+const ChildSection = ({ sections }) =>
+ sections.map(section => {
+ return (
+ {section.title}
+ );
+ });
+const BackItem = props => (
+ Back
-const Section = ({ section, visible, isLast, isFirst, setVisible, ...rest }: any) => {
- const isVisible = section.title === visible?.title;
+const NewNav = () => {
+ const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState({
+ type: 'default',
+ items: nav.sections,
+ selected: undefined,
+ });
- return (
- {section.title ? (
- setVisible(section)}
- _hover={{
- cursor: 'pointer',
- }}
- >
- {section.title}
- ) : null}
- {isVisible && }
- );
+ const handleClick = (page: any) => {
+ if (page.pages) {
+ setSelected({
+ type: 'page',
+ items: page,
+ });
+ } else {
+ setSelected({
+ type: 'default',
+ items: nav.sections,
+ selected: page.path,
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ const handleBack = () =>
+ setSelected({
+ type: 'default',
+ items: nav.sections,
+ });
+ if (selected.type === 'page') {
+ return (
+ {convertToTitle(selected.items.path)}
+ {selected.items ? : null}
+ {selected.items?.sections ? (
+ ({
+ ...section,
+ path: selected.items.path,
+ }))}
+ />
+ ) : null}
+ );
+ }
+ if (selected.type === 'default') {
+ return selected.items.map((section, i) => {
+ const itemProps =
+ i === 0
+ ? {
+ color: color('text-title'),
+ mb: space('tight'),
+ fontSize: '16px',
+ _hover: {
+ color: color('accent'),
+ cursor: 'pointer',
+ },
+ }
+ : {};
+ return (
+ {section.title ? (
+ {section.title}
+ ) : null}
+ {section.pages.map(page => {
+ const path = page.pages
+ ? `${page.path}${page.pages[0].path}`
+ : section?.title
+ ? '/' + slugify(section?.title) + page.path
+ : page.path;
+ return (
+ handleClick(page)}
+ >
+ {convertToTitle(page.path)}
+ );
+ })}
+ );
+ });
+ }
export const SideNav: React.FC = ({
}) => {
- const router = useRouter();
- const { pathname } = router;
- const active = routes.find(section =>
- section.routes.find(route => pathname === `/${route.path}`)
- );
- const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(active);
- const handleSectionClick = (section: any) => {
- if (section?.title === active?.title) {
- setVisible(false);
- } else {
- setVisible(section);
- }
+ // const router = useRouter();
+ // const { pathname } = router;
+ // const active = routes.find(section =>
+ // section.routes.find(route => pathname === `/${route.path}`)
+ // );
+ // const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(active);
+ // const handleSectionClick = (section: any) => {
+ // if (section?.title === active?.title) {
+ // setVisible(false);
+ // } else {
+ // setVisible(section);
+ // }
+ // };
+ const getFlatMap = navigation => {
+ return navigation.sections.flatMap(section =>
+ section.pages.flatMap(page => {
+ if (page.pages) {
+ let sectionPages = [];
+ if (page.sections) {
+ sectionPages = page.sections.flatMap(_section =>
+ _section.pages.flatMap(sectionPage => `${page.path}${sectionPage.path}`)
+ );
+ }
+ const pages = page.pages.flatMap(_page => {
+ if (_page.pages) {
+ return _page.pages.flatMap(p => `${page.path}${_page.path}${p.path}`);
+ } else {
+ return `${page.path}${_page.path}`;
+ }
+ });
+ return [...pages, ...sectionPages];
+ } else {
+ return `${section?.title ? '/' + slugify(section.title) : ''}${page.path}`;
+ }
+ })
+ );
return (
- {routes.map((section, sectionKey, arr) => (
- ))}
+ {/*{routes.map((section, sectionKey, arr) => (*/}
+ {/* */}
+ {/*))}*/}
diff --git a/src/components/typography.tsx b/src/components/typography.tsx
index e054dea5..b8a02523 100644
--- a/src/components/typography.tsx
+++ b/src/components/typography.tsx
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export const SectionTitle: React.FC = props => (
export const Pre = React.forwardRef((props: BoxProps, ref) => (
const { isHome } = pageProps;
return (
diff --git a/src/pages/_document.tsx b/src/pages/_document.tsx
index f1924777..43b08079 100755
--- a/src/pages/_document.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/_document.tsx
@@ -33,6 +33,41 @@ export default class MyDocument extends Document {
- ```
- Blockstack apps are identified by their domain names. The endpoint will
- receive a get request with the query parameter `authResponse=XXXX` and
- should redirect the browser to `myblockstackapp:XXXX`.
