To create an initial Blockstack ID, do the following:
1. Open the < a href = "" target = " \_blank" > Blockstack web application in your browser</ a > .
The application prompts you to create or restore an ID.

2. Choose **Create new ID** .
The browser prompts you to register a unique username in the `id.blockstack`
domain. This is a free Blockstack identity and the format of
the ID is:
_`username`_ `.id.blockstack`
You'll use this initial ID to access the Blockstack Browser and other DApps.

The **Check Availability** buttom makes sure your name is unique.
2. Press **Continue** when you find an available name you like.
The application prompts you to enter a password. Blockstack uses this
password to encrypt your recovery code. You must record and save this
initial password.

{% include note.html content="The Blockstack team cannot restore your password for you." %}
3. Enter a password, confirm it, and press **Register ID** .
Blockstack creates an id for you and then prompts you for an email.

Blockstack uses this email address to send you recovery information. This email is only sent once.
4. Press **Next** .
Blockstack presents you with the completed ID.

The system prompts you to save your **recovery code** .
5. Click **Secret Recovery Key** to record your key.
The system warns you to ave your key:

6. Click **Secret Recovery Key** to record your key.

A recovery code is a sequence of words. These words allow you to recover
an `id.blockstack` that you've created. You should store the words along
with their order, for example, `#1 applied` and so forth.
6. Copy your **Secret Recovery Key** and press **Continue** .
The system confirms you have saved your key by asking you to select two words.
7. Choose **Go to Blockstack** .
It may take several moments for your username to be recorded on the blockchain. You can still use it but you may see a computer-friendly ID sequence such as `ID-1G9318bjf6FAZvD3gnaSyzUojM6f8xKWK1` until the recording is finalized.
Congratulations you have created your first ID. You are now ready to start using DApps.