Browse Source

Adding in the support for core

Signed-off-by: moxiegirl <>
moxiegirl 7 years ago
  1. 4
  2. 24
  3. 2
  4. 59
  5. 2
  6. 36
  7. 24
  8. 16
  9. 27
  10. 351
  11. 22
  12. 14
  13. 17
  14. 16
  15. 1342
  16. 589
  17. 6
  18. 50
  19. 18
  20. 22
  21. 14
  22. 14
  23. 14


@ -25,3 +25,7 @@ To deploy to Netlify:
jeykll build
2. Force add the `_site` directory.
git push -f origin


@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
- title: Overview
- core/naming/introduction
- core/naming/architecture
- core/naming/namespaces
- title: Tutorials
- core/naming/creation_tutorial
- title: How to use BNS
- core/naming/pickname
- core/naming/resolving
- core/naming/register
- core/naming/manage
- core/naming/subdomains
- title: Other topics
- core/naming/forks
- core/naming/did
- core/naming/comparison


@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- title: Use the Naming Service
desc: Managing your account, create new users and exporting data
icon: cog
doc: naming/overview
doc: core/naming/introduction
- title: Implement Authentication
desc: Managing your account, creating new users and exporting data


@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- title: Introduction
- naming/overview
- naming/why
- naming/architecture
- naming/howto
- title: Tutorials
- naming/createspace
- naming/linkit
- naming/bldprofile
- naming/runsub
- title: How to use BNS
- naming/namespaces
- naming/create
- naming/list
- naming/costregister
- naming/consensus
- title: Resolve BNS Names
- naming/resolve
- naming/luzone
- naming/listnames
- naming/listhistory
- naming/luhistory
- naming/luhash
- title: Register BNS Names
- naming/register
- naming/getfee
- naming/regname
- naming/gethash
- title: Manage Names
- naming/mngover
- naming/transfer
- naming/update
- naming/revoke
- naming/renew
- title: BNS Subdomains
- naming/subover
- naming/lifecycle
- naming/submng
- naming/subreg
- title: BNS Forks
- naming/forkovr
- naming/forkset
- naming/did
- naming/encode

_includes/related-naming.html → _includes/related-bns.html

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
{% assign maxRelatedCounter = 0 %}
<ul class="uk-list">
{% for doc in site.learn %}
{% for doc in site.bns %}
{% assign sameTagCount = 0 %}
{% assign commonTags = '' %}

_layouts/naming.html → _layouts/bns.html

@ -8,24 +8,24 @@ layout: default
<div class="sidebar-fixed-width uk-visible@m">
<div class="sidebar-docs uk-position-fixed">
{% for section in %}
<h5>{{ section.title }}</h5>
<ul class="uk-nav uk-nav-default doc-nav">
{% for doc in %}
{% assign doc_url = doc | prepend:"/" | append:"/" %}
<!-- {% assign p = | where:"url", doc_url | first %} -->
{% for col in site.collections %}
{% for item in %}
{% if item.url == doc_url %}
{% assign doc_title = item.title %}
{% else %}
{% comment %}Do nothing{% endcomment %}
{% endif %}
{% for section in %}
<h5>{{ section.title }}</h5>
<ul class="uk-nav uk-nav-default doc-nav">
{% for doc in %}
{% assign doc_url = doc | prepend:"/" | append:".html"%}
<!-- {% assign p = | where:"url", doc_url | first %} -->
{% for col in site.collections %}
{% for item in %}
{% if item.url == doc_url %}
{% assign doc_title = item.title %}
{% else %}
{% comment %}Do nothing{% endcomment %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<li class="{% if doc_url == page.url %}uk-active{% endif %}"><a href="{{ doc_url }}">{{ doc_title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<li class="{% if doc_url == page.url %}uk-active{% endif %}"><a href="{{ doc_url }}">{{ doc_title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ layout: default
{% include paginate-doc.html %}
{% include related-naming.html %}
{% include related-bns.html %}
{% if site.disqus.shortname %} {% include disqus_comments.html %} {% endif %}


@ -7,22 +7,22 @@
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@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
<div class="uk-article-content">
@ -137,9 +137,9 @@
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<p>Etiam in fermentum mi. Sed et tempor felis, eu aliquet nisi. Nam eget ullamcorper arcu. Nunc porttitor nisl a dolor blandit, eget consequat sem maximus. Phasellus lacinia quam porta orci malesuada, vel tincidunt.</p>
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@ -7,20 +7,20 @@
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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
## Docs site
To run locally:
1. Get the content from the downstream repos.
3. Build and serve locally.
bundle exec jekyll serve
## Deploy via Netlify
To deploy to Netlify:
1. Build the site.
jeykll build
2. Force add the `_site` directory.


