mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/docs.git
committed by
Alexander Graebe
7 changed files with 21 additions and 247 deletions
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ |
import { convertRemoteDataToMDX } from '@common/data/mdx'; |
import TurndownService from 'turndown'; |
import { slugify } from '@common/utils'; |
import { getBetterNames } from '@common/utils/faqs'; |
const fetchSections = async () => { |
const res = await fetch('https://blockstack.zendesk.com/api/v2/help_center/en-us/sections.json'); |
const { sections } = await res.json(); |
return sections; |
}; |
const fetchArticles = async (id: number) => { |
const res = await fetch( |
`https://blockstack.zendesk.com/api/v2/help_center/en-us/sections/${id}/articles.json?per_page=100` |
); |
const { articles } = await res.json(); |
return articles; |
}; |
// This function gets called at build time
export async function getStaticPaths() { |
const sections = await fetchSections(); |
const paths = sections.map(section => ({ |
params: { slug: slugify(getBetterNames(section.id).title) }, |
})); |
return { paths, fallback: false }; |
} |
const getSectionBySlug = (sections, slug) => |
sections.find(s => { |
const { title } = getBetterNames(s.id); |
const _slug = slugify(title); |
return _slug === slug; |
}); |
export async function getStaticProps(context) { |
const sections = await fetchSections(); |
let articles = []; |
if (context?.params?.slug) { |
const section = getSectionBySlug(sections, context.params.slug); |
const _articles = await fetchArticles(section.id); |
const turndownService = new TurndownService(); |
// we convert html to markdown so we can process it with remark/rehype,
// eg external links open in new window
const md = _articles.map(faq => ({ |
...faq, |
body: turndownService.turndown(faq.body), |
})); |
// convert it to MDX with next-mdx-remote
const body = await convertRemoteDataToMDX(md, 'body'); |
articles = _articles.map((faq, index) => ({ |
...faq, |
body: body[index], |
})); |
} |
return { |
props: { |
sections, |
articles, |
...context, |
}, |
revalidate: 60 * 60 * 12, // 12 hours
}; |
} |
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
import { Box, space, color, Grid } from '@stacks/ui'; |
import { Text } from '@components/typography'; |
import { slugify } from '@common/utils'; |
import { getCapsizeStyles, getHeadingStyles } from '@components/mdx/typography'; |
import { HoverImage } from '@components/hover-image'; |
import { useTouchable } from '@common/hooks/use-touchable'; |
import Link from 'next/link'; |
import { getBetterNames } from '@common/utils/faqs'; |
const FloatingLink = ({ href, ...props }: any) => ( |
<Link href={href} {...props} passHref> |
<Box as="a" position="absolute" size="100%" zIndex={999} left={0} top={0} /> |
</Link> |
); |
const SectionCard = ({ section }) => { |
const { hover, active, bind } = useTouchable({ |
behavior: 'button', |
}); |
const { title, description, img } = getBetterNames(section.id); |
return ( |
<Box |
color={color('text-title')} |
_hover={{ cursor: 'pointer', color: color('accent') }} |
position="relative" |
{...bind} |
> |
<FloatingLink href="/references/faqs/[slug]" as={`/references/faqs/${slugify(title)}`} /> |
<HoverImage isHovered={hover || active} src={img} /> |
<Box> |
<Text color="currentColor" {...getHeadingStyles('h3')}> |
{title} |
</Text> |
<Box> |
<Text |
display={'block'} |
color={color('text-body')} |
mt={space('base-loose')} |
{...getCapsizeStyles(16, 26)} |
> |
{description} |
</Text> |
</Box> |
</Box> |
</Box> |
); |
}; |
export const FAQs = React.memo(({ articles, sections }: any) => { |
return ( |
<Grid |
gridTemplateColumns={['repeat(1, 1fr)', 'repeat(2, 1fr)', 'repeat(2, 1fr)', 'repeat(2, 1fr)']} |
gridColumnGap={space('extra-loose')} |
gridRowGap="64px" |
px={['extra-loose', 'extra-loose', 0, 0]} |
> |
{sections.map(section => { |
return <SectionCard key={section.id} section={section} />; |
})} |
</Grid> |
); |
}); |
@ -1,10 +1,24 @@ |
--- |
title: FAQs |
description: A knowledge base of question and answers related to the Stacks ecosystem. |
duration: '' |
description: Find answers related to the Stacks ecosystem. |
--- |
import { FAQs } from '@components/faq' |
