{"datePublished":"2018-10-31T08:36:56-07:00","url":"https://docs.blockstack.org/browser/ids-creating.html","dateModified":"2018-10-31T08:36:56-07:00","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"https://docs.blockstack.org/browser/ids-creating.html"},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Blockstack"},"description":"Working with IDS","@type":"BlogPosting","headline":"Working with IDS","@context":"http://schema.org"}</script>
<p>Blockstack allows you to create one free identity in the Blockstack
<em>namespace</em>. A namespace a top-level category in the Blockstack Ecosystem. A
namespace is similar to the domains you are familiar with from using the web,
<codeclass="highlighter-rouge">google.com</code> is domain and so is the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">gouvernement.fr</code> domain. An identity in
the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">.blockstack</code> namespace has the <em><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">username</code></em><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">.id.blockstack</code> format.</p>
<p>You can also purchase your own identity (<codeclass="highlighter-rouge">.id</code>) using bitcoin (BTC). A name’s
price depends on its length in characters and the current Bitcoin fees. For
example, ranges such as .00831 and .001943 BTC 20-80 US dollars is not
<h2id="create-an-id">Create an ID</h2>
<p>To, create an id, do the following:</p>
<li>Go to the <ahref="https://browser.blockstack.org"target="\_blank">Blockstack Web Browser</a>.</li>
<p>You have Blockstack Browser installed: If you start from ADD USERNAME from IDs window, jump to 6.
1/ You do not have the Blockstack Browser installed: go to https://explorer.blockstack.org/ 99
2/ Search for your name typing “yourname.id” on the search box. If your .id is “free”, the response will be “Ooops ! The name yourname.id doesn’t exist.” or will show a owner “mnbhbu235j46ijnowejjybjb” with Expires field empty and just NAME_IMPORT, no NAME_REGISTRATION.
3/ Install de Blockstack Browser, open an account, write by hand on a piece of paper and make two copies of mnemonic 12 words phrase, DO NOT KEEP IT IN THE COMPUTER, DO NOT UPLOAD IT TO THE CLOUD, DO NOT COPY IT IN THE CLIPBOARD.
4/ Go to IDs
5/ Click ADD USERNAME. (or MORE and CREATE NEW ID if you want more than one .id’s)
6/ Try your selected name (without “.id”)
7/ If available, check the price.
(If you want to buy a name with your wallet empty the process is a little more complex because the transfer can take a long time and the process will seems frozen, so I recommend to supply your wallet before, go to step 8)
8/ Click WALLET
9/ Fund your wallet with the correct amount or more.
10/ Wait until you see the bitcoin amount in your wallet. Sometimes bitcoin net can take a minute or one hour (or 5) to perform the transaction depending on the demand of network operations, in the following link you will see approx. the time it will take to complete the transaction based on your fee: https://bitcoinfees.earn.com/ 22
10/ Back to ADD USERNAME
11/ Write your name and click search.
12/ Click BUY
13/ The process takes one hour or six blocks, DO NOT TURN OFF the browser or the computer for two hours.</p>
/* A CSS selector that points to your search box */
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