Miners receives Stacks fees for transactions mined in any block they produce.
Miners receives Stacks fees for transactions mined in any block they produce.
@ -42,6 +44,8 @@ Miner rewards take 100 blocks to mature.
Miners commit Bitcoin to **two** addresses in every leader block commit. The amount committed to each address must be the same. The addresses are chosen from the current reward set of Stacking participants. The choice of addresses is done using a verifiable-random-function, and determining the correct two addresses for a given block requires monitoring the stacks chain.
Miners commit Bitcoin to **two** addresses in every leader block commit. The amount committed to each address must be the same. The addresses are chosen from the current reward set of Stacking participants. The choice of addresses is done using a verifiable-random-function, and determining the correct two addresses for a given block requires monitoring the stacks chain.
![mining with pox](/images/pages/mining-with-pox.png)
100,000 Bitcoin blocks **after** mining begins, the PoX sunset phase begins. During this phase, an increasing proportion of the block commit must be burnt. To burn this sunset fee, the miner must send the sunset fee amount to the first output of their block commit transaction (i.e., the OPRETURN output).
100,000 Bitcoin blocks **after** mining begins, the PoX sunset phase begins. During this phase, an increasing proportion of the block commit must be burnt. To burn this sunset fee, the miner must send the sunset fee amount to the first output of their block commit transaction (i.e., the OPRETURN output).
400,000 Bitcoin blocks after the sunset phase begins, the sunset phase ends. After this point, PoX is no longer active, and miners must burn all of their leader block commits. They do so by sending Bitcoin to the canonical burn address `1111111111111111111114oLvT2`.
400,000 Bitcoin blocks after the sunset phase begins, the sunset phase ends. After this point, PoX is no longer active, and miners must burn all of their leader block commits. They do so by sending Bitcoin to the canonical burn address `1111111111111111111114oLvT2`.