- `myblockstackapp:` is custom protocol handler. The handler should be unique
- to your application. Your app's web-based authentication uses this handler
- to redirect the user back to your iOS app. Later, you'll add a reference
- to this handler in your iOS application.
-1. Close and save the `redirect.html` file.
-1. Ensure your Blockstack app compiles successfully.
- The `npm` process should detect and compile your change.
-## Build the hello-blockstack-ios
-Now, you build an iOS application that can work with your Blockstack web
-application on a mobile device.
-### Create an XCode Project
-This tutorial uses XCode 11.1, you can use another version but be aware that some
-menu items and therefore these procedures may be differœent on your version.
-1. Launch the XCode interface.
-2. Choose **Create a new XCode project**.
-3. Select **iOS**.
-4. Select **Single View App**.
- ![](images/single-view-app.png)
-5. On the **Choose options for your new project** dialog, set the following:
-| Product Name | `hello-blockstack-ios` |
-| ----------------- | ---------------------- |
-| Organization Name | USERNAME |
-| User Interface | Storyboard |
-6. Press **Next**.
- The system prompts you for a location to store your code.
-7. Save your project in your `hello-blockstack-ios` directory.
-8. Close XCode.
-### Add and edit a Podfile
-To use CocoaPods you need to define the XCode target to link them to.
-So, for exampleM if you are writing an iOS app, it would be the name of your app.
-Create a target section by writing target `$TARGET_NAME do` and an `end` a few
-lines after.
-1. Open a terminal window on your workstation.
-2. Change directory into your new project directory where your `hello-blockstack-ios.xcodeproj` file was created.
- ```swift
- $ cd hello-blockstack-ios
- ```
-3. Create a Podfile.
- ```bash
- $ pod init
- ```
- The command creates a `Podfile` in the directory.
-4. Open the `Podfile` for editing.
-5. Add a line stating the Blockstack dependency.
- ```
- # Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
- # platform :ios, '9.0'
- target 'hello-blockstack-ios' do
- s
- !
- s
- '
- o
- s
- g
- d
- end
- ```
-6. Save and close the `Podfile`.
-### Install Blockstack SDK and open the pod project
-1. Close your new XCode project if you haven't already.
-2. In terminal, make sure it is open to the root of your `hello-blockstack-ios` project.
-3. Initialize the project with Cocoapods via the `pod install` command.
- ```bash
- $ pod install
- Analyzing dependencies
- Downloading dependencies
- Installing Blockstack (1.0.1)
- Installing CryptoSwift (0.15.0)
- Installing PromisesObjC (1.2.8)
- Installing PromisesSwift (1.2.8)
- Installing STRegex (2.1.0)
- Generating Pods project
- Integrating client project
- [!] Please close any current XCode sessions and use `hello-blockstack-ios.xcworkspace` for this project from now on.
- Sending stats
- Pod installation complete! There is 1 dependency from the Podfile and 2 total pods installed.
- [!] Automatically assigning platform `ios` with version `11.3` on target `hello-blockstack-ios` because no platform was specified. Please specify a platform for this target in your Podfile. See `https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podfile.html#platform`.
- ```
- This command creates a number of files
-4. Review the files that the `pod` installation created:
- ```bash
- $ ls
- Podfile hello-blockstack-ios hello-blockstack-iosTests
- Podfile.lock hello-blockstack-ios.xcodeproj
- Pods hello-blockstack-ios.xcworkspace
- ```
-5. Start XCode and choose **Open another project**.
-6. Choose the `.xcworkspace` file created in your project folder.
- ![](images/open-xcworkspace.png)
- When you open the workspace, the system will begin indexing the project. Then, after indexing, you **may** see a warning indicator at the top in the
- project title. If you see the warning, continue to step 7. Otherwise, go to the next section.
-7. Click the signal to reveal the warning.
-8. Click **Next**.
- ![](images/indicator.png)
-9. Select all the targets and press **Next** and **Continue** when prompted.
- Make sure you have no errors; warnings are acceptable to continue.
-### Choose a custom protocol handler
-You'll need to choose a custom protocol handler that is unique to your app. This
-is so that your app's web-based authentication `redirect.html` endpoint can redirect
-the user back to your iOS app. In this example, you use `myblockstackapp://`.
-1. Open the `.xcworkspace` file in XCode if it isn't open already.
