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# How to link your OpenBazaar GUID to your Blockstack ID
If you don't have the Blockstack CLI. Download and install it first. Instructions are [here]( The rest of this tutorial assumes that you've already registered a name using the Blockstack CLI.
## Step 1: Advanced Mode
The first step is to activate "advanced mode" in the CLI. The command to do so is:
$ blockstack set_advanced_mode on
## Step 2: Add an OpenBazaar Account
The second step is to create an OpenBazaar account for your profile (the [Onename]( app also enabled to link your OpenBazaar GUID). The command to do so is:
$ blockstack put_account "<BLOCKSTACK ID>" "openbazaar" "<YOUR OB GUID>" "<URL TO YOUR STORE>"
The URL can be any valid URL; it won't be used by OpenBazaar. Here's an example, using the name `` and the GUID `0123456789abcdef`:
$ blockstack put_account "" "openbazaar" "0123456789abcdef" ""
The update should be instantaneous. You can verify that your store is present with `list_accounts`:
$ blockstack list_accounts ""
"accounts": [
"contentUrl": "",
"identifier": "0123456789abcdef",
"service": "openbazaar"
# Troubleshooting
Common problems you might encounter.
## Profile is in legacy format
If you registered your blockstack ID before spring 2016, there's a chance that your profile is still in a legacy format. It will get migrated to the new format automatically if you update your profile on the [Onename]( app. However, you have to do this manually with the CLI.
To do so, the command is:
$ blockstack migrate <YOUR BLOCKSTACK ID>
It will take a little over an hour to complete, but once finished, you'll be able to manage your accounts with the above commands (and do so with no delays).
## Failed to broadcast update transaction
This can happen during a `migrate` for one of a few reasons:
* You do not have enough balance to pay the transaction fee (which is calculated dynamically).
* Your payment address has unconfirmed transactions.
* You can't connect to a Bitcoin node.
To determine what's going on, you should try the command again by typing `BLOCKSTACK_DEBUG=1 blockstack ...` instead of `blockstack...`.