473 lines
12 KiB

const { EventEmitter } = require('events')
const peers = require('ipv4-peers')
const dgram = require('dgram')
const sodium = require('sodium-universal')
const KBucket = require('k-bucket')
const tos = require('time-ordered-set')
const collect = require('stream-collector')
const codecs = require('codecs')
const { Message, Holepunch } = require('./lib/messages')
const IO = require('./lib/io')
const QueryStream = require('./lib/query-stream')
const blake2b = require('./lib/blake2b')
const UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND = new Error('Unsupported command')
const nodes = peers.idLength(32)
exports = module.exports = opts => new DHT(opts)
class DHT extends EventEmitter {
constructor (opts) {
if (!opts) opts = {}
this.bootstrapped = false
this.destroyed = false
this.concurrency = 16
this.concurrencyRPS = 50
this.socket = opts.socket || dgram.createSocket('udp4')
this.id = opts.id || randomBytes(32)
this.inflightQueries = 0
this.ephemeral = !!opts.ephemeral
this.nodes = tos()
this.bucket = new KBucket({ localNodeId: this.id })
this.bucket.on('ping', this._onnodeping.bind(this))
this.bootstrapNodes = [].concat(opts.bootstrap || []).map(parsePeer)
this.socket.on('listening', this.emit.bind(this, 'listening'))
this.socket.on('close', this.emit.bind(this, 'close'))
this.socket.on('error', this._onsocketerror.bind(this))
const queryId = this.ephemeral ? null : this.id
const io = new IO(this.socket, queryId, this)
this._io = io
this._commands = new Map()
this._tick = 0
this._tickInterval = setInterval(this._ontick.bind(this), 5000)
this._initialNodes = false
_onsocketerror (err) {
if (err.code === 'EADDRINUSE' || err.code === 'EPERM' || err.code === 'EACCES') this.emit('error', err)
else this.emit('warning', err)
_ontick () {
if ((this._tick & 7) === 0) this._pingSome()
if ((this._tick & 63) === 0 && this.nodes.length < 20) this.bootstrap()
address () {
return this.socket.address()
command (name, opts) {
this._commands.set(name, {
inputEncoding: codecs(opts.inputEncoding || opts.valueEncoding),
outputEncoding: codecs(opts.outputEncoding || opts.valueEncoding),
query: opts.query || queryNotSupported,
update: opts.update || updateNotSupported
ready (onready) {
if (!this.bootstrapped) this.once('ready', onready)
else onready()
onrequest (type, message, peer) {
if (validateId(message.id)) {
this._addNode(message.id, peer, null, message.to)
switch (message.command) {
case '_ping':
return this._onping(message, peer)
case '_find_node':
return this._onfindnode(message, peer)
case '_holepunch':
return this._onholepunch(message, peer)
return this._oncommand(type, message, peer)
_onping (message, peer) {
if (message.value && !this.id.equals(message.value)) return
this._io.response(message, peers.encode([peer]), null, peer)
_onholepunch (message, peer) {
const value = decodeHolepunch(message.value)
if (!value) return
if (value.to) {
const to = decodePeer(value.to)
if (!to || samePeer(to, peer)) return
message.version = IO.VERSION
message.id = this._io.id
message.value = Holepunch.encode({ from: peers.encode([peer]) })
this.emit('holepunch', peer, to)
this._io.send(Message.encode(message), to)
if (value.from) {
const from = decodePeer(value.from)
if (from) peer = from
this._io.response(message, null, null, peer)
_onfindnode (message, peer) {
if (!validateId(message.target)) return
const closerNodes = nodes.encode(this.bucket.closest(message.target, 20))
this._io.response(message, null, closerNodes, peer)
_oncommand (type, message, peer) {
if (!message.target) return
const self = this
const cmd = this._commands.get(message.command)
if (!cmd) return reply(UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND)
const query = {
command: message.command,
node: peer,
target: message.target,
value: cmd.inputEncoding.decode(message.value)
if (type === IO.UPDATE) cmd.update(query, reply)
else cmd.query(query, reply)
function reply (err, value) {
const closerNodes = nodes.encode(self.bucket.closest(message.target, 20))
if (err) {
return self._io.error(message, err, closerNodes, peer, value && cmd.outputEncoding.encode(value))
self._io.response(message, value && cmd.outputEncoding.encode(value), closerNodes, peer)
onresponse (message, peer) {
if (validateId(message.id)) {
this._addNode(message.id, peer, message.roundtripToken, message.to)
onbadid (peer) {
holepunch (peer, cb) {
if (!peer.referrer) throw new Error('peer.referrer is required')
this._io.query('_holepunch', null, null, peer, cb)
destroy () {
if (this.destroyed) return
this.destroyed = true
ping (peer, cb) {
this._io.query('_ping', null, peer.id, peer, function (err, res) {
if (err) return cb(err)
if (res.error) return cb(new Error(res.error))
const pong = decodePeer(res.to || res.value) // res.value will be deprecated
if (!pong) return cb(new Error('Invalid pong'))
cb(null, pong)
_tally (onlyIp) {
const sum = new Map()
var result = null
var node = this.nodes.latest
var cnt = 0
var good = 0
for (; node && cnt < 10; node = node.prev) {
if (!node.to || node.to.length !== 6) continue
const to = onlyIp ? node.to.toString('hex').slice(0, 8) + '0000' : node.to.toString('hex')
