<p>To participate in application mining your application must integrate Blockstack authentication.
### Get and put user data to a Gaia Hub
Gaia is the Blockstack data storage hub (https://hub.blockstack.org). Once a user
authenticates, the application can get and put application data in the user's
storage. After a user signs in, the `SignedIn.js` code checks the user's Gaia
profile by running the `loadMe()` method.
loadMe() {
const options = { decrypt: false }
this.userSession.getFile(ME_FILENAME, options)
.then((content) => {
if(content) {
const me = JSON.parse(content)
this.setState({me, redirectToMe: false})
} else {
const me = null
this.setState({me, redirectToMe: true})
Most of the imports in this file are locally coded React components. For example, `Kingdom.js`, `EditMe.js`, and `Card.js`. The key Blockstack imports is the `UserSession` and an `appConfig` which is defined in the `constants.js` file.
The `loadMe()` code uses the Blockstack's `UserSession.getFile()` method to get
the specified file from the applications data store. If the users' data store on
Gaia does not have the data, which is the case for new users, the Gaia hub
user's DApp data store. By default, `putFile()` stores data in an encrypted format which means only the user that stored it can view it. You can view the URL for the data store from a user's profile. Because this application wants other users to view the persona and territory, the data is not encrypted, so the `encrypt` option is set to `false`.
If you tested your Animal Kingdom, you can see this on your profile. To see your
profile, go to the <ahref="https://explorer.blockstack.org">Blockstack
explorer</a> and search for your ID:
<divclass="uk-card uk-card-default uk-card-body">
<h5>App Mining Optional: Gaia Storage</h5>
<p>Use of Gaia storage is not required for application mining. Keep in mind, using Gaia may make data storage easier as it is designed to work in the Blockstack Ecosystem.
### Application configuration
Your DApp contains three pages **Animals**, **Territories**, and **Other
Kingdoms** that are derived from three code elements:
* The `src/constants.js` file defines the application's data profile (`AppConfig`).
* The `public\animals` directory which contains images.
* The `public\territories` directory which contains images.
In the next section, you extend your Kingdom's configuration by modifying these files.
## Add a territory
If your application is still running in localhost stop it with a `CTRL-C` from
your keyboard.
1. Decide what kind of territory to add — desert, ocean, or city!
This example adds Westeros, a fictional territory.
2. Search for an image to represent your new territory.
Google images is a good place to find <ahref="images/westeros.jpg"target="\_blank">a JPEG image of Westeros</a>.
3. Save the image to the `public/territories` folder in your Animal Kingdom project code.
{% include warning.html content="The territory filename must be all lower case and have a <code>.jpg</code> extension.
For this example, the territory image is saved in the <code>westeros.jpg</code> file." %}
4. Use the `ls` command to confirm your file appears in `territories` directory and has the correct name.
PS C:\animal-kingdom-master> ls .\public\territories\
<p>To participate in application mining your application must be available for review. Open source projects must provide the URL to their code. Projects with private repositories can provide their application in a package form.
Before you begin, you need to build a site that is ready to deploy.
The Animal Kingdom is identified by its location on the Internet, remember?
So, the animal kingdom you created on your local workstation is different
than the one you create on Netlify.
## Add your Kingdom to our Clan
At this point, your kingdom is isolated. If you know another kingdom, you can
add subjects from that kingdom but other kingdoms can't access your subjects. In
this section, you use a free GitHub account to add your kingdom to the
Blockstack kingdom.
1. If you have a GitHub account, go to step 2 otherwise go to GitHub <ahref="https://github.com/"target="\_blank">site and create a new account</a>.
2. Go to the <ahref="https://github.com/blockstack/animal-kingdom/issues"target="\_blank">https://github.com/blockstack/animal-kingdom/issues</a> repository on Github.
2. Click **New Issue**.
The new issue dialog appears.
3. Fill out the issue with the URL from Netlify and your Blockstack id.
When you are done, your issue will look like the following:
4. Press **Submit new issue**.
The Blockstack team will add your Netlify kingdom to ours. When we do that, we will notify you on the issue and you'll also get an email.
5. When you receive the email, login to the Blockstack Animal kingdom to see your kingdom under **Other Kingdoms**.
## Next steps (and a cool tshirt!)
In the next part, you learn about how application mining can fund your DApp
development efforts. And you will take a couple of minutes to [add your Animal Kingdom DApp to App.co
— the Universal App store](zero_to_dapp_4.html). Completing this step earns you a
limited edition t-shirt.
If you have a twitter account, why not tell some folks about your progress?