var udp = require('udp-request') var crypto = require('crypto') var KBucket = require('k-bucket') var inherits = require('inherits') var events = require('events') var peers = require('ipv4-peers') var bufferEquals = require('buffer-equals') var duplexify = require('duplexify') var collect = require('stream-collector') var nodes = peers.idLength(32) var messages = require('./messages') var queryStream = require('./query-stream') module.exports = DHT function DHT (opts) { if (!(this instanceof DHT)) return new DHT(opts) if (!opts) opts = {} var self = this this.concurrency = opts.concurrency || 16 this.bootstrap = [].concat(opts.bootstrap || []).map(parseAddr) = || crypto.randomBytes(32) this.ephemeral = !!opts.ephemeral this.nodes = new KBucket({localNodeId:, arbiter: arbiter}) this.nodes.on('ping', onnodeping) this.inflightQueries = 0 this.socket = udp({ requestEncoding: messages.Request, responseEncoding: messages.Response }) this.socket.on('request', onrequest) this.socket.on('response', onresponse) this.socket.on('close', onclose) this._queryId = this.ephemeral ? null : this._bootstrapped = false this._pendingRequests = [] this._tick = 0 this._secrets = [crypto.randomBytes(32), crypto.randomBytes(32)] this._secretsInterval = setInterval(rotateSecrets, 5 * 60 * 1000) this._tickInterval = setInterval(tick, 5 * 1000) if (opts.nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < opts.nodes.length; i++) { this._addNode(opts.nodes[i].id, opts.nodes[i]) } } process.nextTick(function () { self._bootstrap() }) function rotateSecrets () { self._rotateSecrets() } function onrequest (request, peer) { self._onrequest(request, peer) } function onresponse (response, peer) { self._onresponse(response, peer) } function onnodeping (oldContacts, newContact) { self._onnodeping(oldContacts, newContact) } function onclose () { while (self._pendingRequests.length) { self._pendingRequests.shift().callback(new Error('Request cancelled')) } self.emit('close') } function tick () { self._tick++ } } inherits(DHT, events.EventEmitter) DHT.prototype.query = function (query, opts, cb) { if (typeof opts === 'function') return this.query(query, null, opts) return collect(queryStream(this, query, opts), cb) } DHT.prototype.closest = function (query, opts, cb) { if (typeof opts === 'function') return this.closest(query, null, opts) if (!opts) opts = {} opts.token = true return collect(queryStream(this, query, opts), cb) } DHT.prototype._closestNodes = function (target, opts, cb) { var nodes = opts.nodes || opts.node if (nodes) { if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) nodes = [nodes] process.nextTick(function () { cb(null, nodes) }) return null } var qs = this.get({ command: '_find_node', target: target }) qs.resume() qs.on('error', noop) qs.on('end', function () { cb(null, qs.closest) }) return qs } = function (peer, cb) { this._ping(parseAddr(peer), function (err, res, peer) { if (err) return cb(err) var rinfo = decodePeer(res.value) if (!rinfo) return cb(new Error('Invalid pong')) cb(null, rinfo, {port: peer.port, host:, id:}) }) } DHT.prototype.toArray = function () { return this.nodes.toArray() } DHT.prototype.destroy = function () { clearInterval(this._secretsInterval) clearInterval(this._tickInterval) this.socket.destroy() } DHT.prototype._rotateSecrets = function () { var secret = crypto.randomBytes(32) this._secrets[1] = this._secrets[0] this._secrets[0] = secret } DHT.prototype._bootstrap = function () { // TODO: run in the background // TODO: check stats, to determine wheather to rerun? var self = this var backgroundCon = Math.min(self.concurrency, Math.max(2, Math.floor(self.concurrency / 8))) var qs = this.query({ command: '_find_node', target:, }) qs.on('data', update) qs.on('error', function (err) { self.emit('error', err) }) qs.on('end', function () { self._bootstrapped = true self.emit('ready') }) update() function update () { qs._concurrency = self.inflightQueries === 1 ? self.concurrency : backgroundCon } } DHT.prototype._ping = function (peer, cb) { this._request({command: '_ping', id: this._queryId}, peer, false, cb) } DHT.prototype._holepunch = function (peer, referrer, cb) { this._request({command: '_ping', id: this._queryId, forwardRequest: peers.encode([peer])}, referrer, false, cb) } DHT.prototype._request = function (request, peer, important, cb) { if (this.socket.inflight >= this.concurrency || this._pendingRequests.length) { this._pendingRequests.push({request: request, peer: peer, callback: cb}) } else { this.socket.request(request, peer, cb) } } DHT.prototype._onrequest = function (request, peer) { if (validateId( this._addNode(, peer, request.roundtripToken) if (request.roundtripToken) { if (!bufferEquals(request.roundtripToken, this._token(peer, 0))) { if (!bufferEquals(request.roundtripToken, this._token(peer, 1))) { request.roundtripToken = null } } } if (request.forwardRequest) { this._forwardRequest(request, peer) return } if (request.forwardResponse) peer = this._forwardResponse(request, peer) switch (request.command) { case '_ping': return this._onping(request, peer) case '_find_node': return this._onfindnode(request, peer) } this._onquery(request, peer) } DHT.prototype._forwardResponse = function (request, peer) { if (request.command !== '_ping') return // only allow ping for now try { var from = peers.decode(request.forwardResponse)[0] if (!from) return } catch (err) { return } from.request = true from.tid = peer.tid return from } DHT.prototype._forwardRequest = function (request, peer) { if (request.command !== '_ping') return // only allow ping forwards right now try { var to = peers.decode(request.forwardRequest)[0] if (!to) return } catch (err) { return } this.emit('holepunch', peer, to) request.forwardRequest = null request.forwardResponse = peers.encode([peer]) this.socket.forwardRequest(request, peer, to) } DHT.prototype._onquery = function (request, peer) { var self = this var query = { node: { id:, port: peer.port, host: }, command: request.command, target:, value: request.value, roundtripToken: request.roundtripToken } var method = request.roundtripToken ? 'closest' : 'query' if (!this.emit(method + ':' + request.command, query, callback) && !this.emit(method, query, callback)) callback() function callback (err, value) { // TODO: support errors? var res = { id: self._queryId, value: value || null, nodes: nodes.encode(self.nodes.closest(, 20)), roundtripToken: self._token(peer, 0) } self.socket.response(res, peer) } } DHT.prototype._onresponse = function (response, peer) { if (validateId( this._addNode(, peer, response.roundtripToken) while (this.socket.inflight < this.concurrency && this._pendingRequests.length) { var next = this._pendingRequests.shift() this.socket.request(next.request, next.peer, next.callback) } } DHT.prototype._onping = function (request, peer) { var res = { id: this._queryId, value: peers.encode([peer]), roundtripToken: this._token(peer, 0) } this.socket.response(res, peer) } DHT.prototype._onfindnode = function (request, peer) { if (!validateId( return var res = { id: this._queryId, nodes: nodes.encode(this.nodes.closest(, 20)), roundtripToken: this._token(peer, 0) } this.socket.response(res, peer) } DHT.prototype._onnodeping = function (oldContacts, newContact) { if (!this._bootstrapped) return // bootstrapping, we've recently pinged all nodes var reping = [] for (var i = 0; i < oldContacts.length; i++) { var old = oldContacts[i] if (this._tick - old.tick < 3) { // less than 10s since we talked to this peer ... this.nodes.add(oldContacts[i]) continue } reping.push(old) } if (reping.length) this._reping(reping, newContact) } DHT.prototype._reping = function (oldContacts, newContact) { var self = this var next = null ping() function ping () { next = oldContacts.shift() if (next) self._request({command: '_ping', id: self._queryId}, next, true, afterPing) } function afterPing (err) { if (!err) return ping() self.nodes.remove(next) self.nodes.add(newContact) } } DHT.prototype._token = function (peer, i) { return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(this._secrets[i]).update( } DHT.prototype._addNode = function (id, peer, token) { if (bufferEquals(id, return this.nodes.add({ id: id, port: peer.port, host:, roundtripToken: token, tick: this._tick }) } DHT.prototype.listen = function (port, cb) { this.socket.listen(port, cb) } function noop () {} function once (cb) { var called = false return function (err, val) { if (called) return called = true cb(err, val) } } function decodeNodes (buf) { if (!buf) return [] try { return nodes.decode(buf) } catch (err) { return [] } } function encodePeer (peer) { return peer && peers.encode([peer]) } function decodePeer (buf) { try { return buf && peers.decode(buf)[0] } catch (err) { return null } } function parseAddr (addr) { if (typeof addr === 'number') return parseAddr(':' + addr) if (addr[0] === ':') return parseAddr('' + addr) return {port: Number(addr.split(':')[1] || 3282), host: addr.split(':')[0]} } function validateId (id) { return id && id.length === 32 } function arbiter (incumbant, candidate) { return candidate }