can manage your Stacks (STX) tokens. How can you review your token balance? How can send or
receive your tokens? STX tokens are a cryptocurrency and you manage your tokens through a **cryptocurrency wallet**. This overview introduces basic wallet terminology and concepts.
Cryptocurrency wallets are software that make sending and receiving cryptocurrency easier. Unlike the wallets you carry physical money in, a cryptocurrency wallet doesn’t
contain your tokens. A wallet has one or more cryptocurrency addresses, in the case of Stacks these are *Stacks token address*.
An address is public and can be viewed by other people much like your house is visible to any passerby. To open a particular address, you must know the address value and you must have the private key for that address. Wallets can read existing addresses to send from or create new addresses to send to. A wallet can show you the history of transactions for an address on the blockchain.
Exchanging cryptocurrency requires moving currency from one address to another. Say a company, Bitbook, is selling books and receive crypto currency in payment. Lena sees a book she wants to buy on Bitbook, she selects a **Buy** button and Bitbook gives her an address to send currency to. Lena uses her private key to open one of her cryptocurrency addresses. She then sends from this address to BitBook's address.

Token exchanges are recorded by *transactions* on a blockchain. In the case of STX, these exchanges appear on the Stacks blockchain. The movement of tokens from Lena to Bitbook is recorded on the blockchain. The private key Lena uses is not recorded.
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<h5>Security tip: What to share and what not to</h5>
<p>A Stacks address is a string of letters and numbers starting with an <code>SP</code> or <code>SM</code>, like <code>SM3KJBA4RZ7Z20KD2HBXNSXVPCR1D3CRAV6Q05MKT</code>. You can and should share the address when you want someone to send STX tokens to you.</p>
<p>Your seed phrase, 24 words in an ordered sequence, is the private key for your addresses and wallet. <strong>never</strong> share your seed phrase with anyone.</p>
{% include warning.html content="None of our ecosystem entities, Blockstack PBC, Blockstack Signature Fund, and Blockstack Token LLC, are custodial services. Or the Stacks Wallet is not recommended for institutional holdings." %}
Similarly, mobile, online wallets do not require a desktop, but they also tend to be smaller and simpler. Online wallets run over the web and are accessible from any networked device, computer or phone. However, online wallets are vulnerable to hacking as well and also rely on third-party service providers who themselves may also be vulnerable.