mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/docs.git
Alexander Graebe
4 years ago
committed by
Alexander Graebe
38 changed files with 695 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Use 'AM' or 'PM' (preceded by a space)." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/word-list' |
level: error |
nonword: true |
tokens: |
- '\d{1,2}[AP]M' |
- '\d{1,2} ?[ap]m' |
- '\d{1,2} ?[aApP]\.[mM]\.' |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
extends: conditional |
message: "Spell out '%s', if it's unfamiliar to the audience." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/abbreviations' |
level: suggestion |
ignorecase: false |
# Ensures that the existence of 'first' implies the existence of 'second'. |
first: '\b([A-Z]{3,5})\b' |
second: '(?:\b[A-Z][a-z]+ )+\(([A-Z]{3,5})\)' |
# ... with the exception of these: |
exceptions: |
- API |
- ASP |
- CLI |
- CPU |
- CSS |
- CSV |
- DOM |
- DPI |
- FAQ |
- GCC |
- GDB |
- GET |
- GPU |
- GTK |
- GUI |
- HTML |
- HTTP |
- IDE |
- JAR |
- JSON |
- JSX |
- LESS |
- LLDB |
- NET |
- NOTE |
- NVDA |
- OSS |
- PATH |
- PDF |
- PHP |
- POST |
- RAM |
- REPL |
- RSA |
- SCM |
- SCSS |
- SDK |
- SQL |
- SSH |
- SSL |
- SVG |
- TBD |
- TCP |
- TODO |
- URI |
- URL |
- USB |
- UTF |
- XML |
- XSS |
- YAML |
- ZIP |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "'%s' should be in lowercase." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/colons' |
nonword: true |
level: warning |
tokens: |
- ':\s[A-Z]' |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
extends: substitution |
message: "Feel free to use '%s' instead of '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/contractions' |
level: suggestion |
ignorecase: true |
action: |
name: replace |
swap: |
are not: aren't |
cannot: can't |
could not: couldn't |
did not: didn't |
do not: don't |
does not: doesn't |
has not: hasn't |
have not: haven't |
how is: how's |
is not: isn't |
it is: it's |
should not: shouldn't |
that is: that's |
they are: they're |
was not: wasn't |
we are: we're |
we have: we've |
were not: weren't |
what is: what's |
when is: when's |
where is: where's |
will not: won't |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Use 'July 31, 2016' format, not '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/dates-times' |
ignorecase: true |
level: error |
nonword: true |
tokens: |
- '\d{1,2}(?:\.|/)\d{1,2}(?:\.|/)\d{4}' |
- '\d{1,2} (?:Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)|May|Jun(?:e)|Jul(?:y)|Aug(?:ust)|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?) \d{4}' |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "In general, don't use an ellipsis." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/ellipses' |
nonword: true |
level: warning |
action: |
name: remove |
tokens: |
- '\.\.\.' |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Don't put a space before or after a dash." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/dashes' |
nonword: true |
level: error |
action: |
name: edit |
params: |
- remove |
- ' ' |
tokens: |
- '\s[—–]\s' |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Use an em dash ('—') instead of '–'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/dashes' |
nonword: true |
level: error |
action: |
name: edit |
params: |
- replace |
- '-' |
- '—' |
tokens: |
- '–' |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Don't use exclamation points in text." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/exclamation-points' |
nonword: true |
level: error |
tokens: |
- '\w!(?:\s|$)' |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Avoid first-person pronouns such as '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/pronouns#personal-pronouns' |
ignorecase: true |
level: warning |
nonword: true |
tokens: |
- (?:^|\s)I\s |
- (?:^|\s)I,\s |
- \bI'm\b |
- \bme\b |
- \bmy\b |
- \bmine\b |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Don't use '%s' as a gender-neutral pronoun." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/pronouns#gender-neutral-pronouns' |
level: error |
ignorecase: true |
tokens: |
- he/she |
- s/he |
- \(s\)he |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
extends: substitution |
message: "Consider using '%s' instead of '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/inclusive-documentation' |
ignorecase: true |
level: error |
swap: |
(?:alumna|alumnus): graduate |
(?:alumnae|alumni): graduates |
air(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): pilot(s) |
anchor(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): anchor(s) |
authoress: author |
camera(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): camera operator(s) |
chair(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): chair(s) |
congress(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): member(s) of congress |
door(?:m[ae]|wom[ae]n): concierge(s) |
draft(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): drafter(s) |
fire(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): firefighter(s) |
fisher(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): fisher(s) |
fresh(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): first-year student(s) |
garbage(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): waste collector(s) |
lady lawyer: lawyer |
ladylike: courteous |
landlord: building manager |
