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590 lines
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// HomeModel.swift
// damus
// Created by William Casarin on 2022-05-24.
import Foundation
import UIKit
struct NewEventsBits {
let bits: Int
init() {
bits = 0
init (prev: NewEventsBits, setting: Timeline) {
self.bits = prev.bits | timeline_bit(setting)
init (prev: NewEventsBits, unsetting: Timeline) {
self.bits = prev.bits & ~timeline_bit(unsetting)
func is_set(_ timeline: Timeline) -> Bool {
let notification_bit = timeline_bit(timeline)
return (bits & notification_bit) == notification_bit
class HomeModel: ObservableObject {
var damus_state: DamusState
var has_event: [String: Set<String>] = [:]
var deleted_events: Set<String> = Set()
var channels: [String: NostrEvent] = [:]
var last_event_of_kind: [String: [Int: NostrEvent]] = [:]
var done_init: Bool = false
let home_subid = UUID().description
let contacts_subid = UUID().description
let notifications_subid = UUID().description
let dms_subid = UUID().description
let init_subid = UUID().description
@Published var new_events: NewEventsBits = NewEventsBits()
@Published var notifications: [NostrEvent] = []
@Published var dms: DirectMessagesModel = DirectMessagesModel()
@Published var events: [NostrEvent] = []
@Published var loading: Bool = false
@Published var signal: SignalModel = SignalModel()
init() {
self.damus_state = DamusState.empty
init(damus_state: DamusState) {
self.damus_state = damus_state
var pool: RelayPool {
return damus_state.pool
func has_sub_id_event(sub_id: String, ev_id: String) -> Bool {
if !has_event.keys.contains(sub_id) {
has_event[sub_id] = Set()
return false
return has_event[sub_id]!.contains(ev_id)
func process_event(sub_id: String, relay_id: String, ev: NostrEvent) {
if has_sub_id_event(sub_id: sub_id, ev_id: ev.id) {
let last_k = get_last_event_of_kind(relay_id: relay_id, kind: ev.kind)
if last_k == nil || ev.created_at > last_k!.created_at {
last_event_of_kind[relay_id]?[ev.kind] = ev
guard let kind = ev.known_kind else {
switch kind {
case .chat: fallthrough
case .text:
handle_text_event(sub_id: sub_id, ev)
case .contacts:
handle_contact_event(sub_id: sub_id, relay_id: relay_id, ev: ev)
case .metadata:
case .boost:
handle_boost_event(sub_id: sub_id, ev)
case .like:
case .dm:
case .delete:
case .channel_create:
case .channel_meta:
func handle_channel_create(_ ev: NostrEvent) {
guard ev.is_valid else {
self.channels[ev.id] = ev
func handle_channel_meta(_ ev: NostrEvent) {
func handle_delete_event(_ ev: NostrEvent) {
guard ev.is_valid else {
func handle_contact_event(sub_id: String, relay_id: String, ev: NostrEvent) {
process_contact_event(pool: damus_state.pool, contacts: damus_state.contacts, pubkey: damus_state.pubkey, ev: ev)
if sub_id == init_subid {
pool.send(.unsubscribe(init_subid), to: [relay_id])
if !done_init {
done_init = true
send_home_filters(relay_id: nil)
func handle_boost_event(sub_id: String, _ ev: NostrEvent) {
var boost_ev_id = ev.last_refid()?.ref_id
if let inner_ev = ev.inner_event {
boost_ev_id = inner_ev.id
guard inner_ev.is_valid else {
if inner_ev.is_textlike {
handle_text_event(sub_id: sub_id, ev)
guard let e = boost_ev_id else {
switch self.damus_state.boosts.add_event(ev, target: e) {
case .already_counted:
case .success(let n):
let boosted = Counted(event: ev, id: e, total: n)
notify(.boosted, boosted)
func handle_like_event(_ ev: NostrEvent) {
guard let e = ev.last_refid() else {
// no id ref? invalid like event
switch damus_state.likes.add_event(ev, target: e.ref_id) {
case .already_counted:
case .success(let n):
let liked = Counted(event: ev, id: e.ref_id, total: n)
notify(.liked, liked)
func handle_event(relay_id: String, conn_event: NostrConnectionEvent) {
switch conn_event {
case .ws_event(let ev):
switch ev {
case .connected:
if !done_init {
self.loading = true
send_initial_filters(relay_id: relay_id)
} else {
send_home_filters(relay_id: relay_id)
case .error(let merr):
let desc = merr.debugDescription
if desc.contains("Software caused connection abort") {
pool.reconnect(to: [relay_id])
case .disconnected: fallthrough
case .cancelled:
pool.reconnect(to: [relay_id])
case .reconnectSuggested(let t):
if t {
pool.reconnect(to: [relay_id])
update_signal_from_pool(signal: signal, pool: damus_state.pool)
print("ws_event \(ev)")
case .nostr_event(let ev):
switch ev {
case .event(let sub_id, let ev):
// globally handle likes
let always_process = sub_id == notifications_subid || sub_id == contacts_subid || sub_id == home_subid || sub_id == dms_subid || sub_id == init_subid || ev.known_kind == .like || ev.known_kind == .contacts || ev.known_kind == .metadata
if !always_process {
// TODO: other views like threads might have their own sub ids, so ignore those events... or should we?
