const tape = require('tape') const dgram = require('dgram') const DHT = require('./') tape('make tiny swarm', async function (t) { const swarm = await makeSwarm(2) t.pass('could make swarm') destroy(swarm) }) tape('make bigger swarm', async function (t) { const swarm = await makeSwarm(500) const targetNode = swarm[25] let q = swarm[499].query(, 'find_node', null) let messages = 0 let found = false for await (const data of q) { messages++ if ( && { found = true break } } t.ok(found, 'found target in ' + messages + ' message(s)') q = swarm[490].query(, 'find_node', null, { nodes: q.closestNodes }) messages = 0 found = false for await (const data of q) { messages++ if ( && { found = true break } } t.ok(found, 'found target again in ' + messages + ' message(s)') const { type, host, port } = swarm[490].remoteAddress() t.same(type, DHT.NAT_OPEN) t.same(port, swarm[490].address().port) t.ok(host) destroy(swarm) }) tape('nat sample promise', async function (t) { const swarm = await makeSwarm(5) const node = new DHT({ bootstrap: [{ host: '', port: swarm[0].address().port }] }) let ready = false node.ready().then(() => { ready = true }) await node.sampledNAT() t.ok(node._nat.length >= 3, 'min 3 samples') t.notOk(ready, 'before ready') await node.ready() t.ok(ready, 'after ready') node.destroy() destroy(swarm) }) tape('commit after query', async function (t) { const swarm = await makeSwarm(100) let commits = 0 for (const node of swarm) { node.on('request', function (req) { if (req.command === 'before') { return req.reply(null) } if (req.command === 'after' && req.commit) { commits++ return req.reply(null) } }) } const q = swarm[42].query(swarm[0], 'before', null, { commit (m, dht, query) { return dht.request(, 'after', null, m.from, { token: m.token }) } }) await q.finished() t.same(commits, swarm[42].table.k) destroy(swarm) }) tape('map query stream', async function (t) { const swarm = await makeSwarm(10) const expected = [] const q = swarm[0].query(swarm[0], 'find_node', null, { map (data) { if (expected.length > 3) return null expected.push( return } }) const buf = [] q.on('data', (data) => buf.push(data)) await q.finished() t.same(buf, expected) destroy(swarm) }) tape('timeouts', async function (t) { const [bootstrap, a, b] = await makeSwarm(3) let tries = 0 b.on('request', function (req) { if (req.command === 'nope') { tries++ t.pass('ignoring request') } }) const q = a.query(Buffer.alloc(32), 'nope') await q.finished() t.same(tries, 4) bootstrap.destroy() a.destroy() b.destroy() }) tape('shorthand commit', async function (t) { const swarm = await makeSwarm(40) let tokens = 0 for (const node of swarm) { node.on('request', function (req) { if (req.commit) tokens++ req.reply(null) }) } const q = swarm[0].query(Buffer.alloc(32), 'nope', null, { commit: true }) await q.finished() t.same(tokens, 20) destroy(swarm) }) tape('after ready it is always bound', async function (t) { t.plan(2) const node = new DHT() node.on('listening', function () { t.pass('is listening') }) await node.ready() const addr = node.address() t.ok(typeof addr.port, 'is number') node.destroy() }) tape('timeouts when commiting', async function (t) { const [bootstrap, a, b] = await makeSwarm(3) let tries = 0 b.on('request', function (req) { if (req.command === 'nope') { tries++ t.pass('ignoring request') } }) const q = a.query(Buffer.alloc(32), 'nope', null, { commit: true }) let error = null try { await q.finished() } catch (err) { error = err } t.ok(error, 'commit should fail') t.same(tries, 4) bootstrap.destroy() a.destroy() b.destroy() }) tape('toArray', async function (t) { const [bootstrap, a, b] = await makeSwarm(3) t.same(a.toArray(), [{ host: '', port: b.address().port }]) t.same(b.toArray(), [{ host: '', port: a.address().port }]) t.same(bootstrap.toArray().sort(), [{ host: '', port: a.address().port }, { host: '', port: b.address().port }].sort()) a.destroy() b.destroy() bootstrap.destroy() }) tape('addNode / nodes option', async function (t) { const [bootstrap, a] = await makeSwarm(2) a.on('request', function (req) { t.same(req.value, null, 'expected data') req.reply(Buffer.from('world')) }) await bootstrap.ready() await a.ready() const b = new DHT({ ephemeral: false, nodes: [{ host: '', port: a.address().port }] }) await b.ready() const bNodes = b.toArray() t.deepEqual(bNodes, [{ host: '', port: a.address().port }]) const responses = [] for await (const data of b.query(, 'hello')) { responses.push(data) } t.same(responses.length, 1, 'one response') t.same(responses[0].value, Buffer.from('world'), 'responded') const aNodes = a.toArray() t.deepEqual(aNodes, [{ host: '', port: b.address().port }]) a.destroy() b.destroy() bootstrap.destroy() }) tape('set bind', async function (t) { const port = await freePort() const a = new DHT({ bind: port }) await a.ready() t.same(a.address().port, port, 'bound to explicit port') const b = new DHT({ bind: port }) await b.ready() t.notSame(b.address().port, port, 'bound to different port as explicit one is taken') a.destroy() b.destroy() }) function destroy (list) { for (const node of list) node.destroy() } function freePort () { return new Promise(resolve => { const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4') socket.bind(0) socket.on('listening', function () { const { port } = socket.address() socket.close(() => resolve(port)) }) }) } async function makeSwarm (n) { const node = new DHT() await node.bind(0) const all = [node] const bootstrap = ['localhost:' + node.address().port] while (all.length < n) { const node = new DHT({ ephemeral: false, bootstrap }) await node.ready() all.push(node) } return all }