# docker-electrum-vertcoin > Run a Vertcoin Electrum server with one command A Docker configuration with sane defaults for running a full Vertcoin node behind an ElectrumX server. ## Usage ``` docker-compose up ``` This will pull the latest version of vertcoind and ElectrumX, start syncing the blockchain, generate an SSL certificate and start listening for secure Electrum traffic on port 55002. All blockchain/vertcoind data will be stored in `./data/vertcoind` and all ElectrumX data will be stored in `./data/electrumx`. This is stored on the host machine and mounted in the docker container as a volume, meaning it will persist across reboots/updates/containers etc. ### Is this secure? Yep, this is built to have sensible, safe defaults out of the box. vertcoind JSON-RPC is only accessible from the ElectrumX container, it's never exposed to the internet, it's not even exposed to localhost. ElectrumX will generate a fresh SSL certificate on first boot and only listen for SSL traffic. Unencrypted traffic will be ignored. ### How do I use an existing SSL certificate? If there's an SSL certificate/key (`electrumx.crt`/`electrumx.key`) in `./data/electrumx`, it'll be used instead of generating a new one. ### I don't trust your images, how do I build them myself? You can build `lukechilds/vertcoind` and `lukechilds/electrumx` yourself here: - https://github.com/lukechilds/docker-vertcoind - https://github.com/lukechilds/docker-electrumx ## License MIT © Luke Childs