mail(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): mail carriers |
man and wife: husband and wife |
man enough: strong enough |
mankind: human kind |
manmade: manufactured |
manpower: personnel |
men and girls: men and women |
middle(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): intermediary |
news(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): journalist(s) |
ombuds(?:man|woman): ombuds |
oneupmanship: upstaging |
poetess: poet |
police(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): police officer(s) |
repair(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): technician(s) |
sales(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): salesperson or sales people |
service(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): soldier(s) |
steward(?:ess)?: flight attendant |
tribes(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): tribe member(s) |
waitress: waiter |
woman doctor: doctor |
woman scientist[s]?: scientist(s) |
work(?:m[ae]n|wom[ae]n): worker(s) |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Don't put a period at the end of a heading." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/capitalization#capitalization-in-titles-and-headings' |
nonword: true |
level: warning |
scope: heading |
action: |
name: edit |
params: |
- remove |
- '.' |
tokens: |
- '[a-z0-9][.](?:\s|$)' |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
extends: capitalization |
message: "'%s' should use sentence-style capitalization." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/capitalization#capitalization-in-titles-and-headings' |
level: warning |
scope: heading |
match: $sentence |
exceptions: |
- Azure |
- CLI |
- Code |
- Cosmos |
- Docker |
- Emmet |
- I |
- Kubernetes |
- Linux |
- macOS |
- Marketplace |
- MongoDB |
- REPL |
- Studio |
- TypeScript |
- URLs |
- Visual |
- VS |
- Windows |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
extends: substitution |
message: "Use '%s' instead of '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/abbreviations' |
ignorecase: true |
level: error |
nonword: true |
action: |
name: replace |
swap: |
'\b(?:eg|e\.g\.)[\s,]': for example |
'\b(?:ie|i\.e\.)[\s,]': that is |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "'%s' doesn't need a hyphen." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/hyphens' |
level: error |
ignorecase: false |
nonword: true |
action: |
name: edit |
params: |
- replace |
- '-' |
- ' ' |
tokens: |
- '\s[^\s-]+ly-' |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Don't use plurals in parentheses such as in '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/plurals-parentheses' |
level: error |
nonword: true |
action: |
name: edit |
params: |
- remove |
- '(s)' |
tokens: |
- '\b\w+\(s\)' |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Spell out all ordinal numbers ('%s') in text." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/numbers' |
level: error |
nonword: true |
tokens: |
- \d+(?:st|nd|rd|th) |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Use the Oxford comma in '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/commas' |
scope: sentence |
level: warning |
tokens: |
- '(?:[^,]+,){1,}\s\w+\s(?:and|or)' |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Use parentheses judiciously." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/parentheses' |
nonword: true |
level: suggestion |
tokens: |
- '\(.+\)' |
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ |
extends: existence |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/voice' |
message: "In general, use active voice instead of passive voice ('%s')." |
ignorecase: true |
level: suggestion |
raw: |
- \b(am|are|were|being|is|been|was|be)\b\s* |
tokens: |
- '[\w]+ed' |
- awoken |
- beat |
- become |
- been |
- begun |
- bent |
- beset |
- bet |
- bid |
- bidden |
- bitten |
- bled |
- blown |
- born |
- bought |
- bound |
- bred |
- broadcast |
- broken |
- brought |
- built |
- burnt |
- burst |
- cast |
- caught |
- chosen |
- clung |
- come |
- cost |
- crept |
- cut |
- dealt |
- dived |
- done |
- drawn |
- dreamt |
- driven |
- drunk |
- dug |
- eaten |
- fallen |
- fed |
- felt |
- fit |
- fled |
- flown |
- flung |
- forbidden |
- foregone |
- forgiven |
- forgotten |
- forsaken |
- fought |
- found |
- frozen |
- given |
- gone |
- gotten |
- ground |
- grown |
- heard |
- held |
- hidden |
- hit |
- hung |
- hurt |
- kept |
- knelt |
- knit |
- known |
- laid |
- lain |
- leapt |
- learnt |
- led |
- left |
- lent |
- let |
- lighted |
- lost |
- made |
- meant |
- met |
- misspelt |
- mistaken |
- mown |
- overcome |
- overdone |
- overtaken |
- overthrown |
- paid |
- pled |
- proven |
- put |
- quit |
- read |
- rid |
- ridden |
- risen |
- run |
- rung |
- said |
- sat |
- sawn |
- seen |
- sent |
- set |
- sewn |
- shaken |
- shaven |
- shed |
- shod |
- shone |
- shorn |
- shot |
- shown |
- shrunk |
- shut |
- slain |
- slept |
- slid |
- slit |
- slung |
- smitten |
- sold |
- sought |
- sown |
- sped |
- spent |
- spilt |
- spit |
- split |
- spoken |
- spread |
- sprung |
- spun |
- stolen |
- stood |
- stridden |
- striven |
- struck |
- strung |
- stuck |
- stung |
- stunk |
- sung |
- sunk |
- swept |
- swollen |
- sworn |
- swum |
- swung |
- taken |
- taught |
- thought |
- thrived |
- thrown |
- thrust |
- told |
- torn |
- trodden |
- understood |
- upheld |
