{"datePublished":"2018-11-01T14:14:16-07:00","url":"https://docs.blockstack.org/org/tokenholders.html","dateModified":"2018-11-01T14:14:16-07:00","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"https://docs.blockstack.org/org/tokenholders.html"},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Blockstack"},"description":"Information for current token holders","@type":"BlogPosting","headline":"Information for current token holders","@context":"http://schema.org"}</script>
<p>The information on this page is intended for current Stacks token holders who took part in
Blockstack’s token sale in 2017.</p>
<li><ahref="#find-your-token-balance-and-unlock-date"id="markdown-toc-find-your-token-balance-and-unlock-date">Find your token balance and unlock date</a></li>
<li><ahref="#understanding-the-timeline-for-unlocking-your-tokens"id="markdown-toc-understanding-the-timeline-for-unlocking-your-tokens">Understanding the timeline for unlocking your tokens</a></li>
<h2id="find-your-token-balance-and-unlock-date">Find your token balance and unlock date</h2>
<p>During your the initial grant process, you should have submitted a <em>public
Stacks wallet address</em> to Blockstack. The wallet address is a string of letters and numbers
starting with an ‘SP’ or SM’, for example: <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">SP017AUV5YRM7HT3TSQXJF7FCCYXETAB276BQ6XY</code></p>
<p>If you purchased Stacks tokens through CoinList, you can find your address at
<ahref="https://coinlist.co/distributions">CoinList</a>. If you submitted your Stacks
address directly to Blockstack, you can either use the “Restore from Seed
Phrase” feature on the Stacks wallet or contact us at <ahref="mailto:hello@stackstoken.com">hello@stackstoken.com</a> for
<p>Use the following form to check your Stacks allocation:</p>
<p>If you have questions or concerns about your report, please contact <ahref="mailto:hello@StacksToken.com">hello@StacksToken.com</a>.</p>
<h2id="understanding-the-timeline-for-unlocking-your-tokens">Understanding the timeline for unlocking your tokens</h2>
<p>In October 2018, the Stacks blockchain launched under the Stacks token. With the
launch, Stacks tokens unlock for accredited token holders under a predetermined
unlocking schedule. The events on the unlocking schedule are the same for each
token holder, the dates of these events depend on the holders’s purchase date.</p>
<p>The general timeline for unlocking tokens and the capabilities that are
potentially possible, are as follows:</p>
<p>Your specific unlock date depends on when you purchased or were granted tokens.
You can use the Blockstack Explorer to discover how many tokens you have
registered and when they will unlock.</p>
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