{"url":"https://docs.blockstack.org/browser/browser-nav.html","headline":"Browser Nav","dateModified":"2018-10-26T14:29:29-07:00","datePublished":"2018-10-26T14:29:29-07:00","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Blockstack"},"description":"On this page, you learn more about working with IDs, the Wallet, and Settings.","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"https://docs.blockstack.org/browser/browser-nav.html"},"@type":"BlogPosting","@context":"http://schema.org"}</script>
<p>On this page, you learn more about working with <strong>IDs</strong>, the <strong>Wallet</strong>, and <strong>Settings</strong>.</p>
<h2id="working-with-ids">Working with IDS</h2>
<p>Blockstack allows you to create one free identity in the Blockstack
<em>namespace</em>. A namespace a top-level category in the Blockstack Ecosystem. A
namespace is similar to the domains you are familiar with from using the web,
<codeclass="highlighter-rouge">google.com</code> is domain and so is the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">gouvernement.fr</code> domain. An identity in
the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">.blockstack</code> namespace has the <em><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">username</code></em><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">.id.blockstack</code> format.</p>
<p>You can also purchase your own identity (<codeclass="highlighter-rouge">.id</code>) using bitcoin (BTC). A name’s price depends on its length in characters and the current Bitcoin fees. For example, ranges such as .00831 and .001943 BTC 20-80 US dollars is not unusual.</p>
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/* A CSS selector that points to your search box */
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