- upset |
- wed |
- wept |
- withheld |
- withstood |
- woken |
- won |
- worn |
- wound |
- woven |
- written |
- wrung |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Don't use periods with acronyms or initialisms such as '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/abbreviations' |
level: error |
nonword: true |
tokens: |
- '\b(?:[A-Z]\.){3,}' |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Commas and periods go inside quotation marks." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/quotation-marks' |
level: error |
nonword: true |
tokens: |
- '"[^"]+"[.,?]' |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Don't add words such as 'from' or 'between' to describe a range of numbers." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/hyphens' |
nonword: true |
level: warning |
tokens: |
- '(?:from|between)\s\d+\s?-\s?\d+' |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Use semicolons judiciously." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/semicolons' |
nonword: true |
scope: sentence |
level: suggestion |
tokens: |
- ';' |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Don't use internet slang abbreviations such as '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/abbreviations' |
ignorecase: true |
level: error |
tokens: |
- 'tl;dr' |
- ymmv |
- rtfm |
- imo |
- fwiw |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "'%s' should have one space." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/sentence-spacing' |
level: error |
nonword: true |
tokens: |
- '[.?!] {2,}[A-Z]' |
- '[.?!][A-Z]' |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "In general, use American spelling instead of '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/spelling' |
ignorecase: true |
level: warning |
tokens: |
- '(?:\w+)nised?' |
- '(?:\w+)logue' |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Put a nonbreaking space between the number and the unit in '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/units-of-measure' |
nonword: true |
level: error |
tokens: |
- \d+(?:B|kB|MB|GB|TB) |
- \d+(?:ns|ms|s|min|h|d) |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Try to avoid using first-person plural like '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/pronouns#personal-pronouns' |
level: warning |
ignorecase: true |
tokens: |
- we |
- we'(?:ve|re) |
- ours? |
- us |
- let's |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
extends: existence |
message: "Avoid using '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/tense' |
ignorecase: true |
level: warning |
tokens: |
- will |
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ |
extends: substitution |
message: "Use '%s' instead of '%s'." |
link: 'https://developers.google.com/style/word-list' |
level: warning |
ignorecase: false |
action: |
name: replace |
swap: |
'(?:API Console|dev|developer) key': API key |
'(?:cell ?phone|smart ?phone)': phone|mobile phone |
'(?:dev|developer|APIs) console': API console |
'(?:e-mail|Email|E-mail)': email |
'(?:file ?path|path ?name)': path |
'(?:kill|terminate|abort)': stop|exit|cancel|end |
'(?:OAuth ?2|Oauth)': OAuth 2.0 |
'(?:ok|Okay)': OK|okay |
'(?:WiFi|wifi)': Wi-Fi |
'[\.]+apk': APK |
'3\-D': 3D |
'Google (?:I\-O|IO)': Google I/O |
'tap (?:&|and) hold': touch & hold |
'un(?:check|select)': clear |
above: preceding |
account name: username |
action bar: app bar |
admin: administrator |
Ajax: AJAX |
Android device: Android-powered device |
android: Android |
API explorer: APIs Explorer |
application: app |
approx\.: approximately |
authN: authentication |
authZ: authorization |
autoupdate: automatically update |
cellular data: mobile data |
cellular network: mobile network |
chapter: documents|pages|sections |
check box: checkbox |
check: select |
CLI: command-line tool |
click on: click|click in |
Cloud: Google Cloud Platform|GCP |
Container Engine: Kubernetes Engine |
content type: media type |
curated roles: predefined roles |
data are: data is |
Developers Console: Google API Console|API Console |
disabled?: turn off|off |
ephemeral IP address: ephemeral external IP address |
fewer data: less data |
file name: filename |
firewalls: firewall rules |
functionality: capability|feature |
Google account: Google Account |
Google accounts: Google Accounts |
Googling: search with Google |
grayed-out: unavailable |
in order to: to |
ingest: import|load |
k8s: Kubernetes |
long press: touch & hold |
network IP address: internal IP address |
omnibox: address bar |
open-source: open source |
overview screen: recents screen |
regex: regular expression |
sign into: sign in to |
sign-?on: single sign-on |
static IP address: static external IP address |
stylesheet: style sheet |
synch: sync |
tablename: table name |
tablet: device |
touch: tap |
url: URL |
vs\.: versus |
World Wide Web: web |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
{ |
"feed": "https://github.com/errata-ai/Google/releases.atom", |
"vale_version": ">=1.0.0" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
# Core settings appear at the top |
# (the "global" section). |
StylesPath = styles |
MinAlertLevel = error |
Vocab = docs |
[formats] |
# Format associations appear under |
# the optional "formats" section. |
[*.{md}] |
BasedOnStyles = Google |
[*] |
# Format-specific settings appear |
# under a user-provided "glob" |
# pattern. |
Reference in new issue