@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
# Docs is a premium documentation Jekyll theme
Desk was developed by [Ivan Chromjak]( for [](, theme [live demo]( available.
## Features
* Contact form
* Live Search
* Responsive videos
* Image lightbox
* Google maps
* Github avatar
* Changelog page
* Contact form (FormSpree)
* Pre-built pages
* Disqus comments for posts
* Configurable home page header images
* Optimised for [GitHub]( pages
* RSS feed
* SEO tags
* Google Analytics
## Installation
Install the dependencies with [Bundler](
bundle install
Run the following to generate your site:
bundle exec jekyll serve
You can find more on [Deployment Methods]( page on Jekyll website.
## Setup
### Site and author details
Add your site and author details in `_config.yml`:
# Site title and description
title: Docs - Documentation Jekyll Theme
description: Documentation Jekyll theme.
# Site base hostname & protocol, e.g.
url: ""
# Site logo, image or text
image: touch-icon.svg # e.g. logo.png, upload logo image file to /assets/img/ folder
text: Docs # if the above "logo:" image variable is not set, this text logo is displayed instead
# Default author settings
name: John Smith
github: PressApps # Github username for avatar
# Author settings, displayed on post and doc pages if front matter references author name e.g. author: peter
name: Peter Brown
github: PressApps # Github username for avatar
# Social icons displayed in footer
# Twitter share button
### Navigation Bar
Set in the main navigation links in `_data/navigation_header.yml`:
- title: About
url: /about/
### Footer
Edit copyright notice in `_config.yml`:
Set in the navigation links in `_data/navigation_footer.yml`:
- title: About
url: /about/
### Enabling comments (via Disqus)
Optionally, if you have a Disqus account, you can tell Jekyll to use it to show a comments section below each post. To enable it, add the following lines to your Jekyll site:
shortname: my_disqus_shortname
You can find out more about Disqus' shortnames [here](
Comments are enabled by default and will only appear in production, i.e., `JEKYLL_ENV=production`. If you don't want to display comments for a particular post you can disable them by adding `comments: false` to that post's YAML Front Matter.
### Google Analytics
To enable Google Anaytics, add the following lines to your Jekyll site:
google_analytics: UA-NNNNNNNN-N
Google Analytics will only appear in production, i.e., `JEKYLL_ENV=production`
### Google Map
To display Google map on contact page, add the following in your page content, replacing latitude, longitude and zoom values:
{% include map.html latitude="40.6700" longitude="-73.9400" zoom="16" %}
### Contact Form (via FormSpree)
Submit the form and confirm your email address at [FormSpree]( Then add the following lines to contact page YAML Front Matter, replacing the email address:
redirect: /thanks/
### Update favicon
You can find the current favicon (favicon.png) inside the theme `/assets/img/` directory, just replace it with your new favicon.
## Posts
To create a new post, you can create a new markdown file inside the `_posts` directory by following the recommended file naming format:
Where `YEAR` is a four-digit number, `MONTH` and `DAY` are both two-digit numbers, and `MARKUP` is the file extension representing the format used in the file. For example, the following are examples of valid post filenames:
Post requires front matter, everything in between the first and second --- are part of the YAML Front Matter, and everything after the second --- will be rendered with Markdown and show up as “Content”.
The following is a post file with different configurations you can add as example:
layout: post
title: How To Travel On Low Budget
You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run `bundle exec jekyll serve`, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.
To keep things more organized, add post images to `/assets/posts/` directory, and add theme images to `/assets/img/` directory.
### Adding images
To add an image to a post or page use the following codes:
Local image from `/assets/posts/` directory:
{% include image.html img="girl.jpg" alt="Alt for image" caption="Girl on a rock" %}
External wide image with lightbox:
{% include image.html img="" lightbox="true" alt="Alt for image" caption="Image in lightbox" %}
### Adding table of contents
Add the following code at the top of the post:
#### Sections in this article
`{:.no_toc}` excludes the `#### Sections in this article` title from indexing in table of contents
### Responsive Videos
Embed local videos:
<video controls playsinline uk-video="automute: true">
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
<source src="" type="video/ogg">
Embed YouTube videos:
<iframe src=";showinfo=0&amp;rel=0&amp;modestbranding=1&amp;playsinline=1" width="600" height="340" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen uk-responsive uk-video="automute: true"></iframe>
To create a draft post, create the post file under the `_drafts` directory, and you can find more information in [Working with Drafts](
## Home Page
To create a home page, just create a `` file inside the root directory. The following is a YAML Front Matter example for a page:
layout: home
title: How Can We Help? # hero section settings
subtitle: Search or browse in depth articles and videos on everything Jekyll, from basic theme setup and hosting to customisation and development
image: imac.svg # display small image above title
search: true # enable search
columns: 3 # number of category columns; 1, 2, 3, 4
title: Browse Topics
subtitle: Get your answers fast, jump to most popular documentation content
featured: # featured docs section settings
title: Popular Articles
tag: featured # tag used to populate featured section on home page
section: # display page content
title: Need More?
subtitle: This section displays optional page content lorem ipsum
cta: # call to action section
title: Didn't find an answer to your question?
subtitle: Get in touch with us for details on additional services and custom work pricing
button_text: Contact Us
button_url: /contact/
Home page category boxes are added in `_data/navigation_home.yml`, e.g.:
- title: Getting Started
desc: Get your account up and running in just few easy steps
icon: settings
doc: usage
- title: Account and Billing
desc: Managing your account, creating new users and exporting data
icon: credit-card
doc: drafts
All available icons can be found [here](
## Docs
To create a document post, just create a new page inside the root directory and add the following code in content:
{% include faqs.html %}
Create new doc post entries in `_docs` folder, similar to creating posts, but with following front matter settings:
layout: doc
title: Category hosting Setting up new domain and page
subtitle: This is optional doc subtitle
tags: featured development
author: peter
Sidebar navigation on docs post can edited in `_data/navigation_docs.yml`:
- title: Getting Started # Section title
- home # Doc file name from _docs folder
- quickstart
- installation
- windows
## Changelog page
Create new page with the following front matter:
layout: changelog
title: Changelog
permalink: /changelog/
Changelog enties are added in `_data/changelog.yml`:
- title: Version 0.6.0
date: Aug 15, 2017
- Added style support for radio and checkbox in Firefox
- Removed class from Section component
## Customization
To modify the primary color, open `/_sass/theme/variables.scss` and replace the color values e.g.:
// Main content
$color-main: #0F1214;
Further style customisation can be done in the following files:
## Development
Install [UIkit]( font end framework dependency via Npm:
npm install
Enable live browser reload with the following:
bundle exec jekyll s --livereload
## Credits and Sources
- Google analytics
- Google maps
- UIkit front end framework
- Jekyll CML
## Support
Customer support is provided through our Envato profile page [contact form]( for up to six months from the purchase date and is provided Monday to Friday during the business week. We aim to answer all support requests daily, most are handled within 48h.


