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317 lines
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// ThreadView.swift
// damus
// Created by William Casarin on 2022-04-16.
import SwiftUI
struct CollapsedEvents: Identifiable {
let count: Int
let start: Int
let end: Int
var id: String = UUID().description
enum CollapsedEvent: Identifiable {
case event(NostrEvent, Highlight)
case collapsed(CollapsedEvents)
var id: String {
switch self {
case .event(let ev, _):
return ev.id
case .collapsed(let c):
return c.id
struct EventDetailView: View {
let sub_id = UUID().description
let damus: DamusState
@StateObject var thread: ThreadModel
@State var collapsed: Bool = true
func toggle_collapse_thread(scroller: ScrollViewProxy, id mid: String?, animate: Bool = true) {
self.collapsed = !self.collapsed
if let id = mid {
if !self.collapsed {
scroll_to_event(scroller: scroller, id: id, delay: 0.1, animate: animate)
func uncollapse_section(scroller: ScrollViewProxy, c: CollapsedEvents)
let ev = thread.events[c.start]
print("uncollapsing section at \(c.start) '\(ev.content.prefix(12))...'")
let start_id = ev.id
toggle_collapse_thread(scroller: scroller, id: start_id, animate: false)
func CollapsedEventView(_ cev: CollapsedEvent, scroller: ScrollViewProxy) -> some View {
Group {
switch cev {
case .collapsed(let c):
Text(String(format: NSLocalizedString("collapsed_event_view_other_notes", comment: "Text to indicate that the thread was collapsed and that there are other notes to view if tapped."), c.count))
.padding([.top,.bottom], 8)
.onTapGesture {
//self.uncollapse_section(scroller: proxy, c: c)
//self.toggle_collapse_thread(scroller: proxy, id: nil)
if let ev = thread.events[safe: c.start] {
thread.set_active_event(ev, privkey: damus.keypair.privkey)
case .event(let ev, let highlight):
EventView(event: ev, highlight: highlight, has_action_bar: true, damus: damus, show_friend_icon: true)
.onTapGesture {
if thread.initial_event.id == ev.id {
} else {
thread.set_active_event(ev, privkey: damus.keypair.privkey)
var body: some View {
ScrollViewReader { proxy in
if thread.loading {
ScrollView(.vertical) {
LazyVStack {
let collapsed_events = calculated_collapsed_events(
privkey: damus.keypair.privkey,
collapsed: self.collapsed,
active: thread.event,
events: thread.events
ForEach(collapsed_events, id: \.id) { cev in
CollapsedEventView(cev, scroller: proxy)
.onChange(of: thread.loading) { val in
scroll_after_load(thread: thread, proxy: proxy)
.onAppear() {
scroll_after_load(thread: thread, proxy: proxy)
.navigationBarTitle(NSLocalizedString("Thread", comment: "Navigation bar title for note thread."))
func toggle_thread_view() {
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .toggle_thread_view, object: nil)
func scroll_after_load(thread: ThreadModel, proxy: ScrollViewProxy) {
if !thread.loading {
let id = thread.initial_event.id
scroll_to_event(scroller: proxy, id: id, delay: 0.1, animate: false)
struct EventDetailView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
let state = test_damus_state()
let tm = ThreadModel(evid: "4da698ceac09a16cdb439276fa3d13ef8f6620ffb45d11b76b3f103483c2d0b0", damus_state: state)
EventDetailView(damus: state, thread: tm)
/// Find the entire reply path for the active event
func make_reply_map(active: NostrEvent, events: [NostrEvent], privkey: String?) -> [String: ()]
let event_map: [String: Int] = zip(events,0...events.count).reduce(into: [:]) { (acc, arg1) in
let (ev, i) = arg1
acc[ev.id] = i
var is_reply: [String: ()] = [:]
var i: Int = 0
var start: Int = 0
var iterations: Int = 0
if events.count == 0 {
return is_reply
for ev in events {
/// does this event reply to the active event?
let ev_refs = ev.event_refs(privkey)
for ev_ref in ev_refs {
if let reply = ev_ref.is_reply {
if reply.ref_id == active.id {
is_reply[ev.id] = ()
start = i
/// does the active event reply to this event?
let active_refs = active.event_refs(privkey)
for active_ref in active_refs {
if let reply = active_ref.is_reply {
if reply.ref_id == ev.id {
is_reply[ev.id] = ()
start = i
i += 1
i = start
while true {
if iterations > 1024 {
// infinite loop? or super large thread
print("breaking from large reply_map... big thread??")
let ev = events[i]
let ref_ids = ev.referenced_ids
if ref_ids.count == 0 {
let ref_id = ref_ids[ref_ids.count-1]
let pubkey = ref_id.ref_id
is_reply[pubkey] = ()
if let mi = event_map[pubkey] {
i = mi
} else {
iterations += 1
return is_reply
func determine_highlight(reply_map: [String: ()], current: NostrEvent, active: NostrEvent) -> Highlight
if current.id == active.id {
return .main
} else if reply_map[current.id] != nil {
return .reply
} else {
return .none
func calculated_collapsed_events(privkey: String?, collapsed: Bool, active: NostrEvent?, events: [NostrEvent]) -> [CollapsedEvent] {
var count: Int = 0
guard let active = active else {
return []
let reply_map = make_reply_map(active: active, events: events, privkey: privkey)
if !collapsed {
return events.reduce(into: []) { acc, ev in
let highlight = determine_highlight(reply_map: reply_map, current: ev, active: active)
return acc.append(.event(ev, highlight))
let nevents = events.count
var start: Int = 0
var i: Int = 0
return events.reduce(into: []) { (acc, ev) in
let highlight = determine_highlight(reply_map: reply_map, current: ev, active: active)
switch highlight {
case .none:
if i == 0 {
start = 1
count += 1
case .main: fallthrough
case .custom: fallthrough
case .reply:
if count != 0 {
let c = CollapsedEvents(count: count, start: start, end: i)
start = i
count = 0
acc.append(.event(ev, highlight))
if i == nevents-1 {
if count != 0 {
let c = CollapsedEvents(count: count, start: i-count, end: i)
count = 0
i += 1
func any_collapsed(_ evs: [CollapsedEvent]) -> Bool {
for ev in evs {
switch ev {
case .collapsed:
return true
case .event:
return false
func print_event(_ ev: NostrEvent) {
func scroll_to_event(scroller: ScrollViewProxy, id: String, delay: Double, animate: Bool) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay) {
if animate {
withAnimation {
scroller.scrollTo(id, anchor: .bottom)
} else {
scroller.scrollTo(id, anchor: .bottom)
extension Collection {
/// Returns the element at the specified index if it is within bounds, otherwise nil.
subscript (safe index: Index) -> Element? {
return indices.contains(index) ? self[index] : nil