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docs: add info for stacks-node configs

CharlieC3 4 years ago
committed by Charlie
  1. 187


@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
title: Configurations
description: Configuration parameters and options for the stacks-node binary
# Command-line Subcommands and Options
## mocknet
Start a node based on a fast local setup emulating a burnchain. Ideal for smart contract development.
## krypton (deprecated)
Start a node that will join and stream blocks from the public krypton testnet, powered by Blockstack via (Proof of Transfer).
## xenon
Start a node that will join and stream blocks from the public xenon testnet, decentralized.
## start
Start a node with a config of your own. Can be used for joining a network, starting new chain, etc.
### Arguments:
#### --config: relative or absolute path to the TOML config file
stacks-node start --config=/path/to/config.toml
See [Configuration File Options](link to anchor) for more information.
### version
Displays information about the current version and the release cycle.
### help
Displays a help message.
# Configuration File Options
The TOML configuration file has multiple sections under which an option may be placed.
## Section: node
This section contains configuration options pertaining to the stacks-node.
### rpc_bind
Address and port stacks-node should use for RPC connections.
Example: `""`
### p2p_bind
Address and port stacks-node should use for P2P connections.
Example: `""`
### bootstrap_node (optional)
Public key, address, and port stacks-node should use to pull transaction data from when starting.
Example: `""`
### seed (optional)
The private key to use for mining. Only needed if `miner` is set to `true`.
[See this page for information on how to generate a private key.](
Example: `"replace-with-your-private-key"`
### local_peer_seed (optional)
The private key to use for mining.
[See this page for information on how to generate a private key.](
Example: `"replace-with-your-private-key"`
### miner
Determines whether the stacks-node is running a follower (`false`) or a miner (`true`).
[See this page for information on how to run a miner.](
Example: `true`
### prometheus_bind (optional)
Address and port stacks-node should open for Prometheus metrics collection.
Example: `""`
## Section: events_observer
### endpoint
Address and port to a stacks-node-api to watch for events.
Example: `""`
### retry_count
Number of times to retry before failing.
Example: `255`
### events_keys
Event keys for which to watch.
Example: `["*"]`
## Section: burnchain
This section contains configuration options pertaining to the blockchain the stacks-node binds to on the backend for proof-of-transfer (BTC).
### chain
The blockchain stacks-node binds to on the backend for proof-of-transfer.
Example: `"bitcoin"`
### mode
The profile of which to run stacks-node.
Example: `"krypton"`
### peer_host
Host running the BTC blockchain.
Example: `""`
### rpc_port
peer_host's port stacks-node will connect to for RPC connections.
Example: `18443`
### peer_port
peer_host's port stacks-node will connect to for P2P connections.
Example: `18444`
### process_exit_at_block_height
Block height of the burnchain at which the stacks-node will self-terminate. Used during the testnet phases for various testing cycles.
Example: `5340`
### burnchain_op_tx_fee
Transaction fee per each burnchain operation.
Example: `5500`
### burn_fee_cap
Max burn fee for a transaction.
Example: `30000`
### commit_anchor_block_within
Example: `10000`
## Section: mstx_balance
This section contains configuration options pertaining to the micro-STX balanaces for various addresses.
-> This section can be repeated multiple times.
### address
Address which maintains a micro-STX balance.
### amount
The balance of micro-STX given to the address.
Example: `10000000000000000`