@ -7,22 +7,22 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
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<script type="application/ld+json">
{"description":"Android SDK Tutorial (Pre-release)","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Blockstack"},"@type":"BlogPosting","url":"","headline":"Android SDK Tutorial (Pre-release)","dateModified":"2018-08-28T07:39:46-07:00","datePublished":"2018-08-28T07:39:46-07:00","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"@context":""}</script>
{"description":"Android SDK Tutorial (Pre-release)","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Blockstack"},"@type":"BlogPosting","url":"http://localhost:4000/android/tutorial.html","headline":"Android SDK Tutorial (Pre-release)","dateModified":"2018-08-28T14:43:51-07:00","datePublished":"2018-08-28T14:43:51-07:00","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"http://localhost:4000/android/tutorial.html"},"@context":""}</script>
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@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
<!-- Written by <span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">Blockstack</span></span><br> -->
<time datetime="2018-08-28T07:39:46-07:00" itemprop="datePublished">
<time datetime="2018-08-28T14:43:51-07:00" itemprop="datePublished">
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<span style="font-family:Wingdings">&#119;</span> Aug 28, 2018
@ -1006,8 +1006,8 @@ know about your experience by tweeting to
<p>Learn more about Blockstack by <a href="">trying another tutorial</a>.</p>
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# Creating a Namespace
**WARNING**: If you intend to create a namespace, you must read this document
_in its entirety_. You should also _install the test framework_ and experiment
with your namespace's parameters. _FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN IRRECOVERABLE
**Before you begin**: Some basic familiarity with how Bitcoin works is required to
understand this tutorial. This includes:
* knowing the difference between mainnet, testnet, and regtest
* knowing about compressed and uncompressed ECDSA public keys
* knowing about base58-check encoding
* knowing how Bitcoin transactions are structured
* knowing how UTXOs work
## Overview
Creating a namespace is a three-step process. The first
step is to `preorder` the namespace, which broadcasts a salted hash of the
namespace ID. The second step is to `reveal` the namespace, which exposes the
namespace ID and price function to the blockchain. The final step is to `ready`
the namespace, which allows anyone to register names within it.
In between the `reveal` and `ready` steps, the namespace creator will have a
"lock" on the namespace that lasts for about 1 year. During this time period,
the namespace creator can `import` names. The `import` transaction lets the
namespace creator assign the name a zone file and an owner in one step.
## Before Trying This in Production...
Creating namespaces is expensive.
Be sure to test your namespace in our [integration test
first! It will let you simulate any valid namespace configuration
you want at no risk to you.
### Setting up the Test Environment
In this example, we will use the test framework to create a private Bitcoin
blockchain on your computer, and then create a Blockstack namespace on it.
This will let you experiment with different namespace parameters
without spending actual BTC. The test framework uses `bitcoind -regtest`,
so all of the commands you'll run here will work identically on
To install the test framework, please follow these
Once you have the test framework installed, you should run the `namespace_check` test in `--interactive-web` mode.
This will create an empty `.test` namespace and leave the test scenario running
once it finishes. You will be able to fund addresses and create new blocks via
your Web browser or via `curl`, as will be explained below. Also, you'll be able to use the
`blockstack` utility to interact with your private blockchain and namespaces.
The test setup command is as follows. This will launch the `namespace_check`
test scenario, and open a web server on port 3001.
$ blockstack-test-scenario --interactive-web 3001 blockstack_integration_tests.scenarios.namespace_check
When the test is ready for us to experiment, you should see the following:
An empty namespace called 'test' has been created
Feel free to experiment with other namespaces
Available keys with a balance:
* 6e50431b955fe73f079469b24f06480aee44e4519282686433195b3c4b5336ef01
* c244642ce0b4eb68da8e098facfcad889e3063c36a68b7951fb4c085de49df1b01
* f4c3907cb5769c28ff603c145db7fc39d7d26f69f726f8a7f995a40d3897bb5201
* 8f87d1ea26d03259371675ea3bd31231b67c5df0012c205c154764a124f5b8fe01
* bb68eda988e768132bc6c7ca73a87fb9b0918e9a38d3618b74099be25f7cab7d01
* 2,3,6f432642c087c2d12749284d841b02421259c4e8178f25b91542c026ae6ced6d01,65268e6267b14eb52dc1ccc500dc2624a6e37d0a98280f3275413eacb1d2915d01,cdabc10f1ff3410082448b708c0f860a948197d55fb612cb328d7a5cc07a6c8a01