self.process_event(sub_id: sub_id, relay_id: relay_id, ev: ev)
case .notice(let msg):
//self.events.insert(NostrEvent(content: "NOTICE from \(relay_id): \(msg)", pubkey: "system"), at: 0)
case .eose:
self.loading = false
/// Send the initial filters, just our contact list mostly
func send_initial_filters(relay_id: String) {
var filter = NostrFilter.filter_contacts
filter.authors = [self.damus_state.pubkey]
filter.limit = 1
pool.send(.subscribe(.init(filters: [filter], sub_id: init_subid)), to: [relay_id])
func send_home_filters(relay_id: String?) {
// TODO: since times should be based on events from a specific relay
// perhaps we could mark this in the relay pool somehow
var friends = damus_state.contacts.get_friend_list()
var contacts_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([0])
contacts_filter.authors = friends
var dms_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([
var our_dms_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([
// friends only?...
//dms_filter.authors = friends
dms_filter.limit = 500
dms_filter.pubkeys = [ damus_state.pubkey ]
our_dms_filter.authors = [ damus_state.pubkey ]
// TODO: separate likes?
var home_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([
// include our pubkey as well even if we're not technically a friend
home_filter.authors = friends
home_filter.limit = 500
var notifications_filter = NostrFilter.filter_kinds([
notifications_filter.pubkeys = [damus_state.pubkey]
notifications_filter.limit = 100
var home_filters = [home_filter]
var notifications_filters = [notifications_filter]
var contacts_filters = [contacts_filter]
var dms_filters = [dms_filter, our_dms_filter]
let last_of_kind = relay_id.flatMap { last_event_of_kind[$0] } ?? [:]
home_filters = update_filters_with_since(last_of_kind: last_of_kind, filters: home_filters)
contacts_filters = update_filters_with_since(last_of_kind: last_of_kind, filters: contacts_filters)
notifications_filters = update_filters_with_since(last_of_kind: last_of_kind, filters: notifications_filters)
dms_filters = update_filters_with_since(last_of_kind: last_of_kind, filters: dms_filters)
print_filters(relay_id: relay_id, filters: [home_filters, contacts_filters, notifications_filters, dms_filters])
if let relay_id = relay_id {
pool.send(.subscribe(.init(filters: home_filters, sub_id: home_subid)), to: [relay_id])
pool.send(.subscribe(.init(filters: contacts_filters, sub_id: contacts_subid)), to: [relay_id])
pool.send(.subscribe(.init(filters: notifications_filters, sub_id: notifications_subid)), to: [relay_id])
pool.send(.subscribe(.init(filters: dms_filters, sub_id: dms_subid)), to: [relay_id])
} else {
pool.send(.subscribe(.init(filters: home_filters, sub_id: home_subid)))
pool.send(.subscribe(.init(filters: contacts_filters, sub_id: contacts_subid)))
pool.send(.subscribe(.init(filters: notifications_filters, sub_id: notifications_subid)))
pool.send(.subscribe(.init(filters: dms_filters, sub_id: dms_subid)))
func handle_metadata_event(_ ev: NostrEvent) {
process_metadata_event(profiles: damus_state.profiles, ev: ev)
func get_last_event_of_kind(relay_id: String, kind: Int) -> NostrEvent? {
guard let m = last_event_of_kind[relay_id] else {
last_event_of_kind[relay_id] = [:]
return nil
return m[kind]
func handle_last_event(ev: NostrEvent, timeline: Timeline) {
let last_ev = get_last_event(timeline)
if last_ev == nil || last_ev!.created_at < ev.created_at {
save_last_event(ev, timeline: timeline)
new_events = NewEventsBits(prev: new_events, setting: timeline)
func handle_notification(ev: NostrEvent) {
if !insert_uniq_sorted_event(events: ¬ifications, new_ev: ev, cmp: { $0.created_at > $1.created_at }) {
handle_last_event(ev: ev, timeline: .notifications)
func insert_home_event(_ ev: NostrEvent) -> Bool {
let ok = insert_uniq_sorted_event(events: &self.events, new_ev: ev, cmp: { $0.created_at > $1.created_at })
if ok {
handle_last_event(ev: ev, timeline: .home)
return ok
func should_hide_event(_ ev: NostrEvent) -> Bool {
return !ev.should_show_event
func handle_text_event(sub_id: String, _ ev: NostrEvent) {
if should_hide_event(ev) {
if sub_id == home_subid {
let _ = insert_home_event(ev)
} else if sub_id == notifications_subid {
handle_notification(ev: ev)
func handle_dm(_ ev: NostrEvent) {
var inserted = false
var found = false
let ours = ev.pubkey == self.damus_state.pubkey
var i = 0
var the_pk = ev.pubkey
if ours {
if let ref_pk = ev.referenced_pubkeys.first {
the_pk = ref_pk.ref_id
} else {
// self dm!?