const hits = 1 + (sum.get(to) || 0)
if (hits > good) {
good = hits
result = node.to
sum.set(to, hits)
// We want at least 3 samples all with the same ip:port from
// different remotes (the to field) to be consider it consistent
// If we get >=3 samples with conflicting info we are not (or under attack) (Subject for tweaking)
const bad = cnt - good
return bad < 3 && good >= 3 ? result : null
remoteAddress () {
const both = this._tally(false)
if (both) return peers.decode(both)[0]
const onlyIp = this._tally(true)
if (onlyIp) return peers.decode(onlyIp)[0]
return null
holepunchable () {
return this._tally(false) !== null
_addNode (id, peer, token, to) {
if (id.equals(this.id)) return
var node = this.bucket.get(id)
const fresh = !node
if (!node) node = {}
node.id = id
node.port = peer.port
node.host = peer.host
if (token) node.roundtripToken = token
node.tick = this._tick
node.to = to
if (!fresh) this.nodes.remove(node)
if (this.bucket.get(node.id) !== node) return // in a ping
if (fresh) {
this.emit('add-node', node)
if (!this._initialNodes && this.nodes.length >= 5) {
this._initialNodes = true
_removeNode (node) {
if (!this.nodes.has(node)) return
this.emit('remove-node', node)
_token (peer, i) {
return blake2b.batch([
_onnodeping (oldContacts, newContact) {
// if bootstrapping, we've recently pinged all nodes
if (!this.bootstrapped) return
const reping = []
for (var i = 0; i < oldContacts.length; i++) {
const old = oldContacts[i]
// check if we recently talked to this peer ...
if (this._tick === old.tick && this.nodes.has(oldContacts[i])) {
if (reping.length) this._reping(reping, newContact)
_check (node) {
const self = this
this.ping(node, function (err) {
if (err) {
_reping (oldContacts, newContact) {
const self = this
function ping () {
const next = oldContacts.shift()
if (!next) return
self._io.queryImmediately('_ping', null, next.id, next, afterPing)
function afterPing (err, res, node) {
if (!err) return ping()
self._addNode(newContact.id, newContact, newContact.roundtripToken || null, newContact.to || null)
_pingSome () {
var cnt = this.inflightQueries > 2 ? 3 : 5
var oldest = this.nodes.oldest
// tiny dht, ping the bootstrap again
if (!oldest) return this.bootstrap()
while (cnt--) {
if (!oldest || this._tick === oldest.tick) continue
oldest = oldest.next
query (command, target, value, cb) {
if (typeof value === 'function') return this.query(command, target, null, value)
return collect(this.runCommand(command, target, value, { query: true, update: false }), cb)
update (command, target, value, cb) {
if (typeof value === 'function') return this.update(command, target, null, value)
return collect(this.runCommand(command, target, value, { query: false, update: true }), cb)
queryAndUpdate (command, target, value, cb) {
if (typeof value === 'function') return this.queryAndUpdate(command, target, null, value)
return collect(this.runCommand(command, target, value, { query: true, update: true }), cb)
runCommand (command, target, value, opts) {
return new QueryStream(this, command, target, value, opts)
listen (port, addr, cb) {
if (typeof port === 'function') return this.listen(0, null, port)
if (typeof addr === 'function') return this.listen(port, null, addr)
if (cb) this.once('listening', cb)
this.socket.bind(port, addr)
bootstrap (cb) {
const self = this
const backgroundCon = Math.min(this.concurrency, Math.max(2, Math.floor(this.concurrency / 8)))
if (!this.bootstrapNodes.length) return process.nextTick(done)
const qs = this.query('_find_node', this.id)
qs.on('data', update)
qs.on('error', onerror)
qs.on('end', done)
function onerror (err) {
if (cb) cb(err)
function done () {
if (!self.bootstrapped) {
self.bootstrapped = true
if (cb) cb()
function update () {
qs._concurrency = self.inflightQueries === 1 ? self.concurrency : backgroundCon
persistent (cb) {
this._io.id = this.id
this.bootstrap((err) => {
if (err) {
if (cb) cb(err)
this.ephemeral = false
if (cb) cb()
getNodes () {
return this.nodes.toArray().map(({ id, host, port }) => ({ id, host, port }))
addNodes (nodes) {
for (const { id, host, port } of nodes) this._addNode(id, { host, port })
exports.id = () => randomBytes(32)
exports.DHT = DHT
function validateId (id) {
return id && id.length === 32
function randomBytes (n) {
const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(n)
return buf
function decodeHolepunch (buf) {
try {
return Holepunch.decode(buf)
} catch (err) {
return null
function decodePeer (buf) {
try {
const p = peers.decode(buf)[0]
if (!p) throw new Error('No peer in buffer')
return p
} catch (err) {
return null
function parsePeer (peer) {
if (typeof peer === 'object' && peer) return peer
if (typeof peer === 'number') return parsePeer(':' + peer)
if (peer[0] === ':') return parsePeer('' + peer)
const parts = peer.split(':')
return {
host: parts[0],
port: parseInt(parts[1], 10)
function samePeer (a, b) {
return a.port === b.port && a.host === b.host
function updateNotSupported (query, cb) {
cb(new Error('Update not supported'))
function queryNotSupported (query, cb) {
cb(null, null)