31 lines
874 B

* Currently it's not possible to export data fetching functions from MDX pages
* because MDX includes them in `layoutProps`, and Next.js removes them at some
* point, causing a `ReferenceError`.
* https://github.com/mdx-js/mdx/issues/742#issuecomment-612652071
* This plugin can be removed once MDX removes `layoutProps`, at least that
* seems to be the current plan.
// https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/data-fetching
const DATA_FETCH_FNS = ['getStaticPaths', 'getStaticProps', 'getServerProps'];
module.exports = () => {
return {
visitor: {
ObjectProperty(path) {
if (
DATA_FETCH_FNS.includes(path.node.value.name) &&
path => path.isVariableDeclarator() && path.node.id.name === 'layoutProps'
) {