{"datePublished":"2018-11-01T10:29:39-07:00","url":"https://docs.blockstack.org/browser/ids-introduction.html","dateModified":"2018-11-01T10:29:39-07:00","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"https://docs.blockstack.org/browser/ids-introduction.html"},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Blockstack"},"description":"Get and use a Blockstack ID","@type":"BlogPosting","headline":"Get and use a Blockstack ID","@context":"http://schema.org"}</script>
<li><ahref="#create-an-initial-blockstack-id"id="markdown-toc-create-an-initial-blockstack-id">Create an initial Blockstack ID</a></li>
<li><ahref="#restore-a-blockstack-id"id="markdown-toc-restore-a-blockstack-id">Restore a Blockstack ID</a><ul>
<li><ahref="#restore-with-a-recovery-key"id="markdown-toc-restore-with-a-recovery-key">Restore with a recovery key</a></li>
<li><ahref="#restore-with-a-recovery-code-and-original-password"id="markdown-toc-restore-with-a-recovery-code-and-original-password">Restore with a recovery code and original password</a></li>
is a digital identity that is registered With Blockstack. Think of the ID as a
form of identification, like a drivers license, but this license identifies you
on the virtual internet highway.</p>
<p>Your personal data storage is linked to this ID. You use this ID to
identify yourself to other users and to sign into applications. When you add a
picture to a Dapp, the picture appears in the Dapp but the picture’s bits and bytes
are stored in your personal storage.</p>
<p>When you log into another application with your ID, that application can ask for access to that storage and then use that picture. The application must ask you, it knows you by your ID, and</p>
<p>Decentralized applications that want to access your data need your
<p>The <em><codeclass="highlighter-rouge">USERNAME</code></em> portion must be unique. You enter an email and password to
create the initial identity. Blockstack uses the password to:</p>
<li>seed a <em>recovery code</em> an encrypted string, for example <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">36mWivFdy0YPH2z31EflpQz/Y0UMrOrJ++lH=0EI7c3mop2JuRBm5W1P0BwXxSTazJsUjOAmC55rFUWINqDqGccLio0iwzGclAhaHGZQ5M52</code></li>
<li>seed a <em>recovery key</em> which is a squence of words <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">applied binge crisp pictorial fiery dancing agreeable frogs light finish ping apple</code></li>
<p>The email is provided to allow either Blockstack or a decentralized application
to communicate information to you. In Blockstacks’ case, the email is used to
send you reovery information.</p>
<p>While Blockstack registers your human readable ID and the recovery key. <em>You</em> must
record the:</p>
<li>recovery key</li>
<li>recovery code (in the order the words apepar)</li>
<li>initial password</li>
<p>Blockstack does not store them, so it can’t give them to you later if they are
<p>Your initial ID is created in the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">id.blockstack</code> domain. The initial identity
remains primary, and you need this primary ID and its associated information
(recovery code, recovery key, and password) to use the browser again.</p>
<p>Finally, the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">id.blockstack</code> domain is sponsored by the Blockstack registrar and
identities on it are free. Once you are using the Blockstack Browser, you can
create additional identities outside of this domain and controlled by other
registrars. Coin is required to purchase identities on other domains.</p>
<h2id="create-an-initial-blockstack-id">Create an initial Blockstack ID</h2>
<p>To create an inititial Blockstack ID, do the following:</p>
<p>Open the <ahref="https://browser.blockstack.org/sign-up?redirect=%2F">Blockstack web application in your browser</a>.</p>
<p>The application prompts you for an email address.</p>
<p>Blockstack uses this email address to send you recovery information.</p>
<p>Enter an email address and press <strong>Next</strong>.</p>
<p>The application prompts you to enter a password. Blockstack users this
password to encrypt your recovery code. You must record and save this
initial password.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE</strong>:The Blockstack team cannot restore your password for you.</p>
<p>Enter a password, confirm it, and press <strong>Next</strong>.</p>
<p>The browser prompts you to register a unique username in the <codeclass="highlighter-rouge">id.blockstack</code>
domain. This is your identity in the decentralized internet. The format of the id
<ahref="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Get and use a Blockstack ID&url=https://docs.blockstack.org/browser/ids-introduction.html&via=&related="rel="nofollow"target="_blank"title="Share on Twitter"onclick="window.open(this.href, 'twitter', 'width=550,height=235');return false;"><spandata-uk-icon="icon: twitter; ratio: 1.2"></span></a>
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