* 2,3,4c3ab2a0704dfd9fdc319cff2c3629b72ebda1580316c7fddf9fad1baa323e9601,75c9f091aa4f0b1544a59e0fce274fb1ac29d7f7e1cd020b66f941e5d260617b01,d62af1329e541871b244c4a3c69459e8666c40b683ffdcb504aa4adc6a559a7701
* 2,3,4b396393ca030b21bc44a5eba1bb557d04be1bfe974cbebc7a2c82b4bdfba14101,d81d4ef8123852403123d416b0b4fb25bcf9fa80e12aadbc08ffde8c8084a88001,d0482fbe39abd9d9d5c7b21bb5baadb4d50188b684218429f3171da9de206bb201
* 2,3,836dc3ac46fbe2bcd379d36b977969e5b6ef4127e111f2d3e2e7fb6f0ff1612e01,1528cb864588a6a5d77eda548fe81efc44180982e180ecf4c812c6be9788c76a01,9955cfdac199b8451ccd63ec5377a93df852dc97ea01afc47db7f870a402ff0501
You can determine that the test framework is live by going to
`http://localhost:3001` in your Web browser. From there, you can generate
blocks in the test framework's `bitcoind` node and you can fund any address in
the test framework.
Finally, you can use the `blockstack-test-env` command to set up your shell
environment variables so `blockstack` will interact with this test (instead of
mainnet). To do so, run the following in your shell:
$ . $(which blockstack-test-env) namespace_check
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $
You can verify that the environment variables by verifying that your `$PS1`
variable includes the name of your test (as shown above), and that some other
`BLOCKSTACK_`-prefixed variables are set:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ env | grep BLOCKSTACK
## Registering a Namespace
Suppose we're going to create the `hello` namespace. The key
`6e50431b955fe73f079469b24f06480aee44e4519282686433195b3c4b5336ef01` will be the key that
*pays* for the namespace. The key
`c244642ce0b4eb68da8e098facfcad889e3063c36a68b7951fb4c085de49df1b01` will be the key that
*creates* the namespace. The creator key will be used to `import` names and
declare the namespace `ready`. The payment key will be used to both pay for the
namespace and receive name registration and renewal fees for the first year of
the namespace's lifetime.
In this example, we will set these keys as environment variables:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ export PAYMENT_PKEY="6e50431b955fe73f079469b24f06480aee44e4519282686433195b3c4b5336ef01"
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ export CREATOR_PKEY="c244642ce0b4eb68da8e098facfcad889e3063c36a68b7951fb4c085de49df1b01"
#### Multisig Namespace Payment
If you want to use a multisig address to pay for your namespace (and collect
name registration fees), then instead of using
`6e50431b955fe73f079469b24f06480aee44e4519282686433195b3c4b5336ef01`, you should
use a string formatted as `m,n,pk1,pk2,...,pk_n`. `m` is the number of
signatures required, `n` is the number of private keys, and `pk1,pk2,...,pk_n`
are the private keys.
For example, you can use the following as your `PAYMENT_PKEY` to have a 2-of-3
multisig script pay for your namespace and collect name registration fees:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ export PAYMENT_PKEY="2,3,6f432642c087c2d12749284d841b02421259c4e8178f25b91542c026ae6ced6d01,65268e6267b14eb52dc1ccc500dc2624a6e37d0a98280f3275413eacb1d2915d01,cdabc10f1ff3410082448b708c0f860a948197d55fb612cb328d7a5cc07a6c8a01"
### Namespace preorder
The command to preorder the namespace would be:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack namespace_preorder hello "$PAYMENT_PKEY" "$CREATOR_PKEY"
You will be given a set of instructions on how to proceed to reveal and
launch the namespace. _READ THEM CAREFULLY_. You will be prompted to
explicitly acknowledge that you understand the main points of the instructions,
and that you understand the risks.
The command outputs some necessary information at the very end of its execution.
In particular, you will need to remember the transaction ID of the namespace
preorder. The command will help you do so.
Here is a sample output:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack namespace_preorder hello "$PAYMENT_PKEY" "$CREATOR_PKEY"
Remember this transaction ID: b40dd1375ef63e5a40ee60d790ec6dccd06efcbac99d0cd5f3b07502a4ab05ac
You will need it for `blockstack namespace_reveal`
Wait until b40dd1375ef63e5a40ee60d790ec6dccd06efcbac99d0cd5f3b07502a4ab05ac has six (6) confirmations. Then, you can reveal `hello` with:
$ blockstack namespace_reveal "hello" "6e50431b955fe73f079469b24f06480aee44e4519282686433195b3c4b5336ef01" "c244642ce0b4eb68da8e098facfcad889e3063c36a68b7951fb4c085de49df1b01" "b40dd1375ef63e5a40ee60d790ec6dccd06efcbac99d0cd5f3b07502a4ab05ac"
"status": true,
"success": true,
"transaction_hash": "b40dd1375ef63e5a40ee60d790ec6dccd06efcbac99d0cd5f3b07502a4ab05ac"
If all goes well, you will get back a transaction hash (in this case, `b40dd1375ef63e5a40ee60d790ec6dccd06efcbac99d0cd5f3b07502a4ab05ac`).
To get Blockstack to process it, you will need to mine some blocks in the test framework (by default,
Blockstack will only accept a transaction that has 6 confirmations). To do
