Users can choose to **Use Blockstack's official provider** or **Use a different provider**. Choosing the non-default option prompts the user with the following:
Users can enter the HTTPS address of a hub hosted by an entity other than
Blockstack. Once the user submits the above form, they continue through the
standard identity creation. As they use DApps on the Blockstack Network, all
their data is stored in this storage hub and not the default Blockstack hub.
## Enabling hub selection in your DApp
To enable this feature, you must ensure your DApp is using the latest version of the blockstack.js library. Instead of the default flow `redirectToSignIn()` method, you must use the `makeAuthRequest()` method. This method takes the following parameters:
<dd>The time at which this request is no longer valid.</dd>
<code>extraParams(Object = {})</code>
<dd>Any extra parameters to pass to the authenticator. Use this to pass options that aren't part of the Blockstack authentication specification, but might be supported by special authenticators.</dd>
To ensure your DApps identity creation flow includes the Gaia URL, modify the `makeAuthRequest()` method to apply the `solicitGaiaHubUrl` parameter with value `true` when executing the method:
import {
} from 'blockstack';
const authRequest = makeAuthRequest(
['store_write', 'publish_data'],
nextHour().getTime(), {
solicitGaiaHubUrl: true
} // new options param
You can also pass a suggested Gaia storage hub URL also. For example, you might
do this if you have a corporate client whose employees would all like to use
your application with a company-run Gaia hub. To do this, you provide an
additional `recommendedGaiaHubUrl` value alongside the `solicitGaiaHubUrl`
## Related information
[Hello, Hub Choice Tutorial](hello-hub-choice.html) for a tutorial on using the [`makeAuthRequest()`]( method.