const cenc = require('compact-encoding')
const IPv4 = exports.IPv4 = {
preencode (state, ip) {
state.end += 4
encode (state, ip) { // TODO: move over fast parser from ./id.js
const nums = ip.split('.')
state.buffer[state.start++] = Number(nums[0]) || 0
state.buffer[state.start++] = Number(nums[1]) || 0
state.buffer[state.start++] = Number(nums[2]) || 0
state.buffer[state.start++] = Number(nums[3]) || 0
decode (state) {
if (state.end - state.start < 4) throw new Error('Out of bounds')
return state.buffer[state.start++] + '.' + state.buffer[state.start++] + '.' + state.buffer[state.start++] + '.' + state.buffer[state.start++]
const peerIPv4 = {
preencode (state, peer) {
state.end += 6
encode (state, peer) {
IPv4.encode(state, peer.host)
cenc.uint16.encode(state, peer.port)
decode (state) {
return {
host: IPv4.decode(state),
port: cenc.uint16.decode(state)
const peerIPv4Array = exports.peerIPv4Array = cenc.array(peerIPv4)
const IS_REQUEST = 0b0001
const HAS_ID = 0b0010
const HAS_TOKEN = 0b0100
const ROUTE_INFO = 0b1000 | IS_REQUEST
exports.message = {
preencode (state, m) {
state.end += 1 // version
state.end += 1 // flags
state.end += 2 // tid
state.end += 6 // to
if (m.id) state.end += 32
if (m.token) state.end += 32
if (m.target) state.end += 32
if (m.closerNodes && m.closerNodes.length) peerIPv4Array.preencode(state, m.closerNodes)
if (m.command) cenc.string.preencode(state, m.command)
else cenc.uint.preencode(state, m.status)
cenc.buffer.preencode(state, m.value)
encode (state, m) {
const closerNodes = m.closerNodes || []
const flags = (m.id ? HAS_ID : 0) |
(m.token ? HAS_TOKEN : 0) |
(closerNodes.length ? HAS_CLOSER_NODES : 0) |
(m.target ? HAS_TARGET : 0) |
(m.command ? IS_REQUEST : 0)
state.buffer[state.start++] = 1
state.buffer[state.start++] = flags
cenc.uint16.encode(state, m.tid)
peerIPv4.encode(state, m.to)
if ((flags & HAS_ID) === HAS_ID) cenc.fixed32.encode(state, m.id)
if ((flags & HAS_TOKEN) === HAS_TOKEN) cenc.fixed32.encode(state, m.token)
if ((flags & ROUTE_INFO) === HAS_TARGET) cenc.fixed32.encode(state, m.target)
if ((flags & ROUTE_INFO) === HAS_CLOSER_NODES) peerIPv4Array.encode(state, closerNodes)
if ((flags & IS_REQUEST) === IS_REQUEST) cenc.string.encode(state, m.command)
if ((flags & IS_REQUEST) === 0) cenc.uint.encode(state, m.status)
cenc.buffer.encode(state, m.value)
decode (state) {
const version = state.buffer[state.start++]
if (version !== 1) {
throw new Error('Incompatible version')
const flags = cenc.uint.decode(state)
return {
version: 1,
tid: cenc.uint16.decode(state),
from: null, // populated in caller
to: peerIPv4.decode(state),
id: (flags & HAS_ID) === HAS_ID ? cenc.fixed32.decode(state) : null,
token: (flags & HAS_TOKEN) === HAS_TOKEN ? cenc.fixed32.decode(state) : null,
target: ((flags & ROUTE_INFO) === HAS_TARGET) ? cenc.fixed32.decode(state) : null,
closerNodes: ((flags & ROUTE_INFO) === HAS_CLOSER_NODES) ? peerIPv4Array.decode(state) : null,
command: ((flags & IS_REQUEST) === IS_REQUEST) ? cenc.string.decode(state) : null,
status: ((flags & IS_REQUEST) === 0) ? cenc.uint.decode(state) : 0,
value: cenc.buffer.decode(state)