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docs: adding clarity values, querying, and other tx chapters

Alexander Graebe 4 years ago
  1. 6
  2. 206


@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ description: Guide to Stacks 2.0 network concepts, architectures, and implicatio
## Introduction
## Testnet
## Tokens
## Mainnet
Stacks ("STX") are the native tokens on the Stacks 2.0 blockchain. The smallest fraction of a STX is one micro-STX. 1.000.000 micro-STXs make one STX.
-> In order to correctly represent micro-STX, a decimal precision of 6 is required. 8 bytes should be allocated to store STX amounts appropriately.
## Fees


@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ A transaction includes the following information. Multiple-byte fields are encod
## Construction
The easies way to construct well-formed transactions is by [using the Stacks Transactions JS liberary]( You can construct the follow transaction types:
The easies way to construct well-formed transactions is by [using the Stacks Transactions JS library]( You can construct the follow transaction types:
- Stacks token transfer
- Smart contract deploy
@ -150,9 +150,73 @@ const txOptions = {
const transaction = await makeContractCall(txOptions);
### Clarity value types
Building transactions that call functions in deployed clarity contracts requires you to construct valid Clarity Values to pass to the function as arguments. The [Clarity type system]( contains the following types:
| Type | Declaration | Description |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Tuple | `(tuple (key-name-0 key-type-0) ...)` | Typed tuple with named fields |
| List | `(list max-len entry-type)` | List of maximum length max-len, with entries of type entry-type |
| Response | `(response ok-type err-type)` | Object used by public functions to commit their changes or abort. May be returned or used by other functions as well, however, only public functions have the commit/abort behavior |
| Optional | `(optional some-type)` | Option type for objects that can either be (some value) or none |
| Buffer | `(buff max-len)` | Byte buffer or maximum length max-len |
| Principal | `principal` | Object representing a principal (whether a contract principal or standard principal) |
| Boolean | `bool` | Boolean value ('true or 'false) |
| Signed Integer | `int` | Signed 128-bit integer |
| Unsigned Integer | `uint` | Unsigned 128-bit integer |
The Stacks Transactions JS library contains Typescript types and classes that map to the Clarity types, in order to make it easy to construct well-typed Clarity values in Javascript. These types all extend the abstract class `ClarityValue`.
Here are samples for Clarity value contructions using this library:
// construct boolean clarity values
const t = trueCV();
const f = falseCV();
// construct optional clarity values
const nothing = noneCV();
const something = someCV(t);
// construct a buffer clarity value from an existing Buffer
const buffer = Buffer.from('foo');
const bufCV = bufferCV(buffer);
// construct signed and unsigned integer clarity values
const i = intCV(-10);
const u = uintCV(10);
// construct principal clarity values
const contractName = 'contract-name';
const spCV = standardPrincipalCV(address);
const cpCV = contractPrincipalCV(address, contractName);
// construct response clarity values
const errCV = responseErrorCV(trueCV());
const okCV = responseOkCV(falseCV());
// construct tuple clarity values
const tupCV = tupleCV({
a: intCV(1),
b: trueCV(),
c: falseCV(),
// construct list clarity values
const l = listCV([trueCV(), falseCV()]);
If you develop in Typescript, the type checker can help prevent you from creating wrongly-typed Clarity values. For example, the following code won't compile since in Clarity lists are homogeneous, meaning they can only contain values of a single type. It is important to include the type variable `BooleanCV` in this example, otherwise the typescript type checker won't know which type the list is of and won't enforce homogeneity.
const l = listCV < BooleanCV > [trueCV(), intCV(1)];
### Setting post-conditions
The Stacks Transactions JS liberary supports construction of post conditions.
The Stacks Transactions JS library supports construction of post conditions.
Here is an example of the earlier mentioned post condition ("account's STX balance should have decreased by no more than 1 STX"):
@ -192,7 +256,7 @@ In order to broadcast transactions to and between nodes on the network, RLP data
To support an API-friendly and human-readable representation, transactions are serialized into a JSON format.