this, simply go to `http://localhost:3001` and generate at least 6 blocks. If you
observe the test log, you will see the Blockstack node process and accept it.
Note that when you do this live, you should wait for
at least 10 confirmations before sending the `reveal` transaction, just to be
### Namespace reveal
The command to reveal a preordered namespace is more complicated, since it
describes the price curve.
This command is **interactive**. The command to invoke it is as follows:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack namespace_reveal hello "$PAYMENT_PKEY" "$CREATOR_PKEY" "b40dd1375ef63e5a40ee60d790ec6dccd06efcbac99d0cd5f3b07502a4ab05ac"
When running the command, you will see the namespace creation wizard prompt you
with the price curve and the current values:
Name lifetimes (blocks): infinite
Price coefficient: 4
Price base: 4
Price bucket exponents: [15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
Non-alpha discount: 2
No-vowel discount: 5
Burn or receive fees? Receive to mr6nrMvvh44sR5MiX929mMXP5hqgaTr6fx
Name price formula:
(UNIT_COST = 10.0 satoshi):
buckets[min(len(name)-1, 15)]
UNIT_COST * coeff * base
cost(name) = -----------------------------------------------------
max(nonalpha_discount, no_vowel_discount)
Name price table:
| length | price | price, nonalpha | price, no vowel | price, both |
| 1 | 42949672960 | 8589934592 | 8589934592 | 8589934592 |
| 2 | 10737418240 | 5368709120 | 2147483648 | 2147483648 |
| 3 | 2684354560 | 1342177280 | 536870912 | 536870912 |
| 4 | 671088640 | 335544320 | 134217728 | 134217728 |
| 5 | 167772160 | 83886080 | 33554432 | 33554432 |
| 6 | 41943040 | 20971520 | 8388608 | 8388608 |
| 7 | 10485760 | 5242880 | 2097152 | 2097152 |
| 8 | 2621440 | 1310720 | 524288 | 524288 |
| 9 | 655360 | 327680 | 131072 | 131072 |
| 10 | 163840 | 81920 | 32768 | 32768 |
| 11 | 40960 | 20480 | 8192 | 8192 |
| 12 | 10240 | 5120 | 2048 | 2048 |
| 13 | 2560 | 1280 | 512 | 512 |
| 14 | 640 | 320 | 128 | 128 |
| 15 | 160 | 80 | 32 | 32 |
| 16+ | 40 | 20 | 10 | 10 |
What would you like to do?
(0) Set name lifetime in blocks (positive integer between 1 and 4294967295, or "infinite")
(1) Set price coefficient (positive integer between 1 and 255)
(2) Set base price (positive integer between 1 and 255)
(3) Set price bucket exponents (16 comma-separated integers, each between 1 and 15)
(4) Set non-alphanumeric character discount (positive integer between 1 and 15)
(5) Set no-vowel discount (positive integer between 1 and 15)
(6) Toggle collecting name fees (True: receive fees; False: burn fees)
(7) Show name price formula
(8) Show price table
(9) Done
All prices are in the "fundamental unit" of the underlying blockchain (i.e.
As the formula describes, the name's price is a function of:
* a fixed unit cost (`UNIT_COST`)
* a multiplicative constant coefficient (`coeff`)
* a fixed exponential base (`base`)
* a 16-element list of price buckets, indexed by the length of the name (`buckets`)
* a discount for having non-alphnumeric letters (`nonalpha_discount`)
* a discount for having no vowels in the name (`no_vowel_discount`)
You can use options 1 through 8 to play with the pricing function and examine
the name costs in the price table. Enter 9 to send the transaction itself.
Once you're happy, you can issue the namespace-reveal transaction. As with the
namespace-preorder transaction, you will get back a transaction hash, and your transaction will be
unconfirmed. Simply go to `http://localhost:3001` to generate some more blocks
to confirm your namespace-reveal.
Once you have confirmed your namespace-reveal transaction, you can
begin to populate your namespace with some initial names.
**Collecting Name Fees**
Blockstack 0.17 introduced the ability to create a namespace such that for the
first year of its existence (54595 blocks), all name registration and renewal
fees will be sent to the address of the _payment key_. In this example,
this is the address `mr6nrMvvh44sR5MiX929mMXP5hqgaTr6fx`.
The alternative is to
have all namespace fees sent to an unspendable burn address
(`1111111111111111111114oLvT2`). This is the case for the `.id` namespace,
for example.
After the year has passed, all future name registrations and renewal fees
will be sent to the unspendable burn address. This is to disincentivize
namespace squatters.
* You must issue this command **within 144 blocks** of the namespace-preorder transaction. Otherwise, the preorder will expire and you will need to start over from scratch.
### Importing names
After sending the `reveal` transaction, you can populate your namespace with
some initial names. You can do so with the `name_import` command.
Suppose we want to import the name `example.hello` and assign it to an owner
whose public key address is `ms6Y32bcL5zhA57e8tf7awgVZuPxV8Xg8N`. Suppose also
that you wanted to give `example.hello` an initial zone file stored at
`/var/blockstack/zone_files/example.hello`. To do so, you would issue the