-2. Select the top node of your project.
-3. Select the **Info** tab in XCode.
-4. Scroll to **URL Types** and press **+** (plus) sign.
-5. Enter an **Identifier** and **URL Schemes** value.
- | **Identifier** | `MyBlockstackApp` |
- | **URL Schemes** | `myblockstackapp` |
-6. Set the **Role** to **Editor**.
- When you are done the **URL Types** appears as follows:
- ![](images/url-type.png)
-### Add a splash screen
-All iOS applications require a splash page.
-1. Select `Assets.xcassets`
-2. Move your cursor into the area below Appicon.
-3. Right click and choose **New Image Set**
- ![](images/image-set-0.png)
-4. Download the Blockstack icon.
- ![](images/blockstack-icon.png)
-5. Drag the downloaded file into the **3X** position in your new Images folder.
- ![](images/image-set-1.png)
-6. Select the `LaunchScreen.storyboard`.
-7. Choose **Open As > Source Code**.
- ![](images/open-as.png)
-8. Replace the content of the `` element with the following:
- ```
- ```
-9. Immediately after scenes but before the close of the `` tag add the following ``.
- ```xml
- >
- >
- >
- ```
-10. Choose **Run > Run app** in the emulator.
- The emulator now contains a new splash screen.
- ![](images/splash.png)
-### Update the Main.storyboard
-Rather than have you build up your own UI in the interface builder, this section has you copy and paste a layout into the XML file source code for the **Main.storyboard** file.
-1. Select the `Main.storyboard` file.
-2. Choose **Open As > Source Code**
- The `hello-blockstack-ios/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard` file
- defines the graphical elements, and their functionality will be defined in
- a respective `.swift` file.
-3. Within the `` element, replace the existing `` sub-element with the following:
- ```xml
- `
- ```
-4. Select the Main.storyboard and choose **Open as > Interface Builder - Storyboard**.
- ![](images/main-storyboard.png)
- You should see the following:
- ![](images/new-storyboard.png)
-### Add the UI variables to the ViewController file.
-In this section, you edit the `ViewController.swift` file using the storyboard as a starting point.
-1. Select the **Main.storyboard** and choose **Open As > Interface Builder - storyboard**.
-2. With the interface builder open, choose **Editor > Assistant** to edit the `ViewController.swift` file.
- ![](images/view-editors.png)
-3. In the storyboard, select the **Sign into Blockstack** button.
-4. Control-drag from the button to the code display in the editor on the right, stopping the drag at the line below controller's `viewDidLoad()` statement.
- ![](images/add-action.gif)
-5. Set the **Connection** to `Outlet`.
-6. Name the new section `signInButton`.
- ![](images/signinbutton.png)
-7. Press **Connect**.
-8. Repeat with purple **hello-blockstack-ios** label, name it `nameLabel.
-9. Add an import statement for the `Blockstack` and another for the `SafariServices` module.
- When you are done, your `ViewController.swift` file contains the following:
- ```swift
- import UIKit
- import Blockstack
- import SafariServices
- class ViewController: UIViewController {
- override func viewDidLoad() {
- super.viewDidLoad()
- // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
- }
- @IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
- @IBOutlet var signInButton: UIButton!
- }
- ```
- And XCode has added two outlines to the `Main.storyboard` source.
- ```xml
- ```
- Your connectors will have their own `destination` and `id` values.
-### Edit the ViewController.swift file
-Now, you are ready to connect your application with your Blockstack Web
-Application. Normally, after building your Web application you would have
-registred it with Blockstack and the app would be available on the Web. This
-example skips this registration step and uses an example application we've
-already created for you:
-This web application already has a redirect in place for you. You'll reference
-this application in your mobile add for now. In XCode, do the following;
-1. Open the `ViewController.swift` file.
-2. Add an import both for `Blockstack`.
- ```
- t
- k
- `
- ```
-3. Add a private `updateUI()` function.
- This function takes care of loading the user data from Blockstack.
