const tape = require('tape') const dht = require('./') const blake2b = require('./lib/blake2b') tape('simple update', function (t) { bootstrap(function (port, node) { const a = dht({ bootstrap: port }) const b = dht({ bootstrap: port }) a.command('echo', { query (data, callback) {'should not query') callback(new Error('nope')) }, update (data, callback) { t.same(data.value, Buffer.from('Hello, World!'), 'expected data') callback(null, data.value) } }) a.ready(function () { b.update('echo',, Buffer.from('Hello, World!'), function (err, responses) { a.destroy() b.destroy() node.destroy() t.error(err, 'no errors') t.same(responses.length, 1, 'one response') t.same(responses[0].value, Buffer.from('Hello, World!'), 'echoed data') t.end() }) }) }) }) tape('simple query', function (t) { bootstrap(function (port, node) { const a = dht({ bootstrap: port }) const b = dht({ bootstrap: port }) a.command('hello', { query (data, callback) { t.same(data.value, null, 'expected data') callback(null, Buffer.from('world')) } }) a.ready(function () { b.query('hello',, function (err, responses) { a.destroy() b.destroy() node.destroy() t.error(err, 'no errors') t.same(responses.length, 1, 'one response') t.same(responses[0].value, Buffer.from('world'), 'responded') t.end() }) }) }) }) tape('query and update', function (t) { bootstrap(function (port, node) { const a = dht({ bootstrap: port }) const b = dht({ bootstrap: port }) a.command('hello', { query (data, callback) { t.same(data.value, null, 'expected query data') callback(null, Buffer.from('world')) }, update (data, callback) { t.same(data.value, null, 'expected update data') callback(null, Buffer.from('world')) } }) a.ready(function () { b.queryAndUpdate('hello',, function (err, responses) { a.destroy() b.destroy() node.destroy() t.error(err, 'no errors') t.same(responses.length, 2, 'two responses') t.same(responses[0].value, Buffer.from('world'), 'responded') t.same(responses[1].value, Buffer.from('world'), 'responded') t.ok(responses[0].type !== responses[1].type, 'not the same type') t.end() }) }) }) }) tape('swarm query', function (t) { bootstrap(function (port, node) { const swarm = [] var closest = 0 loop() function done () { t.pass('created swarm') const key = blake2b(Buffer.from('hello')) const me = dht({ bootstrap: port }) me.update('kv', key, Buffer.from('hello'), function (err, responses) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.same(closest, 20, '20 closest nodes') t.same(responses.length, 20, '20 responses') const stream = me.query('kv', key) stream.on('data', function (data) { if (data.value) { t.same(data.value, Buffer.from('hello'), 'echoed value') t.end() swarm.forEach(function (node) { node.destroy() }) me.destroy() node.destroy() stream.destroy() } }) }) } function loop () { if (swarm.length === 256) return done() const node = dht({ bootstrap: port }) swarm.push(node) var value = null node.command('kv', { update (data, cb) { closest++ value = data.value cb() }, query (data, cb) { cb(null, value) } }) node.ready(loop) } }) }) tape('holepunch api', function (t) { bootstrap(function (port, node) { const a = dht({ bootstrap: port }) const b = dht({ bootstrap: port }) var holepunched = false a.ready(function () { b.ready(function () { node.on('holepunch', function (from, to) { t.same(from.port, a.address().port) t.same(to.port, b.address().port) holepunched = true }) a.holepunch({ host: '', port: b.address().port, referrer: { host: '', port: node.address().port } }, function (err) { t.error(err, 'no error') t.ok(holepunched) t.end() node.destroy() a.destroy() b.destroy() }) }) }) }) }) tape('timeouts', function (t) { bootstrap(function (port, node) { const a = dht({ bootstrap: port, ephemeral: true }) const b = dht({ bootstrap: port }) var tries = 0 b.command('nope', { update (query, cb) { tries++ t.pass('ignoring update') } }) b.ready(function () { a.update('nope', Buffer.alloc(32), function (err) { t.ok(err, 'errored') t.same(tries, 3) t.end() node.destroy() a.destroy() b.destroy() }) }) }) }) tape('setEphemeral(false)', function (t) { bootstrap(function (port, node) { const a = dht({ bootstrap: port, ephemeral: true }) const b = dht({ bootstrap: port }) a.command('hello', { query (data, callback) { callback(null, Buffer.from('world')) } }) a.ready(function () { b.ready(function () { const key = blake2b(Buffer.from('hello')) b.query('hello', key, (err, result) => { t.error(err), 0) a.setEphemeral(false, (err) => { t.error(err) b.query('hello', key, (err, result) => { t.error(err), 1)[0],, 0) a.destroy() b.destroy() node.destroy() t.end() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) tape('setEphemeral(true)', function (t) { bootstrap(function (port, node) { const a = dht({ bootstrap: port, ephemeral: false }) const b = dht({ bootstrap: port }) a.command('hello', { query (data, callback) { callback(null, Buffer.from('world')) } }) a.ready(function () { b.ready(function () { const key = blake2b(Buffer.from('hello')) b.query('hello', key, (err, result) => { t.error(err), 1)[0],, 0) a.setEphemeral(true, (err) => { t.error(err) b.query('hello', key, (err, result) => { t.ok(err) }) b.once('remove-node', () => { b.query('hello', key, (err, result) => { t.error(err), 0) a.destroy() b.destroy() node.destroy() t.end() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) function bootstrap (done) { const node = dht({ ephemeral: true }) node.listen(0, function () { done(node.address().port, node) }) }