var stream = require('readable-stream')
var inherits = require('inherits')
var KBucket = require('k-bucket')
var nodes = require('ipv4-peers').idLength(32)
var bufferEquals = require('buffer-equals')
var xor = require('xor-distance')
module.exports = QueryStream
function QueryStream (dht, query, opts) {
if (!(this instanceof QueryStream)) return new QueryStream(dht, query, opts)
if (!opts) opts = {}
if (!opts.concurrency) opts.concurrency = opts.highWaterMark || dht.concurrency
if (!query.target) throw new Error('query.target is required')
stream.Readable.call(this, {objectMode: true, highWaterMark: opts.concurrency})
var self = this
this.request = query
this.request.id = dht.id
this.target = this.request.target
this.destroyed = false
this.responses = 0
this.errors = 0
this.closest = []
this._post = opts.post
this._dht = dht
this._bootstrapped = false
this._concurrency = opts.concurrency
this._inflight = 0
this._k = 20
this._onresponse = onresponse
this._pending = []
function onresponse (err, response, peer) {
self._update(err, response, peer)
inherits(QueryStream, stream.Readable)
QueryStream.prototype.destroy = function (err) {
if (this.destroyed) return
this.destroyed = true
if (err) this.emit('error', err)
QueryStream.prototype._bootstrap = function () {
this._bootstrapped = true
var bootstrap = this._dht.nodes.closest(this.target, this._k)
for (var i = 0; i < bootstrap.length; i++) {
var b = bootstrap[i]
this._addPending({id: b.id, port: b.port, host: b.host})
if (bootstrap.length < this._dht.bootstrap.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._dht.bootstrap.length; i++) {
this._send(this._dht.bootstrap[i], true)
QueryStream.prototype._update = function (err, res, peer) {
if (this.destroyed) return
if (err) {
this.emit('warning', err)
if (this._readableState.flowing === true) this._read()
this._addClosest(res, peer)
var candidates = decodeNodes(res.nodes)
for (var i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) this._addPending(candidates[i])
node: {
id: res.id,
port: peer.port,
host: peer.host
value: res.value
QueryStream.prototype._read = function () {
if (this.destroyed) return
if (!this._bootstrapped) this._bootstrap()
var free = Math.max(0, this._concurrency - this._dht.socket.inflight)
if (!free && !this._inflight) free = 1
var missing = free
for (var i = 0; missing && i < this._pending.length; i++) {
if (this._pending[i].queried) continue
this._send(this._pending[i], false)
if (!this._inflight && free) {
QueryStream.prototype._send = function (node, bootstrap) {
if (!bootstrap) {
if (node.queried) return
node.queried = true
this._dht._request(this.request, node, false, this._onresponse)
QueryStream.prototype._addPending = function (node) {
if (bufferEquals(node.id, this._dht.id)) return
node.distance = xor(this.target, node.id)
insertSorted(node, this._k, this._pending)
QueryStream.prototype._addClosest = function (res, peer) {
if (!res.id || !res.roundtripToken || bufferEquals(res.id, this._dht.id)) return
var prev = getNode(res.id, this._pending)
if (!prev) {
prev = {
id: res.id,
port: peer.port,
host: peer.host,
distance: xor(res.id, this.target)
prev.roundtripToken = res.roundtripToken
insertSorted(prev, this._k, this.closest)
function decodeNodes (buf) {
if (!buf) return []
try {
return nodes.decode(buf)
} catch (err) {
return []
function getNode (id, list) {
// find id in the list.
// technically this would be faster with binary search (against distance)
// but this list is always small, so meh
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (bufferEquals(list[i].id, id)) return list[i]
return null
function insertSorted (node, max, list) {
if (list.length === max && !xor.lt(node.distance, list[max - 1].distance)) return
if (getNode(node.id, list)) return
if (list.length < max) list.push(node)
else list[max - 1] = node
var pos = list.length - 1
while (pos && xor.gt(list[pos - 1].distance, node.distance)) {
list[pos] = list[pos - 1]
list[pos - 1] = node