relay urls (Matt Ward)
- Added option to choose default wallet (Suhail Saqan)
- Switch like from ❤️ to 🤙 (William Casarin)
- Internationalize relative dates (Terry Yiu)
- Fix but where text was not showing after invoices (William Casarin)
- Load profiles in DMs and notifications (William Casarin)
- Fix expanding profile picture (nosestr bug) (Joel Klabo)
- Fix padding on threads and search results views (OlegAba)
- Don't badge DMs if sent by you (Joel Klabo)
- Reset relay in Add Relay view after adding (Joel Klabo)
0.1.8-9 - 2022-12-29
- Relay list on user profiles
- Show recommended relays in config. Currently just a fixed set. (William Casarin)
- Ensure contact relay list is kept in sync with internal relay pool (William Casarin)
- Fixed issue where contact list would sometimes revert to an older version (William Casarin)
- Don't show boosts in threads (Thomas)
0.1.8-6 - 2022-12-28
- Lightning wallet selector (Suhail Saqan)
- Cmd-{1,2,3,4} to switch between tabs on MacOS (Jonathan Milligan)
- Shift-Cmd-N to create a post on MacOS (Jonathan Milligan)
- Link Previews! (Sam DuBois)
- Added paste and delete buttons to add relay field (Suhail Saqan)
- Blur and opaque non-friend images rather than only display the link (Sam DuBois)
- Remove URLs in content text when image is displayed (Sam DuBois)
- Show non-image URLs as clickable link views (Sam DuBois)
- Adjusted Pay button on invoices. (Sam DuBois)
- Fix crash with @ sign in some posts (Pablo Fernandez)
- Swapped order of Logout and Cancel alert buttons (Terry Yiu)
- Fixed padding issue on tabbar on some devices (Sam DuBois)
- Fix post button moving after selecting from search result (OlegAba)
- Don't show white background on images in dark mode (William Casarin)
0.1.8-5 - 2022-12-27
- Added the ability to zoom profile pic on profile page
- Improve visual composition of threads
- Show npub abbreviations instead of old-style hex
- Added search placeholder and larger cancel button
- Swap order of Boost and Cancel alert buttons
- Rename "Copy Note" to "Copy Note JSON"
- Don't cutoff gifs
- Fixed bug where booster's names are not displayed
0.1.8-4 - 2022-12-26
- Long press lightning tip button to copy lnurl
- Only reload global view on pulldown refresh
- Save privkey in keychain instead of user defaults
- Also show inline images from friend-of-friends
- Show rounded corners on inline images
- Fix bug where typing the first character in the search box defocuses
- Fixed nip05 identifier format in profile editor
- Fix profile and event loading in global view
- Fix lightning tip button sometimes not working
- Make about me multi-line in profile editor
[0.1.8-3] - 2022-12-23
- Added profile edit view
- Increase like boop intensity
- Don't auto-load follower count
- Don't fetch followers right away
- Fix crash on some bolt11 invoices
- Fixed issues when refreshing global view
[0.1.8] - 2022-12-21
- Lots of overall design polish (Sam DuBois)
- Added loading shimmering effect (Sam DuBois)
- Show real name next to username in timelines (Sam DuBois)
- Animated gif are now shown inline and in profile pictures (@futurepaul)
- Added ability to copy and share image (@futurepaul)
- Haptic feedback when liking for that sweet dopamine hit (radixrat)
- Hide private key in config, make it easier to copy keys (Nitesh Balusu)
- Disable autocorrection for username when creating account
- Fixed issues with the post placeholder
- Disable autocorrection on search
- Disable autocorrection on add relay field
- Parse lightning: prefixes on lightning invoice
- Resize images to fill the space
0.1.7 - 2022-12-21
- Only show inline images from your friends
- Improved look of profile view
- Added ability to dismiss keyboard during account creation
- Fixed crashed on lightning invoices with empty descriptions
- Make dm chat area visible again
[0.1.6] - 2022-10-30
- Add lightning tipping button for lud06 profiles
- Display bolt11 invoice widgets on posts
- Added inline image loading
- Show relay connection status in config
- Search hashtags, profiles, events
- Use an optimized library for image loading
- Damus will now stay connected at all times
0.1.3 - 2022-08-19
- Support kind 42 chat messages (ArcadeCity).
- Added ability to hide replies on home timeline
- Friend icons next to names on some views. Check is friend. Arrows are friend-of-friends
- Load chat view first if content contains #chat
- Cancel button on search box
- Added profile picture cache
- Multiline DM messages
- #hashtags now use the `t` tag instead of `hashtag`
- Clicking a chatroom quote reply will now expand it instead of jumping to it
- Clicking on a note will now always scroll it to the top
- Check note ids and signatures on every note
- use bech32 ids everywhere
- Don't animate scroll in chat view
- Post button is not shown if the content is only whitespace
- Fixed thread loading issue when clicking on boosts
- Fixed various issues with chatroom view
- Fix bug where sometimes nested navigation views weren't dismissed when tapping the tab bar
- Fixed minor carousel spacing issue on homescreen
- You can now reference users, notes hashtags in DMs
- Profile pics are now loaded in the background
- Limit post sizes to max 32,000 as an upper bound sanity limit.
- Missing profiles are now loaded everywhere
- No longer parse hashtags in urls
- Logging out now resets your keypair and actually logs out
- Copying text in DMs will now copy the decrypted text
0.1.2 - 2022-07-03
- Clicking boost text will go to that users profile
- Implement NIP04: Encrypted Direct Messages
- Add blue dot notification to home tab
- Fixed crash when unfollowing users
- Clicking tabs now clear blue dots immediately
- Cancel button on add relay view