following command:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack name_import example.hello ms6Y32bcL5zhA57e8tf7awgVZuPxV8Xg8N /var/blockstack/zone_files/example.hello "$CREATOR_PKEY"
By default, you **must** use the private key you used to reveal the namespace
to import names (this is `$CREATOR_PKEY` in this example).
As with namespace-preorder and namespace-reveal, the transaction this command
generates will be unconfirmed. Simply go to `http://localhost:3001` to generate
some blocks to confirm it.
You can check the progress of the transaction with `blockstack info`, as follows:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack info
"cli_version": "",
"consensus_hash": "b10fdd38a20a7e46555ce3a7f68cf95c",
"last_block_processed": 694,
"last_block_seen": 694,
"queues": {
"name_import": [
"confirmations": 1,
"name": "example.hello",
"tx_hash": "10f7dcd9d6963ef5d20d010f731d5d2ddb76163a083b9d7a2b9fd4515c7fe58c"
"server_alive": true,
"server_host": "localhost",
"server_port": 16264,
"server_version": ""
The `confirmation` field indicates how deep in the blockchain the transaction is
at the time. Generating more blocks will increase its number of confirmations.
When you do this live,
Blockstack's background API daemon will monitor the transactions and upload the
name's zone file to the Blockstack Atlas network once it is confirmed.
But to do so, your computer must remain online. If you do not do this, then
the name will not have a zone file and will be unusable in the higher layers of
Blockstack-powered software (including Blockstack applications). However,
if your computer does go offline or reboots, you can recover by
restarting the Blockstack API daemon (with
`blockstack api start`). The daemon itself will pick up where it left off, and
replicate all zone files that have confirmed transactions.
After the zone file is uploaded, the name will be public and resolvable. You can re-import the
same name over and over, and give it a different address and/or zone file. Like
all other names, the Blockstack Atlas network will accept and propagate zone
files for imported names.
The owner of the address `ms6Y32bcL5zhA57e8tf7awgVZuPxV8Xg8N` will **not** be
able to issue any transactions for the name `example.hello` until the namespace
creator has sent the `ready` transaction.
#### Using multiple private keys for NAME_IMPORT
Bitcoin itself imposes limits on how fast you can send transactions from the
same key (limited by a maximum UTXO-chain length). To work around this,
Blockstack lets you import names by using up to 300 private keys. The private
keys you can use are BIP32 unhardened children of the namespace reveal key (i.e.
`$CREATOR_PKEY` in this example).
The first name you import **must** use the namespace reveal private key
(`$CREATOR_PKEY` in this example). However, all future names you import in this
namespace can use one of the 300 BIP32 keys.
To get the list of keys you can use, you can use the `make_import_keys` command:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack make_import_keys example hello "$CREATOR_PKEY"
aeda50305ada40aaf53f2d8921aa717f1ec71a0a3b9b4c6397b3877f6d45c46501 (n4DVTuLLv5J1Yc17AoRYY1GtxDAuLGAESr)
92ff179901819a1ec7d32997ce3bb0d9a913895d5850cc05146722847128549201 (mib2KNBGR4az8GiUmusBZexVBqb9YB2gm5)
cc5b6a454e2b614bfa18f4deb9a8e179ab985634d63b7fedfaa59573472d209b01 (mxE2iqV4jdpn4K349Gy424TvZp6MPqSXve)
9b0265e0ac8c3c24fe1d79a734b3661ec2b5c0c2619bb6342356572b8235910101 (n4rGz8hkXTscUGWCwZvahrkEh6LHZVQUoa)
e2585af250404b7918cf6c91c6fa67f3401c0d1ae66df2fafa8fa132f4b9350f01 (moGNpEpighqc6FnkqyNVJA9xtfTiStr5YU)
"status": true
(NOTE: in the test environment, you get only 5 keys in order to save time).
You can use any of these keys to import names.
#### Trying it out
Here's an example walkthrough of how to try this out in the test framework:
1. Import the first name, creating a zone file in the process:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ cat > /var/blockstack/zone_files/example.hello <<EOF
> $ORIGIN example.hello
> $TTL 3600
> _file URI 10 1 "file:///home/blockstack-test/example.hello"
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack name_import example.hello ms6Y32bcL5zhA57e8tf7awgVZuPxV8Xg8N /var/blockstack/zone_files/example.hello "$CREATOR_PKEY"
Import cost breakdown:
"name_import_tx_fee": {
"btc": 0.0003342,
"satoshis": 33420
"total_estimated_cost": {
"btc": 0.0003342,
"satoshis": 33420
"total_tx_fees": 33420
Importing name 'example.hello' to be owned by 'ms6Y32bcL5zhA57e8tf7awgVZuPxV8Xg8N' with zone file hash '05c302430f4ed0a24470abf9df7e264d517fd389'
Proceed? (y/N) y
"status": true,
"success": true,
"transaction_hash": "bd875f00f63bcb718bb22782c88c3edcbed79663f2f9152deab328c48746f103",
"value_hash": "05c302430f4ed0a24470abf9df7e264d517fd389"
2. Advance the test framework blockchain, so the indexer knows which import keys to expect:
# NOTE: you can also do this by going to http://localhost:3001 in your Web browser
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ curl -X POST http://localhost:3001/nextblock
3. Make import keys:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blocksatck make_import_keys hello "$CREATOR_PKEY"
aeda50305ada40aaf53f2d8921aa717f1ec71a0a3b9b4c6397b3877f6d45c46501 (n4DVTuLLv5J1Yc17AoRYY1GtxDAuLGAESr)
92ff179901819a1ec7d32997ce3bb0d9a913895d5850cc05146722847128549201 (mib2KNBGR4az8GiUmusBZexVBqb9YB2gm5)
cc5b6a454e2b614bfa18f4deb9a8e179ab985634d63b7fedfaa59573472d209b01 (mxE2iqV4jdpn4K349Gy424TvZp6MPqSXve)
9b0265e0ac8c3c24fe1d79a734b3661ec2b5c0c2619bb6342356572b8235910101 (n4rGz8hkXTscUGWCwZvahrkEh6LHZVQUoa)
e2585af250404b7918cf6c91c6fa67f3401c0d1ae66df2fafa8fa132f4b9350f01 (moGNpEpighqc6FnkqyNVJA9xtfTiStr5YU)
"status": true
4. Fill up one of the addresses in the test framework, so we can fund `NAME_IMPORT` transactions with it:
# NOTE: you can also do this by going to http://localhost:3001 in your Web browser
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ curl -X POST -F 'addr=n4DVTuLLv5J1Yc17AoRYY1GtxDAuLGAESr' -F 'value=100000000' 'http://localhost:3001/sendfunds'
5. Import another name, with the child private key we just funded:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ cat > /tmp/example.hello.zonefile <<EOF
> $ORIGIN example2.hello
> $TTL 3600
> _file URI 10 1 "file:///home/blockstack-test/example2.hello"
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack name_import example2.hello n3sFkNfBQPWS25G12DqDEqHRPiqHotAkEb /tmp/example.hello.zonefile aeda50305ada40aaf53f2d8921aa717f1ec71a0a3b9b4c6397b3877f6d45c46501
Import cost breakdown:
"name_import_tx_fee": {
"btc": 0.0003342,
"satoshis": 33420
"total_estimated_cost": {
"btc": 0.0003342,
"satoshis": 33420
"total_tx_fees": 33420
Importing name 'example2.hello' to be owned by 'n3sFkNfBQPWS25G12DqDEqHRPiqHotAkEb' with zone file hash '0649bc0b457f54c564d054ce20dc3745a0c4f0c0'
Proceed? (y/N) y
"status": true,
"success": true,
"transaction_hash": "496a6c2aaccedd98a8403c2e61ff3bdeff221a58bf0e9c362fcae981353f459f",
"value_hash": "0649bc0b457f54c564d054ce20dc3745a0c4f0c0"
6. Advance the blockchain again:
# NOTE: you can also do this by going to http://localhost:3001 in your Web browser
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ curl -X POST http://localhost:3001/nextblock
7. See that the names are processing:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack info
"cli_version": "",
"consensus_hash": "2a055beeaedcaa1365ab2671a0254a03",
"last_block_processed": 711,
"last_block_seen": 711,
"queues": {
"name_import": [
"confirmations": 2,
"name": "example.hello",
"tx_hash": "bd875f00f63bcb718bb22782c88c3edcbed79663f2f9152deab328c48746f103",
"confirmations": 1,
"name": "example2.hello",
"tx_hash": "496a6c2aaccedd98a8403c2e61ff3bdeff221a58bf0e9c362fcae981353f459f"
"server_alive": true,
"server_host": "localhost",
"server_port": 16264,
"server_version": ""
8. Confirm all the transactions:
# NOTE: you can also do this by going to http://localhost:3001 in your Web browser
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ for i in $(seq 1 10); do curl -X POST http://localhost:3001/nextblock
9. Look up name zone files to confirm they were replicated to the test framework's Atlas network:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack info
"cli_version": "",
"consensus_hash": "ad247c1d5ff239a65db0736951078f17",
"last_block_processed": 721,
"last_block_seen": 721,
"queues": {},
"server_alive": true,
"server_host": "localhost",
"server_port": 16264,
"server_version": ""
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack get_name_zonefile example.hello
$ORIGIN example.hello
$TTL 3600
_file URI 10 1 "file:///home/blockstack-test/example.hello"
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack get_name_zonefile example2.hello
$ORIGIN example2.hello
$TTL 3600
_file URI 10 1 "file:///home/blockstack-test/example2.hello"
Now, these names are imported and once the `NAMESPACE_READY` transaction is
sent, the name owners can proceed to issue name operations.
* The first private key you use must be the same one you used to *create* the namespace (`$CREATOR_KEY`).
* You may only use the 300 private keys described above to import names.
* You must complete all `NAME_IMPORT` transactions within 52595 blocks of the `NAMESPACE_REVEAL` transaction (about 1 year).
### Launching a Namespace
Once you have pre-populated your namespace with all of the initial names, you
have to make it `ready` so anyone can register a name. If you do not do this
within 1 year of the `reveal` transaction, then your namespace and all of the
names will disappear, and someone else will be able to register it.
To make a namespace `ready`, you use the creator private key as follows:
|blockstack-test namespace_check| $ blockstack namespace_ready hello "$CREATOR_PKEY"
* You must send the `NAMESPACE_READY` transaction within 52595 blocks (about 1 year) of the `NAMESPACE_REVEAL` transaction.


