<pclass="no_toc">This page is for organizations who want to be able to create and send name operation transactions to the blockchain(s) Blockstack supports.
It describes the transaction formats for the Bitcoin blockchain.</p>
<p>Each Bitcoin transaction for Blockstack contains signatures from two sets of keys: the name owner, and the payer. The owner <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptSig</code> and <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubKey</code> fields are generated from the key(s) that own the given name. The payer <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptSig</code> and <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubKey</code> fields are used to <em>subsidize</em> the operation. The owner keys do not pay for any operations; the owner keys only control the minimum amount of BTC required to make the transaction standard. The payer keys only pay for the transaction’s fees, and (when required) they pay the name fee.</p>
<p>This construction is meant to allow the payer to be wholly separate from the owner. The principal that owns the name can fund their own transactions, or they can create a signed transaction that carries out the desired operation and request some other principal (e.g. a parent organization) to actually pay for and broadcast the transaction.</p>
<p>The general transaction layout is as follows:</p>
<p>(1) The owner <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptSig</code> is <em>always</em> the first input.
(2) The <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">OP_RETURN</code> script that describes the name operation is <em>always</em> the first output.
(3) The owner <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubKey</code> is <em>always</em> the second output.
(4) The payer can use as many payment inputs as (s)he likes.
(5) At most one output will be the “change” <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubKey</code> for the payer.
Different operations require different outputs.</p>
<h2id="payload-format">Payload Format</h2>
<p>Each Blockstack transaction in Bitcoin describes the name operation within an <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">OP_RETURN</code> output. It encodes name ownership, name fees, and payments as <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubKey</code> outputs. The specific operations are described below.</p>
<p>Each <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">OP_RETURN</code> payload <em>always</em> starts with the two-byte string <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">id</code> (called the “magic” bytes in this document), followed by a one-byte <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">op</code> that describes the operation.</p>
<li>Payment <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubkey</code> script for change</li>
<li><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">p2pkh</code><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubkey</code> to the burn address (0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000)</li>
<li><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">register_addr</code> is a base58check-encoded <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">ripemd160(sha256(pubkey))</code> (i.e. an address). This address <strong>must not</strong> have been used before in the underlying blockchain.</li>
<li><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">script_pubkey</code> is either a <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">p2pkh</code> or <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">p2sh</code> compiled Bitcoin script for the payer’s address.</li>
<li><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubkey</code> for the owner’s addess. This can be a different address than
the current name owner (in which case, the name is renewed and transferred).</li>
<li><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubkey</code> for the payer’s change</li>
<li><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubkey</code> for the burn address (to pay the name cost)</li>
<li>This transaction is identical to a <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">NAME_REGISTRATION</code>, except for the presence of the fourth output that pays for the name cost (to the burn address).</li>
<li>Variation 1 simply renews the name. Variation 2 will both renew the name and
set a new name value (in practice, the hash of a new zone file).</li>
<li>Both variations are supported. Variation 1 was designed for the time when
Bitcoin only supported 40-byte <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">OP_RETURN</code> outputs.</li>
<li>This operation can be used to transfer a name to a new address by setting the
second output (the first <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubkey</code>) to be the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptPubkey</code> of the new
<p>Description: This transaction sets the name state for a name to the given
<codeclass="highlighter-rouge">value</code>. In practice, this is used to announce new DNS zone file hashes to the <ahref="/core/atlas/overview.html">Atlas
magic op hash128(name.ns_id,consensus hash) zone file hash
<p>Note that <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">hash128(name.ns_id, consensus hash)</code> is the first 16 bytes of a SHA256 hash over the name concatenated to the hexadecimal string of the consensus hash (not the bytes corresponding to that hex string).
See the <ahref="#method-glossary">Method Glossary</a> below.</p>
<li>The <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">keep data?</code> byte controls whether or not the name’s 20-byte value is preserved. This value is either <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">></code> to preserve it, or <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">~</code> to delete it.</li>
<li><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">p2pkh</code> script to the burn address <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">1111111111111111111114oLvT2</code>, whose public key hash is 0x00000000000000000000000000000000</li>
<li>The <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">reveal_addr</code> field is the address of the namespace revealer public key. The revealer private key will be used to generate <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">NAME_IMPORT</code> transactions.</li>
<li>This transaction must be sent within 1 day of the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">NAMESPACE_PREORDER</code></li>
<li>The second output (with the namespace revealer) <strong>must</strong> be a <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">p2pkh</code> script</li>
<li>The address of the second output <strong>must</strong> be the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">reveal_addr</code> in the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">NAMESPACE_PREORDER</code></li>
<p>The rules for a namespace are as follows:</p>
<li>a name can fall into one of 16 buckets, measured by length. Bucket 16 incorporates all names at least 16 characters long.</li>
<li>the pricing structure applies a multiplicative penalty for having numeric characters, or punctuation characters.</li>
<li>the price of a name in a bucket is ((coeff) * (base) ^ (bucket exponent)) / ((numeric discount multiplier) * (punctuation discount multiplier))</li>
<li>base = 10</li>
<li>coeff = 2</li>
<li>nonalpha discount: 10</li>
<li>no-vowel discount: 10</li>
<li>buckets 1, 2: 9</li>
<li>buckets 3, 4, 5, 6: 8</li>
<li>buckets 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14: 7</li>
<li>buckets 15, 16+:</li>
<p>With the above example configuration, the following are true:</p>
<li>The price of “john” would be 2 * 10^8, since “john” falls into bucket 4 and has no punctuation or numerics.</li>
<li>The price of “john1” would be 2 * 10^6, since “john1” falls into bucket 5 but has a number (and thus receives a 10x discount)</li>
<li>The price of “john_1” would be 2 * 10^6, since “john_1” falls into bucket 6 but has a number and punctuation (and thus receives a 10x discount)</li>
<li>The price of “j0hn_1” would be 2 * 10^5, since “j0hn_1” falls into bucket 6 but has a number and punctuation and lacks vowels (and thus receives a 100x discount)</li>
<li>The namespace reveal <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptSig</code> (with the namespace revealer’s public key), or one of its first 300 extended public keys</li>
<li>These transactions can only be sent between the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">NAMESPACE_REVEAL</code> and <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">NAMESPACE_READY</code>.</li>
<li>The first <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">NAME_IMPORT</code> transaction <strong>must</strong> have a <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptSig</code> input that matches the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">NAMESPACE_REVEAL</code>’s second output (i.e. the reveal output).</li>
<li>Any subsequent <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">NAME_IMPORT</code> transactions <strong>may</strong> have a <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptSig</code> input whose public key is one of the first 300 extended public keys from the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">NAMESPACE_REVEAL</code>’s <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">scriptSig</code> public key.</li>
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