=> [The Stacks Transactions JS liberary]( supports serialization of transactions.
=> [The Stacks Transactions JS library]( supports serialization of transactions.
### Raw format
@ -251,24 +315,148 @@ When called the Stacks Blockchain API or Node RPC API, transactions returned wil
## Signature and Verification
### Clarity value types
## Broadcast
- what network?
With a serialized transaction in the [raw format](#raw-format), it can be broadcasted to the network using the [`POST /v2/transactions`]( endpoint:
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data-raw '<tx_raw_format>'
The API will respond with a `HTTP 200 - OK` if the transactions was successfully added to the mempool.
## Querying
Transactions on the Stacks 2.0 network can be queried using the [Stacks Blockchain API](/references/stacks-blockchain). The API exposes two interfaces, a RESTful JSON API and a WebSockets API.
-> Note: The API can be easily consumed using a generated [JS client library](
For convenience, a Postman Collection was created and published: [![Run in Postman](](
-> Note: The API can be easily consumed using a generated [JS client library]( The generator uses an OpenAPI specification and supports other languages and frameworks.
### Pagination
To make API responses more compact, lists returned by the API are paginated. For lists, the response body includes:
- `limit`: the number of list items return per response (max is `200`)
- `offset`: the number of elements to skip (starting from `0`)
- `total`: the number of all available list items
- `results`: the array of list items (length of array is between 0 and the set limit)
Using the `limit` and `offset` properties, you can paginate through the entire list by increasing the offset by the limit until you reach the end of the list (as indicated by the `total` field).
### Filter
The current API design doesn't allow to set filters for queries. In case you are looking for a specific type of transaction, it is best to paginate through the list and iterate over the results of each response.
For example, if you were to look to token transfers only, you would evaluate if the `tx_type` equals `token_transfer`.
### Get recent transactions
Recent transactions can be obtained through the [`GET /extended/v1/tx`]( endpoint:
curl ''
Sample response:
"limit": 10,
"offset": 0,
"total": 101922,
"results": [
"tx_id": "0x5e9f3933e358df6a73fec0d47ce3e1062c20812c129f5294e6f37a8d27c051d9",
"tx_status": "success",
"tx_type": "coinbase",
"fee_rate": "0",
"sender_address": "ST3WCQ6S0DFT7YHF53M8JPKGDS1N1GSSR91677XF1",
"sponsored": false,
"post_condition_mode": "deny",
"block_hash": "0x58412b50266debd0c35b1a20348ad9c0f17e5525fb155a97033256c83c9e2491",
"block_height": 3231,
"burn_block_time": 1594230455,
"canonical": true,
"tx_index": 0,
"coinbase_payload": {
"data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
### Get mempool transactions
Mempool (registered, but not processed) transactions can be obtained using the [`GET /extended/v1/tx/mempool`]( endpoint:
curl ''
Sample response:
"limit": 96,
"offset": 0,
"total": 5,
"results": [
"tx_id": "0xb31df5a363dad31723324cb5e0eefa04d491519fd30827a521cbc830114aa50c",
"tx_status": "pending",
"tx_type": "token_transfer",
"receipt_time": 1598288370,
"receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T16:59:30.000Z",
"fee_rate": "180",
"sender_address": "STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6",
"sponsored": false,
"post_condition_mode": "deny",
"token_transfer": {
"recipient_address": "ST1GY25DM8RZV4X15X07THRZ2C5NMWPGQWKFGV87F",
"amount": "500000",
"memo": "0x46617563657400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
### Get transaction by ID
### Broadcast raw transactions
A specific transaction can be obtained using the [`GET /extended/v1/tx/<tx_id>`]( endpoint:
curl '<tx_id>'
Sample response:
- How do you filter for a specific type of transactions?
"limit": 96,
"offset": 0,
"total": 5,
"results": [
"tx_id": "0xb31df5a363dad31723324cb5e0eefa04d491519fd30827a521cbc830114aa50c",
"tx_status": "pending",
"tx_type": "token_transfer",
"receipt_time": 1598288370,
"receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T16:59:30.000Z",
"fee_rate": "180",
"sender_address": "STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6",
"sponsored": false,
"post_condition_mode": "deny",
"token_transfer": {
"recipient_address": "ST1GY25DM8RZV4X15X07THRZ2C5NMWPGQWKFGV87F",
"amount": "500000",
"memo": "0x46617563657400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