print("TODO: handle self dm?")
for (pk, _) in dms.dms {
if pk == the_pk {
found = true
inserted = insert_uniq_sorted_event(events: &(dms.dms[i].1.events), new_ev: ev) {
$0.created_at < $1.created_at
i += 1
if !found {
inserted = true
let model = DirectMessageModel(events: [ev])
dms.dms.append((the_pk, model))
if inserted {
handle_last_event(ev: ev, timeline: .dms)
dms.dms = dms.dms.sorted { a, b in
if a.1.events.count > 0 && b.1.events.count > 0 {
return a.1.events.last!.created_at > b.1.events.last!.created_at
return true
func update_signal_from_pool(signal: SignalModel, pool: RelayPool) {
if signal.max_signal != pool.relays.count {
signal.max_signal = pool.relays.count
if signal.signal != pool.num_connecting {
signal.signal = signal.max_signal - pool.num_connecting
func add_contact_if_friend(contacts: Contacts, ev: NostrEvent) {
if !contacts.is_friend(ev.pubkey) {
func load_our_contacts(contacts: Contacts, our_pubkey: String, ev: NostrEvent) {
guard ev.pubkey == our_pubkey else {
contacts.event = ev
// our contacts
for tag in ev.tags {
if tag.count > 1 && tag[0] == "p" {
// TODO: validate pubkey?
func abbrev_ids(_ ids: [String]) -> String {
if ids.count > 5 {
let n = ids.count - 5
return "[" + ids[..<5].joined(separator: ",") + ", ... (\(n) more)]"
return "\(ids)"
func abbrev_field<T: CustomStringConvertible>(_ n: String, _ field: T?) -> String {
guard let field = field else {
return ""
return "\(n):\(field.description)"
func abbrev_ids_field(_ n: String, _ ids: [String]?) -> String {
guard let ids = ids else {
return ""
return "\(n): \(abbrev_ids(ids))"
func print_filter(_ f: NostrFilter) {
let fmt = [
abbrev_ids_field("ids", f.ids),
abbrev_field("kinds", f.kinds),
abbrev_ids_field("authors", f.authors),
abbrev_ids_field("referenced_ids", f.referenced_ids),
abbrev_ids_field("pubkeys", f.pubkeys),
abbrev_field("since", f.since),
abbrev_field("until", f.until),
abbrev_field("limit", f.limit)
].filter({ !$0.isEmpty }).joined(separator: ",")
func print_filters(relay_id: String?, filters groups: [[NostrFilter]]) {
let relays = relay_id ?? "relays"
print("connected to \(relays) with filters:")
for group in groups {
for filter in group {
func process_metadata_event(profiles: Profiles, ev: NostrEvent) {
guard let profile: Profile = decode_data(Data(ev.content.utf8)) else {
if let mprof = profiles.lookup_with_timestamp(id: ev.pubkey) {
if mprof.timestamp > ev.created_at {
// skip if we already have an newer profile
let tprof = TimestampedProfile(profile: profile, timestamp: ev.created_at)
profiles.add(id: ev.pubkey, profile: tprof)
// load pfps asap
let picture = tprof.profile.picture ?? robohash(ev.pubkey)
if let _ = URL(string: picture) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
notify(.profile_updated, ProfileUpdate(pubkey: ev.pubkey, profile: profile))
notify(.profile_updated, ProfileUpdate(pubkey: ev.pubkey, profile: profile))
func robohash(_ pk: String) -> String {
return "https://robohash.org/" + pk
func process_contact_event(pool: RelayPool, contacts: Contacts, pubkey: String, ev: NostrEvent) {
load_our_contacts(contacts: contacts, our_pubkey: pubkey, ev: ev)
load_our_relays(our_pubkey: pubkey, pool: pool, ev: ev)
add_contact_if_friend(contacts: contacts, ev: ev)
func load_our_relays(our_pubkey: String, pool: RelayPool, ev: NostrEvent) {
guard ev.pubkey == our_pubkey else {
guard let decoded = decode_json_relays(ev.content) else {
for key in decoded.keys {
if let url = URL(string: key) {
if let _ = try? pool.add_relay(url, info: decoded[key]!) {
pool.connect(to: [key])
func remove_bootstrap_nodes(_ damus_state: DamusState) {
guard let contacts = damus_state.contacts.event else {
guard let relays = decode_json_relays(contacts.content) else {
let descriptors = relays.reduce(into: []) { arr, kv in
guard let url = URL(string: kv.key) else {
arr.append(RelayDescriptor(url: url, info: kv.value))
for relay in BOOTSTRAP_RELAYS {
if !(descriptors.contains { ($0 as! RelayDescriptor).url.absoluteString == relay }) {