# docker-electrumx [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lukechilds/docker-electrumx.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lukechilds/docker-electrumx) [![Image Layers](https://images.microbadger.com/badges/image/lukechilds/electrumx.svg)](https://microbadger.com/images/lukechilds/electrumx) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/lukechilds/electrumx.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/lukechilds/electrumx/) [![GitHub Donate](https://badgen.net/badge/GitHub/Sponsor/D959A7?icon=github)](https://github.com/sponsors/lukechilds) [![Bitcoin Donate](https://badgen.net/badge/Bitcoin/Donate/F19537?icon=bitcoin)](https://blockstream.info/address/3Luke2qRn5iLj4NiFrvLBu2jaEj7JeMR6w) [![Lightning Donate](https://badgen.net/badge/Lightning/Donate/F6BC41?icon=bitcoin-lightning)](https://tippin.me/@lukechilds?refurl=github.com/lukechilds/docker-electrumx) > Run an Electrum server with one command An easily configurable Docker image for running an Electrum server. ## Usage ``` docker run \ -v /home/username/electrumx:/data \ -e DAEMON_URL=http://user:pass@host:port \ -e COIN=BitcoinSegwit \ -p 50002:50002 \ lukechilds/electrumx ``` If there's an SSL certificate/key (`electrumx.crt`/`electrumx.key`) in the `/data` volume it'll be used. If not, one will be generated for you. You can view all ElectrumX environment variables here: https://github.com/kyuupichan/electrumx/blob/master/docs/environment.rst ### TCP Port By default only the SSL port is exposed. You can expose the unencrypted TCP port with `-p 50001:50001`, although this is strongly discouraged. ### WebSocket Port You can expose the WebSocket port with `-p 50004:50004`. ### RPC Port To access RPC from your host machine, you'll also need to expose port 8000. You probably only want this available to localhost: `-p`. If you're only accessing RPC from within the container, there's no need to expose the RPC port. ### Version You can also run a specific version of ElectrumX if you want. ``` docker run \ -v /home/username/electrumx:/data \ -e DAEMON_URL=http://user:pass@host:port \ -e COIN=BitcoinSegwit \ -p 50002:50002 \ lukechilds/electrumx:v1.8.7 ``` ## License MIT © Luke Childs