You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

140 lines
7.2 KiB

const withBundleAnalyzer = require('@next/bundle-analyzer')({
enabled: process.env.ANALYZE === 'true',
const path = require('path');
const { remarkPlugins } = require('./lib/remark-plugins');
const { rehypePlugins } = require('./lib/rehype-plugins');
const withFonts = require('next-fonts');
async function redirects() {
return [
{ source: '/browser/todo-list.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/connect/get-started.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/connect/overview.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/profiles.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/storage/overview.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/storage.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/storage/authentication.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/storage/write-to-read.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/radiks-intro.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/radiks-setup.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/radiks-models.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/radiks-collaborate.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/radiks-server-extras.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/smart/overview.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/smart/tutorial.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/smart/tutorial-counter.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/smart/tutorial-test.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/connect/use-with-clarity.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/smart/principals.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/smart/testnet-node.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/smart/cli-wallet-quickstart.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/introduction.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/architecture.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/namespaces.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/comparison.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/tutorial_subdomains.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/search.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/faq_technical.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/pickname.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/creationhowto.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/resolving.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/register.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/manage.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/subdomains.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/naming/forks.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/collections.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/collection-type.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/storage/hub-operation.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/storage/amazon-s3-deploy.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/storage/digital-ocean-deploy.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/storage/hello-hub-choice.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/storage/gaia-admin.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/atlas/overview.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/atlas/howitworks.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/atlas/howtouse.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/org/overview.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/faqs/allFAQS.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/org/token.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/org/whitepaper-blockchain.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/org/wallet-intro.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/org/wallet-install.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/org/wallet-use.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/org/wallet-troubleshoot.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/org/tokenholders.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/cmdLineRef.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/smart/clarityRef.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/smart/rpc-api.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/common/javascript_ref.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/common/android_ref.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/common/ios_ref.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/common/core_ref.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/core/wire-format.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/storage/config-schema.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/org/secureref.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/develop/overview_auth.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
{ source: '/org/terms.html', destination: '', permanent: true },
module.exports = withFonts(
experimental: {
modern: true,
polyfillsOptimization: true,
jsconfigPaths: true,
trailingSlash: true,
pageExtensions: ['js', 'ts', 'tsx', 'md', 'mdx'],
webpack: (config, options) => {
test: /.mdx?$/, // load both .md and .mdx files
use: [
loader: '@mdx-js/loader',
options: {
path.join(__dirname, './lib/md-loader'),
test: /\.ya?ml$/,
type: 'json',
use: 'yaml-loader',
if (! {
const splitChunks = config.optimization && config.optimization.splitChunks;
if (splitChunks) {
const cacheGroups = splitChunks.cacheGroups;
const test = /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](preact|preact-render-to-string|preact-context-provider)[\\/]/;
if (cacheGroups.framework) {
cacheGroups.preact = Object.assign({}, cacheGroups.framework, {
}); = 'framework';
} else {
cacheGroups.preact = {
name: 'commons',
chunks: 'all',
// Install webpack aliases:
const aliases = config.resolve.alias || (config.resolve.alias = {});
aliases.react = aliases['react-dom'] = 'preact/compat';
aliases['react-ssr-prepass'] = 'preact-ssr-prepass';
return config;