<p>BNS names are organized into a global name hierarchy. There are three different
layers in this hierarchy related to naming:</p>
<p><strong>Namespaces</strong>. These are the top-level names in the hierarchy. An analogy
to BNS namespaces are DNS top-level domains. Existing BNS namespaces include
<codeclass="highlighter-rouge">.id</code>, <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">.podcast</code>, and <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">.helloworld</code>. All other names belong to exactly one
namespace. Anyone can create a namespace, but in order for the namespace
to be persisted, it must be <em>launched</em> so that anyone can register names in it.
Namespaces are not owned by their creators.</p>
<p><strong>BNS names</strong>. These are names whose records are stored directly on the
blockchain. The ownership and state of these names are controlled by sending
blockchain transactions. Example names include <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">verified.podcast</code> and
<codeclass="highlighter-rouge">muneeb.id</code>. Anyone can create a BNS name, as long as the namespace that
contains it exists already. The state for BNS names is usually stored in the <ahref="/core/atlas/overview.html">Atlas
<p><strong>BNS subdomains</strong>. These are names whose records are stored off-chain,
but are collectively anchored to the blockchain. The ownership and state for
these names lives within the <ahref="/core/atlas/overview.html">Atlas network</a>. While BNS
subdomains are owned by separate private keys, a BNS name owner must
broadcast their subdomain state. Example subdomains include <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">jude.personal.id</code>
and <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">podsaveamerica.verified.podcast</code>. Unlike BNS namespaces and names, the
state of BNS subdomains is <em>not</em> part of the blockchain consensus rules.</p>
<p>A feature comparison matrix summarizing the similarities and differences
between these name objects is presented below:</p>
<th><strong>BNS names</strong></th>
<th><strong>BNS Subdomains</strong></th>
<td>Globally unique</td>
<td>Owned by a private key</td>
<td>Anyone can create</td>
<td>Owner can update</td>
<td>State hosted on-chain</td>
<td>State hosted off-chain</td>
<td>Behavior controlled by consensus rules</td>
<td>May have an expiration date</td>
<p>[1] Requires the cooperation of a BNS name owner to broadcast its transactions</p>
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