export { getStaticProps } from '@common/data/faq' |
## General Information |
<FAQs sections={props.sections} /> |
Learn more about the user-owned internet on Bitcoin and the Stacks ecosystem on [stacks.co](https://stacks.co). |
## Apps and Smart Contracts |
Developers, get started building apps and contracts on the [developer page at stacks.co](https://www.stacks.co/developers). |
## Stacks Network |
Learn more about the network behind the user-owned internet on Bitcoin in the [Understand Stacks chapter](https://docs.blockstack.org/understand-stacks/overview) in the docs. |
## Stacks Token |
Stacks fuel apps and smart contracts on Bitcoin. Learn more at [stackstoken.com](https://stackstoken.com/faq). |
## Stacks Wallet |
Download and find resources about the Stacks Wallet by Hiro at [hiro.so](https://www.hiro.so/wallet). |
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ |
import React from 'react'; |
import { Components } from '@components/mdx'; |
import { Box, Flex, ChevronIcon, space, color, Grid } from '@stacks/ui'; |
import hydrate from 'next-mdx-remote/hydrate'; |
import { Accordion, AccordionItem, AccordionButton, AccordionPanel } from '@reach/accordion'; |
import { border } from '@common/utils'; |
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'; |
import { useActiveHeading } from '@common/hooks/use-active-heading'; |
import { BackButton } from '@components/back-button'; |
import Head from 'next/head'; |
import { MDContents } from '@components/mdx/md-contents'; |
export { getStaticProps, getStaticPaths } from '@common/data/faq'; |
import { slugify, getSlug } from '@common/utils'; |
import { PageTop } from '@components/page-top'; |
import { getBetterNames } from '@common/utils/faqs'; |
const FAQItem = React.memo(({ faq, ...rest }: any) => { |
const id = slugify(faq.title); |
const { isActive } = useActiveHeading(id); |
return ( |
<Components.section> |
<Box as={AccordionItem} borderBottom={border()} {...rest}> |
<Flex |
as={AccordionButton} |
_hover={{ color: color('accent') }} |
{...{ |
display: 'flex', |
width: '100%', |
outline: 'none', |
bg: 'transparent', |
border: '0', |
alignItems: 'center', |
justifyContent: 'space-between', |
py: space('extra-loose'), |
textAlign: 'left', |
color: isActive ? color('accent') : color('text-title'), |
_hover: { |
cursor: 'pointer', |
color: color('accent'), |
}, |
}} |
> |
<Components.h4 my="0px !important" id={id} color="currentColor"> |
{faq.title} |
</Components.h4> |
<Box color={color('text-caption')} pl={space('base-loose')}> |
<ChevronIcon direction="down" size="22px" /> |
</Box> |
</Flex> |
<Box pb={space('extra-loose')} as={AccordionPanel}> |
{hydrate(faq.body, { components: Components })} |
</Box> |
</Box> |
</Components.section> |
); |
}); |
const FaqItems = ({ articles }) => { |
const router = useRouter(); |
const slug = getSlug(router.asPath); |
const slugIndex = articles.findIndex(faq => slugify(faq.title) === slug); |
const [index, setIndex] = React.useState(slugIndex !== -1 ? slugIndex : 0); |
const handleIndexChange = (value: number) => { |
setIndex(value); |
}; |
return ( |
<Box |
pr={['extra-loose', 'extra-loose', 'base-loose', 'base-loose']} |
pl={['extra-loose', 'extra-loose', '0', '0']} |
> |
<BackButton href="/references/faqs" mb={0} /> |
<Accordion multiple collapsible defaultIndex={index} onChange={handleIndexChange}> |
{articles |
// @ts-ignore
.sort((a, b) => new Date(a.created_at) - new Date(b.created_at)) |
.map((faq, _index) => { |
return <FAQItem faq={faq} key={_index} />; |
})} |
</Accordion> |
</Box> |
); |
}; |
const FaqPage = props => { |
const { articles, sections, params } = props; |
const section = sections.find(s => { |
const { title } = getBetterNames(s.id); |
const slug = slugify(title); |
return slug === params.slug; |
}); |
const { title, description } = getBetterNames(section.id); |
return ( |
<> |
<Head> |
<title>{title} | Stacks</title> |
<meta name="description" content={description} /> |
</Head> |
<MDContents pageTop={() => <PageTop title={title} description={description} />} headings={[]}> |
<FaqItems articles={articles} /> |
</MDContents> |
</> |
); |
}; |
export default FaqPage; |
Reference in new issue