@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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# get the content from the downstream repos
# needs jq "brew install jq"
for collection in $(echo "$collectionList" | jq -r '.collections[] | @base64'); do
# Get the collection structure
_jq() {
echo ${collection} | base64 --decode | jq -r ${1}
theName=$(echo $(_jq '.name'))
theRepo=$(echo $(_jq '.repo'))
echo "Getting the _$theName"
rm -rf _$theName
svn checkout $theRepo/trunk/docs _$theName
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# for code in $(echo $(_jq '.codes') | jq -r '.[]'); do
# theCode=${code}
# sed -i "" "s/${code}/pdf/g" ${DIR}/_data/sidebars/mydoc_sidebar.yml
# done
# echo 'Killing all Jekyll instances'
# kill -9 $(ps aux | grep '[j]ekyll' | awk '{print $2}')
# clear
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# bundle exec jekyll serve --detach --config _config.yml,pdfconfigs/config_mydoc_pdf.yml;
# echo "done";
# echo "Building the PDF ...";
# prince --javascript --pdf-keywords=prince-no-fallback --input-list=_site/pdfconfigs/prince-list.txt -o pdf/${theName}_${theVersion}.pdf;
# ## Reset everything for the next collection
# git checkout -- ${DIR}/collection-list.json
# git checkout -- ${DIR}/pdfconfigs/config_mydoc_pdf.yml
# git checkout -- ${DIR}/_data/sidebars/mydoc_sidebar.yml


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"version": "THEVERSION",
"collections": [
"name": "core",
"repo": ""
"name": "android",
"repo": ""
"name": "browser",
"repo": ""
"name": "core",
"repo": ""
