const dgram = require('dgram') const { message } = require('./messages') module.exports = class RPC { constructor (opts = {}) { this._pendingSends = [] this._tid = (Math.random() * 65536) | 0 this._drainInterval = null this._tick = 0 this._w = 0 this._win = [0, 0, 0, 0] this._bind = opts.bind || 0 this._bound = false this._binding = null this.maxWindow = opts.maxWindow || 80 // ~100 per second burst, ~80 per second avg this.maxRetries = 3 this.destroyed = false this.inflight = [] this.onrequest = opts.onrequest || noop this.onresponse = opts.onresponse || noop this.onwarning = opts.onwarning || noop this.socket = opts.socket || dgram.createSocket('udp4') this.socket.on('message', this.onmessage.bind(this)) } get inflightRequests () { return this.inflight.length } send (m, socket = this.socket) { const state = { start: 0, end: 0, buffer: null } message.preencode(state, m) state.buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(state.end) message.encode(state, m) this._send(socket, state.buffer, } reply (req, reply, socket = this.socket) { reply.tid = req.tid = req.from this.send(reply, socket) } address () { return this.socket.address() } bind (port = this._bind) { if (this._binding) return this._binding const self = this this._binding = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const s = this.socket s.bind(port) s.on('listening', onlistening) s.on('error', onerror) function onlistening () { self._bound = true s.removeListener('listening', onlistening) s.removeListener('error', onerror) resolve(s.address().port) } function onerror (err) { // retry on any port if preferred port is unavail if (port === self._bind && port !== 0) { port = 0 s.bind(0) return } s.removeListener('listening', onlistening) s.removeListener('error', onerror) reject(err) } }) return this._binding } destroy () { if (this.destroyed) return this.unwrap(true) this.socket.close() } unwrap (closing = false) { if (this.destroyed) return this.destroyed = true clearInterval(this._drainInterval) this.socket.removeAllListeners() for (const req of this.inflight) { req.reject(new Error('RPC socket destroyed')) } this.inflight = [] return this.socket } async request (m, opts) { if (this.destroyed) throw new Error('RPC socket destroyed') const socket = (opts && opts.socket) || this.socket if (!this._bound && socket === this.socket) await this.bind() if (this._drainInterval === null) { this._drainInterval = setInterval(this._drain.bind(this), 750) if (this._drainInterval.unref) this._drainInterval.unref() } m.tid = this._tid++ if (this._tid === 65536) this._tid = 0 const state = { start: 0, end: 0, buffer: null } message.preencode(state, m) state.buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(state.end) message.encode(state, m) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const total = this._win[0] + this._win[1] + this._win[2] + this._win[3] const req = { socket, timeout: 2, expectOk: !!(opts && opts.expectOk !== false), tries: (opts && opts.retry === false) ? this.maxRetries : 0, tid: m.tid, buffer: state.buffer, to:, resolve, reject } this.inflight.push(req) if (total < 2 * this.maxWindow && this._win[this._w] < this.maxWindow) { this._win[this._w]++ req.tries++ this._send(req.socket, req.buffer, } }) } onmessage (buffer, rinfo) { const from = { host: rinfo.address, port: rinfo.port } if (!from.port) return if (buffer.byteLength <= 1) return const state = { start: 0, end: buffer.byteLength, buffer } let m = null try { m = message.decode(state) } catch (err) { this.onwarning(err) return } m.from = from if (m.command !== null) { // request if (this.onrequest === noop) return this.onrequest(m, this) return } const req = this._dequeue(m.tid) if (req === null) return if ( && ( !== from.port || !== = null // decrement the inflight window as this is an "ack" if (this._win[this._w] > 0) this._win[this._w]-- this.onresponse(m, this) if (m.status === 0 || req.expectOk === false) { req.resolve(m) } else { req.reject(createStatusError(m.status)) } } _send (socket, buf, addr) { if (this.destroyed) return socket.send(buf, 0, buf.byteLength, addr.port, } _dequeue (tid) { for (let i = 0; i < this.inflight.length; i++) { const req = this.inflight[i] if (req.tid === tid) { if (i === this.inflight.length - 1) this.inflight.pop() else this.inflight[i] = this.inflight.pop() return req } } return null } _drain () { let total = this._win[0] + this._win[1] + this._win[2] + this._win[3] for (let i = 0; i < this.inflight.length; i++) { const req = this.inflight[i] if (req.tries > 0 && --req.timeout >= 0) continue req.timeout = 2 if (req.tries++ > this.maxRetries) { if (i === this.inflight.length - 1) this.inflight.pop() else this.inflight[i] = this.inflight.pop() req.reject(createTimeoutError()) continue } if (total >= 2 * this.maxWindow || this._win[this._w] >= this.maxWindow) { req.tries-- continue } total++ this._win[this._w]++ this._send(req.socket, req.buffer, } this._w = (this._w + 1) & 3 this._win[this._w] = 0 // clear oldest } } function createTimeoutError () { const err = new Error('Request timed out') err.status = 0 return err } function createStatusError (status) { const err = new Error('Request failed with status ' + status) err.status = status return err } function noop () {}