want to download and install the browser's client edition.
To use the web application to create an identity,
## Using the Browser on public computers
Before you use the web application, it is important to note that once you log
into the application with the brower, your session does not expire until you
choose **Settings > RESET BROWSER**. For this reason, you should be careful
when using the browser on public computers.
If you are in a library, for example, and log into the browser, simply
closing the tab or even rebooting the computer does not log you out. Instead,
you should be sure to choose **Settings > RESET BROWSER** before leaving the web
For more informatin about your identity and the browser, see [Get and use a Blockstack ID](ids-introduction).
## Overview of the browser functions
The Blockstack Browser allows you to use the new internet. Toward this end, the Browser navigation has the following areas:

<td>Takes you to the initial page. This page contains a list of the available applications. You can also find available applications at the <ahref="https://app.co/blockstack"target="\_blank">App.co</a> site.</td>
<td>Allows you to establish the identity of your primary ID. You also go here to create additional, sub identities.</td>
<td>Allows you to send and receive Bitcoin.</td>
<td>Configure settings for storage, change session password, reset the Browser, and more.</td>