- ```swift
- private func updateUI() {
- DispatchQueue.main.async {
- if Blockstack.shared.isUserSignedIn() {
- // Read user profile data
- let retrievedUserData = Blockstack.shared.loadUserData()
- print(retrievedUserData?.profile?.name as Any)
- let name = retrievedUserData?.profile?.name ?? "Nameless Person"
- self.nameLabel?.text = "Hello, \(name)"
- self.nameLabel?.isHidden = false
- self.signInButton?.setTitle("Sign Out", for: .normal)
- print("UI update SIGNED_IN")
- } else {
- self.nameLabel?.text = "hello-blockstack-ios"
- self.signInButton?.setTitle("Sign into Blockstack", for: .normal)
- print("UI update SIGNED_OUT")
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- The function uses the `Blockstack.shared.isUserSignedIn()` method to determine if
- the user is already logged into Blockstack or not. It then uses the
- `Blockstack.shared.loadUserData()` method to load the user data and update
- the application display with the username.
-4. Replace the content of the `viewDidLoad()` function so that it calls this private function.
- ```swift
- override func viewDidLoad() {
- super.viewDidLoad()
- // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- self.updateUI()
- }
- `
- ```
-5. Create a `signIn()` function that handles both sign in and out.
- The function uses the `Blockstack.shared.signIn()` and
- `Blockstack.shared.signUserOut()` methods to sign the user into the application.
- ```swift
- @IBAction func signIn(_ sender: UIButton) {
- if Blockstack.shared.isUserSignedIn() {
- print("Currently signed in so signing out.")
- Blockstack.shared.signUserOut()
- self.updateUI()
- } else {
- print("Currently signed out so signing in.")
- // Address of deployed example web app
- Blockstack.shared.signIn(redirectURI: URL(string: "https://heuristic-brown-7a88f8.netlify.app/redirect.html")!,
- appDomain: URL(string: "https://heuristic-brown-7a88f8.netlify.app")!) { authResult in
- switch authResult {
- case .success(let userData):
- print("Sign in SUCCESS", userData.profile?.name as Any)
- self.updateUI()
- case .cancelled:
- print("Sign in CANCELLED")
- case .failed(let error):
- print("Sign in FAILED, error: ", error ?? "n/a")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ```
-## Troubleshooting your build in XCode
-XCode builds can retain old data. To ensure your builds are clean, try the following:
-1. Reset the simulator by choosing **Hardware -> Erase all content and settings** from the menu.
-2. In XCode, clean the project by choosing **Product > Clean** from the menu or press `Command + Shift + K` on your keyboard.
-3. Clean the build folder by pressing `Command + Option + Shift + K` on your keyboard.
-4. Run the code on the simulator again.
diff --git a/src/pages/mining.md b/src/pages/mining.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e58f08b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/mining.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: Mine Stacks Token
+description: Run a node, earn STX, and learn how Proof of Transfer (PoX) works
+# Mine Stacks Token
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similarity index 100%
rename from src/pages/core/naming/pickname.md
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
rename from src/pages/core/naming/manage.md
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0cebc95f..00000000
--- a/src/pages/org/whitepaper-blockchain.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-title: Blockstack Technical Whitepaper
-layout: externalurl
-redirect_url: https://blockstack.org/whitepaper.pdf
diff --git a/src/pages/core/cmdLineRef.md b/src/pages/references/blockstack-cli-reference.md
similarity index 100%
rename from src/pages/core/cmdLineRef.md
rename to src/pages/references/blockstack-cli-reference.md
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 97%
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rename to src/pages/smart-contracts/counter-tutorial.md
index 4b77794f..1375e4af 100644
--- a/src/pages/core/smart/tutorial-counter.md
+++ b/src/pages/smart-contracts/counter-tutorial.md
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-description: Learn how to write a simple smart contract in the Clarity language
+description: Learn how to write a simple smart contract in the Clarity language.
+experience: intermediate
+duration: 30 minutes
# Counter smart contract
-| Experience | | **Intermediate** |
-| Duration | | **30 minutes** |
In this tutorial, you learn how to implement a smart contract that stores and manipulates an integer value on the Stacks 2.0 blockchain. By the end of this tutorial, you will ...
- Have experienced test-driven development with Clarity
@@ -173,7 +172,3 @@ With the completion of this tutorial, you:
- Experienced test-driven development with Clarity
- Understood more Clarity language design principles
- Developed a working Clarity counter smart contract
-## Where to go next
-- Clarity language reference
diff --git a/src/pages/core/smart/tutorial.md b/src/pages/smart-contracts/hello-world-tutorial.md
similarity index 100%
rename from src/pages/core/smart/tutorial.md
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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+title: Best practices
+# Best practices
## Hardware and OS requirements
- A 64-bit CPU running at at least 1 GHz is _highly_ recommended (but not strictly required)
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+title: Overview
+# Overview
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description: 'Storing user data with Blockstack'
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